Special Skills

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  ID     Character     Name     Attribute     Images  
10001Karl Heinz SchneiderC Kaiser DribbleC.1
10002Karl Heinz SchneiderB Kaiser DribbleB.10
10003Karl Heinz SchneiderA Kaiser DribbleA.10
10004Karl Heinz SchneiderS Kaiser DribbleS.99
10005Taro MisakiB Magnificent InterceptionB.1
10006Elle Sid PierreB Magnificent InterceptionB.60
10007Jun MisugiS Wild ShotS.1
10008Karl Heinz SchneiderS Fire ShotS.1
10009Tsubasa OzoraC Drive PassC.1
10010Tsubasa OzoraS Golden DuoS.1
10011Tsubasa OzoraA Power BlockA.1
10012Taro MisakiA Magnificent InterceptionA.1
10013Karl Heinz SchneiderA Kaiser TackleA.1
10014Taro MisakiS Jumping VolleyS.1
10015Tsubasa OzoraA Overhead KickA.1
10016Genzo WakabayashiS SGGK CatchS.1
10017Genzo WakabayashiS SGGK Double PunchS.1
10018Louis NapoleonS Cannon Burst ShotS.5
10019Tsubasa OzoraC Drive PassC.1
10020Elle Sid PierreB Artistic Dribble AttackB.1
10021Elle Sid PierreB Magnificent InterceptionB.1
10022Elle Sid PierreC Slider PassC.1
10023Ryo IshizakiS Drive Shot?S.1
10024Tsubasa OzoraC Drive PassC.40
10025Shun NittaS High-Speed Running Falcon ShotS.5
10026Jun MisugiS Jump BlockS.5
10027Singprasert BunnaakS Muay Thai InterceptS.5
10028Juan DiazS Street DribbleS.5
10029Alan PascalS Crab Pincer InterceptionS.5
10030Tsubasa OzoraS Drive ShotS.1
10031Cha IncheonS Heavy Tank Shot (EX)S.1
10032Hikaru MatsuyamaS Forcible InterceptionS.1
10033Louis NapoleonS Straight-Line DribbleS.1
10034Tsubasa OzoraA Aurora Curtain (EX)A.1
10035Hermann KaltzA Loop PassA.1
10036Karl Heinz SchneiderA Strong PassA.1
10037Kojiro HyugaS Straight-Line DribbleS.1
10038Singprasert BunnaakA Muay Thai Shot (EX)A.1
10039Elle Sid PierreA Slider PassA.1
10040Jun MisugiA Magnificent InterceptionA.1
10041Shingo AoiA Juggling PassA.1
10042RobsonA Strong PassA.1
10043Kojiro HyugaS Tiger PassS.50
10044Deuter MullerS One-Handed CatchS.50
10045Tsubasa OzoraS Drive PassS.50
10046Kojiro HyugaS Tiger PassS.40
10047Deuter MullerS One-Handed CatchS.40
10048Tsubasa OzoraS Drive PassS.40
10049Kojiro HyugaS Tiger PassS.30
10050Deuter MullerS One-Handed CatchS.30
10051Tsubasa OzoraS Drive PassS.30
10052Kojiro HyugaS Tiger PassS.20
10053Deuter MullerS One-Handed CatchS.20
10054Tsubasa OzoraS Drive PassS.20
10055Kojiro HyugaS Tiger PassS.10
10056Deuter MullerS One-Handed CatchS.10
10057Tsubasa OzoraS Drive PassS.10
10058Kojiro HyugaS Tiger PassS.5
10059Deuter MullerS One-Handed CatchS.5
10060Tsubasa OzoraS Drive PassS.5
10061Kojiro HyugaS Tiger PassS.3
10062Deuter MullerS One-Handed CatchS.3
10063Tsubasa OzoraS Drive PassS.3
10064Kojiro HyugaS Tiger PassS.1
10065Deuter MullerS One-Handed CatchS.1
10066Tsubasa OzoraS Drive PassS.1
10067Tsubasa OzoraA Drive PassA.30
10068Tsubasa OzoraA Aurora CurtainA.30
10069Kojiro HyugaA Jumping Tiger VolleyA.30
10070Kojiro HyugaA Tiger ShotA.30
10071Taichi NakanishiS Powerhouse of Naniwa (EX)S.1
10072Ryoma HinoS Jumping KneeS.50
10073Hiroshi JitoS Forcible InterceptionS.50
10074Ryoma HinoS Jumping KneeS.40
10075Hiroshi JitoS Forcible InterceptionS.40
10076Ryoma HinoS Jumping KneeS.30
10077Hiroshi JitoS Forcible InterceptionS.30
10078Ryoma HinoS Jumping KneeS.20
10079Hiroshi JitoS Forcible InterceptionS.20
10080Ryoma HinoS Jumping KneeS.10
10081Hiroshi JitoS Forcible InterceptionS.10
10082Ryoma HinoS Jumping KneeS.5
10083Hiroshi JitoS Forcible InterceptionS.5
10084Ryoma HinoS Jumping KneeS.3
10085Hiroshi JitoS Forcible InterceptionS.3
10086Ryoma HinoS Jumping KneeS.1
10087Hiroshi JitoS Forcible InterceptionS.1
10088Hikaru MatsuyamaA Sliding BlockA.1
10089Ryo IshizakiA Mad DribbleA.1
10090Hanji UrabeA Hot-Blooded BlockA.1
10091Wu JunrenA Feinting DribbleA.10
10092Xiao JunguangA Speed DribbleA.10
10093Wang ZhongmingA Skill DribbleA.10
10094Fei XiangA Long-Legged TackleA.10
10095Cha IncheonA Heavy Tank PassA.10
10096Cha IncheonA Forcible InterceptionA.10
10097Lee Yong-unA This is My Chance!A.10
10098Lee Yong-unA Technical PassA.10
10099Singprasert BunnaakA Muay Thai DribbleA.10
10100Sakhon KonsawattA Konsawatt TrioA.10
10101Chana KonsawattA Technical PassA.10
10102Faran KonsawattA Sepak Takraw ShotA.10
10103Hikaru MatsuyamaC Eagle InterceptC.10
10104Hikaru MatsuyamaB Eagle InterceptB.10
10105Hikaru MatsuyamaA Eagle InterceptA.10
10106Hikaru MatsuyamaS Eagle InterceptS.10
10107Tomeya AkaiC Shoulder BlockC.10
10108Tomeya AkaiB Shoulder BlockB.10
10109Tomeya AkaiA Shoulder BlockA.10
10110Tomeya AkaiS Shoulder BlockS.10
10111Stefan LevinC Levin PassC.10
10112Stefan LevinB Levin PassB.10
10113Stefan LevinA Levin PassA.10
10114Stefan LevinS Levin PassS.10
10115Hiroshi JitoC High-Power TackleC.1
10116Hiroshi JitoB High-Power TackleB.1
10117Hiroshi JitoA High-Power TackleA.1
10118Hiroshi JitoS High-Power TackleS.1
10119BrolinC Power DribbleC.1
10120BrolinB Power DribbleB.1
10121BrolinA Power DribbleA.1
10122BrolinS Power DribbleS.1
10123LarsonC Swift InterceptionC.1
10124LarsonB Swift InterceptionB.1
10125LarsonA Swift InterceptionA.1
10126LarsonS Swift InterceptionS.1
10127FederiksC Strong TackleC.1
10128FederiksB Strong TackleB.1
10129FederiksA Strong TackleA.1
10130FederiksS Strong TackleS.1
10131Ryoma HinoC Bullet ShotC.1
10132Ryoma HinoB Bullet ShotB.1
10133Ryoma HinoA Bullet ShotA.1
10134Ryoma HinoS Bullet ShotS.1
10135GalvanC Power BlockC.1
10136GalvanB Power BlockB.1
10137GalvanA Power BlockA.1
10138GalvanS Power BlockS.1
10139NaturezaC Back-Heel PassC.1
10140NaturezaB Back-Heel PassB.1
10141NaturezaA Back-Heel PassA.1
10142NaturezaS Back-Heel PassS.1
10143Karl Heinz SchneiderS Straight-Line DribbleS.50
10144Franz SchesterS Magnificent InterceptionS.50
10145Manfred MargusS High-Angle HeaderS.50
10146Karl Heinz SchneiderS Straight-Line DribbleS.40
10147Franz SchesterS Magnificent InterceptionS.40
10148Manfred MargusS High-Angle HeaderS.40
10149Karl Heinz SchneiderS Straight-Line DribbleS.30
10150Franz SchesterS Magnificent InterceptionS.30
10151Manfred MargusS High-Angle HeaderS.30
10152Karl Heinz SchneiderS Straight-Line DribbleS.20
10153Franz SchesterS Magnificent InterceptionS.20
10154Manfred MargusS High-Angle HeaderS.20
10155Karl Heinz SchneiderS Straight-Line DribbleS.10
10156Franz SchesterS Magnificent InterceptionS.10
10157Manfred MargusS High-Angle HeaderS.10
10158Karl Heinz SchneiderS Straight-Line DribbleS.5
10159Franz SchesterS Magnificent InterceptionS.5
10160Manfred MargusS High-Angle HeaderS.5
10161Karl Heinz SchneiderS Straight-Line DribbleS.3
10162Franz SchesterS Magnificent InterceptionS.3
10163Manfred MargusS High-Angle HeaderS.3
10164Karl Heinz SchneiderS Straight-Line DribbleS.1
10165Franz SchesterS Magnificent InterceptionS.1
10166Manfred MargusS High-Angle HeaderS.1
10167Salvatore GentileA Right-Angle DefenceA.10
10168Salvatore GentileA Dandy InterceptionA.10
10169Zino HernandezA One-Handed CatchA.10
10170Zino HernandezA Silver Left HandA.10
10171Brian KluivoortA Technical PassA.10
10172Brian KluivoortA Break TackleA.10
10173AlbertoA Power DribbleA.10
10174AlbertoA Strong PassA.10
10175Casa GrandeA Power DribbleA.10
10176Casa GrandeA New Brazil FootballA.10
10177RivaulA Pinpoint PassA.10
10178RivaulA Superspeed Submarine DefenceA.10
10179Juan DiazA Drive ShotA.10
10180Juan DiazA South American DribbleA.10
10183Ramon VictorinoA Bullet ShotA.10
10184Ramon VictorinoA High-Speed DribbleA.10
10185Hikaru MatsuyamaS Eagle PassS.50
10186Hikaru MatsuyamaS Eagle PassS.40
10187Hikaru MatsuyamaS Eagle PassS.30
10188Hikaru MatsuyamaS Eagle PassS.20
10189Hikaru MatsuyamaS Eagle PassS.10
10190Hikaru MatsuyamaS Eagle PassS.5
10191Hikaru MatsuyamaS Eagle PassS.3
10192Hikaru MatsuyamaS Eagle PassS.1
10193Jun MisugiA Drive PassA.10
10194Jun MisugiA Swift InterceptionA.10
10195Ryo IshizakiA Mad PassA.10
10196Ryo IshizakiA Mad DribbleA.10
10197Hanji UrabeA Speed DribbleA.10
10198Hanji UrabeA Precise PassA.10
10199Taro MisakiA Elegant TackleA.10
10200Taro MisakiA Golden DuoA.10
10201RonaldinhoA Speed TackleA.1
10202RivaldoA Forcible InterceptionA.1
10203RobinhoA High-Speed InterceptionA.1
10204Hiroshi JitoA Strong PassA.10
10205Hiroshi JitoA Forcible InterceptionA.10
10206Ryoma HinoA Jumping Tornado ShotA.10
10207Ryoma HinoA Dragon Tiger DuoA.10
10208SalinasA One-Handed CatchA.10
10209SalinasA Double-Handed PunchA.10
10210Roberto HongoA Skill DribbleA.1
10211LeoA Swift InterceptionA.1
10212PepeA Back-Heel PassA.1
10213BobangA Feinting DribbleA.1
10214Kojiro HyugaA Fierce Tiger TackleA.10
10215Cha IncheonA Forcible InterceptionA.10
10216Franz SchesterA Magnificent InterceptionA.10
10217NaturezaA New Brazil FootballA.10
10218Carlos SantanaA Flying Drive PassA.10
10219Juan DiazA Argentinian DuoA.10
10220Alan PascalA Swift Sliding TackleA.10
10221Masao TachibanaA Skill DribbleA.10
10222Kazuo TachibanaA Technical PassA.10
10223Takeshi SawadaA Strong TackleA.10
10224Makoto SodaA Razor PassA.10
10225Tsubasa OzoraA Swift InterceptionA.1
10226Manfred MargusA Strong TackleA.1
10227RivaulA Forcible InterceptionA.1
10228Alan PascalA Strong PassA.1
10229Ryoma HinoA Dragon PassA.1
10230Mark OwairanA Sandstorm ShotA.1
10231Takeshi SawadaA Skill DribbleA.1
10232GalvanA Strong PassA.1
10233Brian KluivoortA Cruyff TurnA.1
10234RivaulA Sky Hawk InterceptA.10
10235Hermann KaltzA Loop PassA.10
10236Hermann KaltzA Hedgehog DribbleA.10
10237Elle Sid PierreA Slider PassA.10
10238Elle Sid PierreA Butterfly TackleA.10
10239Carlos SantanaA Shoulder ChargeA.1
10240Tomeya AkaiA Sliding BlockA.1
10241Stefan LevinA Swift InterceptionA.1
10242AlbertoA Forcible InterceptionA.1
10243Ricardo EspadasA Super CatchA.1
10244Taro MisakiS Magnificent DribbleS.50
10245Takeshi KishidaS Precise PassS.50
10246Mark OwairanS Drive PassS.50
10247Taro MisakiS Magnificent DribbleS.40
10248Takeshi KishidaS Precise PassS.40
10249Mark OwairanS Drive PassS.40
10250Taro MisakiS Magnificent DribbleS.30
10251Takeshi KishidaS Precise PassS.30
10252Mark OwairanS Drive PassS.30
10253Taro MisakiS Magnificent DribbleS.20
10254Takeshi KishidaS Precise PassS.20
10255Mark OwairanS Drive PassS.20
10256Taro MisakiS Magnificent DribbleS.10
10257Takeshi KishidaS Precise PassS.10
10258Mark OwairanS Drive PassS.10
10259Taro MisakiS Magnificent DribbleS.5
10260Takeshi KishidaS Precise PassS.5
10261Mark OwairanS Drive PassS.5
10262Taro MisakiS Magnificent DribbleS.3
10263Takeshi KishidaS Precise PassS.3
10264Mark OwairanS Drive PassS.3
10265Taro MisakiS Magnificent DribbleS.1
10266Takeshi KishidaS Precise PassS.1
10267Mark OwairanS Drive PassS.1
10268Casa GrandeA Strong PassA.1
10269Franz SchesterA Strong TackleA.1
10270Hermann KaltzA Artistic InterceptionA.1
10271Shingo AoiA Bob and Weave DefenceA.1
10272Alan PascalS Argentinian Double VolleyS.1
10273GalvanS Full-Power InterceptS.1
10274Juan DiazS Drive PassS.1
10275Salvatore GentileS Dandy InterceptionS.1
10276Zino HernandezS One-Handed CatchS.1
10277RobsonS High-Power BlockS.1
10278Ramon VictorinoS High-Speed InterceptionS.1
10279Ryoma HinoS Jumping Tornado ShotS.1
10280Mark OwairanS Drive PassS.1
10281Stefan LevinS New Levin Volley ShotS.1
10282BrolinS Power ChargeS.1
10283LarsonS Swift InterceptionS.1
10284Singprasert BunnaakS Muay Thai BlockS.1
10285Karl Heinz SchneiderS Straight-Line DribbleS.1
10286Deuter MullerS One-Handed CatchS.1
10287Franz SchesterS Magnificent InterceptionS.1
10288Hermann KaltzS Hedgehog TackleS.1
10289Manfred MargusS Bullet ShotS.1
10290Carlos SantanaS Straight-Line DribbleS.1
10291SalinasS Perfect Jump SaveS.1
10292NaturezaS South American DribbleS.1
10293PepeS Rugged South American SpiritS.1
10294RivaulS Pinpoint PassS.1
10295LeoS High-Speed Through BallS.1
10296Roberto HongoS Flying Drive PassS.1
10297Elle Sid PierreS Slider ShotS.1
10298Louis NapoleonS Straight-Line DribbleS.1
10299Ricardo EspadasS Condor ShotS.1
10300Cha IncheonS Heavy Tank TackleS.1
10301Xiao JunguangS Speed DribbleS.1
10302Fei XiangS Mysterious Bird Jumping HeaderS.1
10303Shingo AoiS Juggling DribbleS.1
10304Mamoru IzawaS Swift InterceptionS.1
10305Hanji UrabeS Perfect CrossS.1
10306Mitsuru SanoS Acrobatic PassS.1
10307Jun MisugiS Drive PassS.1
10308Hiroshi JitoS High-Power BlockS.1
10309Ken WakashimazuS Triangle JumpS.1
10310Genzo WakabayashiS SGGK CatchS.1
10311Hikaru MatsuyamaS Eagle PassS.1
10312Shun NittaS High-Speed DribbleS.1
10313Yuzo MorisakiS Hit me somewhere, please!S.1
10314Ryo IshizakiS Face BlockS.1
10315Tomeya AkaiS Dangerous TackleS.1
10316Makoto SodaS Razor TackleS.1
10317Tsubasa OzoraS Drive PassS.1
10318Takeshi SawadaS Skill DribbleS.1
10319Kojiro HyugaS Fierce Tiger TackleS.1
10320Kazuki SorimachiS Diving HeaderS.1
10321Taro MisakiS Magnificent DribbleS.1
10322Masao TachibanaS Wild Monkey TackleS.1
10323Kazuo TachibanaS Flying Squirrel InterceptionS.1
10324Alan PascalA Strong PassA.1
10325GalvanA Forcible InterceptionA.1
10326GalvanA Strong PassA.1
10327Juan DiazA Swift InterceptionA.1
10328Juan DiazA Strong PassA.1
10329Salvatore GentileA Power DribbleA.1
10330Salvatore GentileA High-Power BlockA.1
10331Zino HernandezA Double-Handed PunchA.1
10332MatteoA Strong TackleA.1
10333Iuliano GozzaA Strong PassA.1
10334Iuliano GozzaA High-Power BlockA.1
10335RobsonA High-Power TackleA.1
10336RobsonA Forcible InterceptionA.1
10337RobsonA Strong PassA.1
10338Ramon VictorinoA Bullet ShotA.1
10339Ramon VictorinoA High-Speed TackleA.1
10340Ryoma HinoA Bullet ShotA.1
10341Ryoma HinoA Forcible InterceptionA.1
10342Ryoma HinoA South American DribbleA.1
10343Gert KaiserA Strong PassA.1
10344Hans DolemanA Super CatchA.1
10345Hans DolemanA Double-Handed PunchA.1
10346Brian KluivoortA Swift InterceptionA.1
10347Ruud KlismannA Precise ShotA.1
10348Ruud KlismannA Swift InterceptionA.1
10349Leon DickA Forcible InterceptionA.1
10350Leon DickA Strong PassA.1
10351VulcanA Power BlockA.1
10352VulcanA High-Power TackleA.1
10353Mark OwairanA Rolling DribbleA.1
10354Mark OwairanA Precise PassA.1
10355Stefan LevinA Drive PassA.1
10356Stefan LevinA Right-Angle FeintA.1
10357FederiksA Strong TackleA.1
10358FederiksA Technical PassA.1
10359FederiksA Swift InterceptionA.1
10360BrolinA Power DribbleA.1
10361BrolinA Power TackleA.1
10362BrolinA Power BlockA.1
10363LarsonA High-Speed InterceptionA.1
10364LarsonA Precise PassA.1
10365LarsonA High-Speed DribbleA.1
10366Gordoba GonzalezA Forcible InterceptionA.1
10367Sakhon KonsawattA Diving HeaderA.1
10368Sakhon KonsawattA Strong PassA.1
10369Singprasert BunnaakA Muay Thai DribbleA.1
10370Singprasert BunnaakA Forcible InterceptionA.1
10371Chana KonsawattA Precise PassA.1
10372Chana KonsawattA Technical PassA.1
10373Faran KonsawattA Strong TackleA.1
10374Faran KonsawattA Strong PassA.1
10375Eric SchmidtA Precise PassA.1
10376Karl Heinz SchneiderA Fire StepA.1
10377Karl Heinz SchneiderA Strong PassA.1
10378Karl Heinz SchneiderA Straight-Line DribbleA.1
10379Kevin SchmidtA Precise PassA.1
10380Schweil TeigerbranA High-Speed InterceptionA.1
10381Deuter MullerA Giant's ArmA.1
10382Deuter MullerA Double HammerA.1
10383Franz SchesterA Quick StepA.1
10384Franz SchesterA Strong TackleA.1
10385Hermann KaltzA Artistic InterceptionA.1
10386Hermann KaltzA Loop PassA.1
10387Hermann KaltzA Power DribbleA.1
10388Mario GoetheA Pinpoint PassA.1
10389Mario GoetheA Forcible InterceptionA.1
10390Manfred MargusA Strong TackleA.1
10391Manfred MargusA Strong PassA.1
10392Manfred MargusA Power DribbleA.1
10393AlbertoA Sliding BlockA.1
10394AlbertoA Forcible InterceptionA.1
10395AlbertoA Precise PassA.1
10396Casa GrandeA New Brazil FootballA.1
10397Casa GrandeA High-Power TackleA.1
10398Casa GrandeA Forcible InterceptionA.1
10399Carlos SantanaA New Brazil FootballA.1
10400Carlos SantanaA Precise PassA.1
10401SalinasA One-Handed CatchA.1
10402SalinasA Power PunchA.1
10403GiorgiA High-Speed South American DribbleA.1
10404SenaldoA High-Speed South American DribbleA.1
10405DugoA Straight-Line DribbleA.1
10406DugoA Forcible InterceptionA.1
10407NaturezaA Back-Heel PassA.1
10408NaturezaA Flying Drive ShotA.1
10409PepeA Swift Sliding TackleA.1
10410PepeA Speed TackleA.1
10411Marcos AlmiejaA Feinting DribbleA.1
10412MarcioA Swift InterceptionA.1
10413MarcioA Strong TackleA.1
10414RadungaA High-Speed South American DribbleA.1
10415RadungaA High-Power BlockA.1
10416RivaulA Superspeed Submarine DefenceA.1
10417RivaulA Pinpoint PassA.1
10418RivaulA Rivaul TurnA.1
10419LeoA High-Speed South American DribbleA.1
10420LeoA New Brazil FootballA.1
10421LeoA Killer PassA.1
10422Roberto HongoA Drive PassA.1
10423Roberto HongoA South American DribbleA.1
10424Elle Sid PierreA Magnificent InterceptionA.1
10425Elle Sid PierreA Strong TackleA.1
10426ThoramA Forcible InterceptionA.1
10427BossisA Diving HeaderA.1
10428Louis NapoleonA Strong TackleA.1
10429Louis NapoleonA Forcible InterceptionA.1
10430Louis NapoleonA Straight-Line DribbleA.1
10431Pedro FonsecaA Sliding BlockA.1
10432GarciaA High-Power TackleA.1
10433ArbezA Strong PassA.1
10434GarciaA Forcible InterceptionA.1
10435ZaragozaA Forcible InterceptionA.1
10436SuarezA Forcible InterceptionA.1
10437SuarezA Strong PassA.1
10438Ricardo EspadasA Skill DribbleA.1
10439Ricardo EspadasA Swift InterceptionA.1
10440Ricardo EspadasA One-Handed CatchA.1
10441LopezA Strong ShotA.1
10442Cha IncheonA Forcible InterceptionA.1
10443Lee Yong-unA Smooth Ball-KeepingA.1
10444Cha IncheonA High-Power TackleA.1
10445Lee Yong-unA Swift InterceptionA.1
10446Lee Yong-unA Strong ShotA.1
10447Wang ZhongmingA Speed TackleA.1
10448Wang ZhongmingA Swift InterceptionA.1
10449Wang ZhongmingA Skill DribbleA.1
10450Wu JunrenA Feinting DribbleA.1
10451Wu JunrenA Strong PassA.1
10452Xiao JunguangA Killer TackleA.1
10453Xiao JunguangA Precise PassA.1
10454Xiao JunguangA Strong TackleA.1
10455Fei XiangA High-Power DribbleA.1
10456Fei XiangA Strong PassA.1
10457Shingo AoiA Juggling DribbleA.1
10458Shingo AoiA Bullet ShotA.1
10459Shingo AoiA Strong PassA.1
10460Gakuto IgawaA Bullet TackleA.1
10461Mamoru IzawaA Strong TackleA.1
10462Mamoru IzawaA Precise PassA.1
10463Mamoru IzawaA Feinting DribbleA.1
10464Hanji UrabeA Strong TackleA.1
10465Hanji UrabeA Forcible InterceptionA.1
10466Hanji UrabeA Strong PassA.1
10467Takeshi KishidaA Shark DribbleA.1
10468Takeshi KishidaA Strong TackleA.1
10469Takeshi KishidaA Precise PassA.1
10470Nobuyuki YumikuraA Swift InterceptionA.1
10471Nobuyuki YumikuraA Drive PassA.1
10472Nobuyuki YumikuraA Drive ShotA.1
10473Kotaro FurukawaA Strong PassA.1
10474Mitsuru SanoA Strong TackleA.1
10475Mitsuru SanoA Bullet ShotA.1
10476Jun MisugiA Swift InterceptionA.1
10477Jun MisugiA Drive PassA.1
10478Jun MisugiA Drive ShotA.1
10479Hiroshi JitoA High-Power TackleA.1
10480Hiroshi JitoA High-Power DribbleA.1
10481Hiroshi JitoA Strong PassA.1
10482Ken WakashimazuA Triangle Jump Defensive ChopA.1
10483Ken WakashimazuA Super PunchA.1
10484Genzo WakabayashiA One-Handed CatchA.1
10485Genzo WakabayashiA Super CatchA.1
10486Genzo WakabayashiA SGGK PunchA.1
10487Kazumasa OdaA Strong PassA.1
10488Hikaru MatsuyamaA Sliding BlockA.1
10489Hikaru MatsuyamaA Forcible InterceptionA.1
10490Hikaru MatsuyamaA Eagle TackleA.1
10491Shun NittaA Falcon InterceptA.1
10492Shun NittaA High-Speed TackleA.1
10493Shun NittaA Swift InterceptionA.1
10494Yuzo MorisakiA Super PunchA.1
10495Yuzo MorisakiA GGK CatchA.1
10496Ryo IshizakiA Mad DribbleA.1
10497Ryo IshizakiA Strong TackleA.1
10498Ryo IshizakiA Precise PassA.1
10499Tomeya AkaiA Strong PassA.1
10500Tomeya AkaiA Forcible InterceptionA.1
10501Tomeya AkaiA Right-Angle DefenceA.1
10502Makoto SodaA Razor PassA.1
10503Makoto SodaA Swift InterceptionA.1
10504Makoto SodaA Razor TackleA.1
10505Tsubasa OzoraA Strong TackleA.1
10506Tsubasa OzoraA Overhead KickA.1
10507Hajime TakiA Bullet ShotA.1
10508Hajime TakiA Precise PassA.1
10509Hajime TakiA Speed DribbleA.1
10510Takeshi SawadaA Pinpoint PassA.1
10511Takeshi SawadaA Swift InterceptionA.1
10512Takeshi SawadaA Strong TackleA.1
10513Taichi NakanishiA Super PunchA.1
10514Kojiro HyugaA Tiger DribbleA.1
10515Kojiro HyugaA Tiger PassA.1
10516Kojiro HyugaA Straight-Line DribbleA.1
10517Kazuki SorimachiA Strong PassA.1
10518Kazuki SorimachiA Bullet ShotA.1
10519Kazuki SorimachiA Feinting DribbleA.1
10520Shinnosuke KazamiA Precise PassA.1
10521Taro MisakiA Swift InterceptionA.1
10522Taro MisakiA Elegant TackleA.1
10523Taro MisakiA Magnificent InterceptionA.1
10524Teppei KisugiA Bullet ShotA.1
10525Masao TachibanaA Technical PassA.1
10526Masao TachibanaA Precise ShotA.1
10527Masao TachibanaA Strong TackleA.1
10528Kazuo TachibanaA Technical PassA.1
10529Kazuo TachibanaA Swift InterceptionA.1
10530Kazuo TachibanaA Strong PassA.1
10531Michel YamadaA Super CatchA.1
10532Stefan LevinA New Levin PassA.10
10533Stefan LevinA Aurora InterceptA.10
10534Shun NittaA Falcon InterceptA.10
10535Shun NittaA High-Speed TackleA.10
10536Makoto SodaA Razor DashA.10
10537Makoto SodaA Razor BlockA.10
10538Tsubasa OzoraS Swift InterceptionS.1
10539Brian KluivoortS Spinning VolleyS.1
10540Kojiro HyugaA Tiger InterceptionA.1
10541Tsubasa OzoraS Golden DuoS.1
10542Tsubasa OzoraS Green-Cut PassS.1
10543Kojiro HyugaS Tiger DribbleS.1
10544Kojiro HyugaS Overhead TigerS.1
10545Kojiro HyugaS Jumping Tiger VolleyS.1
10546Shingo AoiS Bob and Weave InterceptionS.1
10547Shingo AoiS Swift Sliding TackleS.1
10548Brian KluivoortS Spiral Jumping VolleyS.1
10549Juan DiazS Low-Flying Overhead KickS.1
10550Ryoma HinoS Double-Speed Tornado DribbleS.1
10551Ramon VictorinoS High-Speed TackleS.1
10552Genzo WakabayashiS SGGK Double PunchS.1
10553Stefan LevinS Levin ShotS.1
10554Stefan LevinS New Levin PassS.1
10555Salvatore GentileS Dandy BlockS.1
10556Salvatore GentileS Dandy PassS.1
10557RobsonS High-Power TackleS.1
10558Roberto HongoS Swift InterceptionS.30
10559Roberto HongoS Swift InterceptionS.20
10560Roberto HongoS Swift InterceptionS.15
10561Roberto HongoS Swift InterceptionS.10
10562Roberto HongoS Swift InterceptionS.5
10563Roberto HongoS Swift InterceptionS.1
10564Yuji SogaS High-Power BlockS.1
10565Louis NapoleonS Cannon Overhead KickS.1
10566Stefan LevinA Aurora CurtainA.1
10567Salvatore GentileA Dandy InterceptionA.1
10568Zino HernandezA Golden Right HandA.1
10569Takeshi SawadaS Swift InterceptionS.1
10570Kazuki SorimachiS Toho Striker CombinationS.1
10571Hanji UrabeS Speed DribbleS.1
10572Hikaru MatsuyamaS Eagle InterceptS.1
10573Hikaru MatsuyamaS Smooth Ball-KeepingS.1
10574Roberto HongoS Student-Teacher DuoS.1
10575Singprasert BunnaakS Muay Thai InterceptS.1
10576Singprasert BunnaakS Precise PassS.1
10577Karl Heinz SchneiderS Compact Control Fire ShotS.1
10578Karl Heinz SchneiderS Kaiser DribbleS.1
10579Hermann KaltzS Flash TackleS.1
10580Hermann KaltzS The Workman's Trick PassS.1
10581Schweil TeigerbranS Stop Messing Around in My Turf!S.1
10582Schweil TeigerbranS Pinpoint PassS.1
10583Mario GoetheS Quick Step FeintsS.1
10584Mario GoetheS Piercing ShotS.1
10585Deuter MullerS Windmill CatchS.1
10586Jun MisugiS Trick TackleS.1
10587Shun NittaS Intensive Falcon ShotS.1
10588Ryo IshizakiS Determined InterceptS.1
10589Ryo IshizakiS Determined DefenceS.1
10590Makoto SodaS Razor BlockS.1
10591Makoto SodaS Razor InterceptionS.1
10592Hikaru MatsuyamaS Strong PassS.1
10593Ricardo EspadasS Technical PassS.1
10594Kazuki SorimachiA Strong PassA.1
10595Alan PascalS Crab Pincer InterceptionS.1
10596Alan PascalS Invincible PassS.1
10597NaturezaS Lightning InterceptionS.1
10598RivaulS Golden Hawk ShotS.1
10599RadungaS High-Speed South American DribbleS.1
10600RadungaS Speedy Cover InterceptS.1
10601AlbertoS Shut-Out TackleS.1
10602SalinasS Perfect Fine SaveS.1
10603MichaelA Speed TackleA.1
10604MichaelA Swift InterceptionA.1
10605RaphaelA Forcible InterceptionA.1
10606Karl Heinz SchneiderS Strong PassS.1
10607Manfred MargusS Power DribbleS.1
10608NaturezaA Flying Drive PassA.1
10609PepeA High-Speed South American DribbleA.1
10610Gakuto IgawaS Forcible InterceptionS.1
10611Gakuto IgawaS Forcible InterceptionS.5
10612Shun NittaS High-Speed DribbleS.5
10613Shun NittaS High-Speed DribbleS.50
10614Gakuto IgawaS Forcible InterceptionS.50
10615Shun NittaS High-Speed DribbleS.40
10616Gakuto IgawaS Forcible InterceptionS.40
10617Shun NittaS High-Speed DribbleS.30
10618Gakuto IgawaS Forcible InterceptionS.30
10619Shun NittaS High-Speed DribbleS.25
10620Gakuto IgawaS Forcible InterceptionS.25
10621Shun NittaS High-Speed DribbleS.15
10622Gakuto IgawaS Forcible InterceptionS.15
10623Shun NittaS High-Speed DribbleS.10
10624Gakuto IgawaS Forcible InterceptionS.10
10625Shun NittaS High-Speed DribbleS.8
10626Gakuto IgawaS Forcible InterceptionS.8
10627Shun NittaS High-Speed DribbleS.3
10628Gakuto IgawaS Forcible InterceptionS.3
10629Taro MisakiS Elegant TackleS.50
10630Taro MisakiS Magnificent InterceptionS.50
10631Taro MisakiS Elegant TackleS.40
10632Taro MisakiS Magnificent InterceptionS.40
10633Taro MisakiS Elegant TackleS.30
10634Taro MisakiS Magnificent InterceptionS.30
10635Taro MisakiS Elegant TackleS.20
10636Taro MisakiS Magnificent InterceptionS.20
10637Taro MisakiS Elegant TackleS.10
10638Taro MisakiS Magnificent InterceptionS.10
10639Taro MisakiS Elegant TackleS.5
10640Taro MisakiS Magnificent InterceptionS.5
10641Taro MisakiS Elegant TackleS.3
10642Taro MisakiS Magnificent InterceptionS.3
10643Taro MisakiS Elegant TackleS.1
10644Taro MisakiS Magnificent InterceptionS.1
10645Taro MisakiS Golden DuoS.1
10646Taro MisakiS Excellent Artistic DribbleS.1
10647Hiroshi JitoS Those little tricks ain't gonna work!S.1
10648Hiroshi JitoS High-Power TackleS.1
10649Ken WakashimazuS Skill DribbleS.1
10650Ken WakashimazuS Ultimate Wakado-ryu Reverse Aerial Topspin KickS.1
10651Ken WakashimazuS Twin ShotS.1
10652Mitsuru SanoS Acrobatic InterceptS.1
10653Mitsuru SanoS Acrobatic TackleS.1
10654Elle Sid PierreS Artistic Dribble AttackS.1
10655Elle Sid PierreS Slider PassS.1
10656Elle Sid PierreS Butterfly TackleS.1
10657Franz SchesterS Grand Jumping PassS.1
10658ThoramS Forcible InterceptionS.1
10659Salvatore GentileS Right-Angle DefenceS.1
10660DaviS Swift InterceptionS.1
10661Carlos SantanaS Santana TurnS.1
10662Carlos SantanaS Rolling Overhead KickS.1
10663Hugo RamirezS Swift InterceptionS.1
10664GalvanS High-Power TackleS.1
10665Alan PascalS South American DribbleS.1
10666Taro MisakiS Magnificent InterceptionS.8
10667Taro MisakiS Magnificent InterceptionS.6
10668Taro MisakiS Magnificent InterceptionS.4
10669Taro MisakiS Magnificent InterceptionS.2
10670Tsubasa OzoraS Drive PassS.8
10671Tsubasa OzoraS Drive PassS.6
10672Tsubasa OzoraS Drive PassS.4
10673Tsubasa OzoraS Drive PassS.2
10677Jun MisugiS Swift InterceptionS.1
10678GalvanS High-Power BlockS.1
10679Manfred MargusS Strong PassS.1
10680Hiroshi JitoA See what I'm REALLY made of!A.1
10681Brian KluivoortA Break TackleA.1
10682Elle Sid PierreS Artistic Dribble AttackS.50
10683Elle Sid PierreS Artistic Dribble AttackS.40
10684Elle Sid PierreS Artistic Dribble AttackS.30
10685Elle Sid PierreS Artistic Dribble AttackS.20
10686Elle Sid PierreS Artistic Dribble AttackS.10
10687Elle Sid PierreS Artistic Dribble AttackS.8
10688Elle Sid PierreS Artistic Dribble AttackS.6
10689Elle Sid PierreS Artistic Dribble AttackS.5
10690Elle Sid PierreS Artistic Dribble AttackS.3
10691Fei XiangS High-Power DribbleS.50
10692Fei XiangS High-Power DribbleS.40
10693Fei XiangS High-Power DribbleS.30
10694Fei XiangS High-Power DribbleS.20
10695Fei XiangS High-Power DribbleS.10
10696Fei XiangS High-Power DribbleS.8
10697Fei XiangS High-Power DribbleS.6
10698Fei XiangS High-Power DribbleS.5
10699Fei XiangS High-Power DribbleS.3
10700Fei XiangS High-Power DribbleS.1
10701GalvanS High-Power TackleS.50
10702GalvanS High-Power TackleS.40
10703GalvanS High-Power TackleS.30
10704GalvanS High-Power TackleS.20
10705GalvanS High-Power TackleS.10
10706GalvanS High-Power TackleS.8
10707GalvanS High-Power TackleS.6
10708GalvanS High-Power TackleS.5
10709GalvanS High-Power TackleS.3
10710Tomeya AkaiS Shoulder BlockS.1
10711Tomeya AkaiS Aggressive InterceptionS.1
10712Cha IncheonS Red Devil HeaderS.1
10713Lee Yong-unS High-Speed Technical PassS.1
10714Brian KluivoortS High-Speed ScissorsS.1
10715Zino HernandezS Miracle Fine SaveS.1
10716Gordoba GonzalezS Forcible InterceptionS.1
10717Pedro FonsecaS Sliding BlockS.1
10718Marcos AlmiejaS Perfect CrossS.1
10719Manfred MargusS Technical Diving HeaderS.1
10720LeoS High-Speed South American DribbleS.1
10721PepeS High-Speed South American DribbleS.1
10722Casa GrandeS High Pressure TackleS.1
10723Genzo WakabayashiS God-Hand SGGK CatchS.1
10724Takeshi KishidaS Determined InterceptionS.1
10725Gakuto IgawaS Bullet TackleS.1
10727Shinnosuke KazamiS Skill DribbleS.1
10728Kotaro FurukawaS Skill DribbleS.1
10729Xiao JunguangS Killer TackleS.1
10730Mark OwairanS Calculated InterceptionS.1
10731VulcanS Full Power Vulcan CannonS.1
10732MichaelS Swift InterceptionS.1
10733RaphaelS Forcible InterceptionS.1
10734Stefan LevinS Aurora InterceptS.1
10735Karl Heinz SchneiderS Jumping Fire VolleyS.1
10736Ruud KlismannS Smooth Ball-KeepingS.1
10737Louis NapoleonS Cannon TackleS.1
10738Carlos SantanaS Tornado Arrow Skywing ShotS.1
10739NaturezaS Soft Touch Looping VolleyS.1
10740RivaulS Rivaul TurnS.1
10741Ramon VictorinoS Panther DribbleS.1
10742Juan DiazS Crisis TackleS.1
10743Franz SchesterS Strong TackleS.1
10744Manfred MargusS Teamwork ComboS.1
10745Ramon VictorinoS Strong PassS.1
10746Takeshi SawadaS Strong TackleS.1
10747Makoto SodaA Razor BlockA.1
10748Tomeya AkaiA Dangerous DribbleA.1
10749Carlos SantanaS New Brazil FootballS.1
10750Salvatore GentileA Dandy PassA.1
10751Alan PascalA Swift InterceptionA.1
10752Tsubasa OzoraA Wing InterceptionA.5
10753Hiroshi JitoA High-Power DribbleA.5
10754Carlos SantanaA Flying Drive PassA.5
10755Jun MisugiS Drive PassS.50
10756Jun MisugiS Drive PassS.40
10757Jun MisugiS Drive PassS.30
10758Jun MisugiS Drive PassS.20
10759Jun MisugiS Drive PassS.10
10760Jun MisugiS Drive PassS.8
10761Jun MisugiS Drive PassS.6
10762Jun MisugiS Drive PassS.5
10763Jun MisugiS Drive PassS.3
10764Karl Heinz SchneiderS Straight-Line DribbleS.8
10765Karl Heinz SchneiderS Straight-Line DribbleS.6
10766RivaulS Pinpoint PassS.50
10767RivaulS Pinpoint PassS.40
10768RivaulS Pinpoint PassS.30
10769RivaulS Pinpoint PassS.20
10770RivaulS Pinpoint PassS.10
10771RivaulS Pinpoint PassS.8
10772RivaulS Pinpoint PassS.6
10773RivaulS Pinpoint PassS.5
10774RivaulS Pinpoint PassS.3
10775Brian KluivoortS Swift InterceptionS.50
10776Brian KluivoortS Swift InterceptionS.40
10777Brian KluivoortS Swift InterceptionS.30
10778Brian KluivoortS Swift InterceptionS.20
10779Brian KluivoortS Swift InterceptionS.10
10780Brian KluivoortS Swift InterceptionS.8
10781Brian KluivoortS Swift InterceptionS.6
10782Brian KluivoortS Swift InterceptionS.5
10783Brian KluivoortS Swift InterceptionS.4
10784Brian KluivoortS Swift InterceptionS.3
10785Brian KluivoortS Swift InterceptionS.2
10786Brian KluivoortS Swift InterceptionS.1
10787Tomeya AkaiS Strong PassS.1
10788Tomeya AkaiS Dangerous DribbleS.1
10789Mamoru IzawaS Pinpoint PassS.1
10790Jun MisugiS Team-Play TackleS.1
10791Mark OwairanS Cross DefenceS.1
10792Hermann KaltzS Hedgehog DefenceS.1
10793Hermann KaltzS Loop PassS.1
10794Ruud KlismannS Swift InterceptionS.1
10795Stefan LevinS Aurora CurtainS.1
10796J.J OchadoS Swift InterceptionS.1
10797J.J OchadoS Pinpoint PassS.1
10798BobangS Long-Legged TackleS.1
10799BobangS Technical PassS.1
10800Juan DiazS Twin Drive ShotS.1
10801Juan DiazS Backflip Drive Overhead KickS.1
10802Casa GrandeS High-Power TackleS.1
10803Casa GrandeS Mighty InterceptionS.1
10804RadungaS Fierce Warrior TackleS.1
10805RadungaS Strong PassS.1
10806AlbertoS Shut-Out InterceptS.1
10807Ricardo EspadasS Skill DribbleS.1
10808Hugo RamirezS Speed TackleS.1
10809Hugo RamirezS Slugger PassS.1
10810Juan DiazA Crisis TackleA.1
10811RadungaA Fierce Warrior TackleA.1
10812Shun NittaS High-Speed TackleS.1
10813Shun NittaS Ultimate Wakado-ryu Triangle Jump Falcon Volley ShotS.1
10814Ken WakashimazuS Jumping Volley Twin ShotS.1
10815Shinnosuke KazamiS Toe-Kick ShotS.1
10816Kotaro FurukawaS Futsal ComboS.1
10817Ryo IshizakiS Face PassS.1
10818Takeshi SawadaS Pinpoint PassS.1
10819Nobuyuki YumikuraS High-Speed ScissorsS.1
10820Nobuyuki YumikuraS Drive PassS.1
10821Cha IncheonS Heavy Tank DribbleS.1
10822Chana KonsawattS Aerial Rolling SpikeS.1
10823Wang ZhongmingS Swift InterceptionS.1
10824Mario GoetheS Forcible InterceptionS.1
10825BrolinS Rising TackleS.1
10826LarsonS Precise PassS.1
10827Louis NapoleonS Cannon VolleyS.1
10828Louis NapoleonS Strong PassS.1
10829Salvatore GentileS Power DribbleS.1
10830GarciaS High-Power TackleS.1
10831SuarezS Strong PassS.1
10832ArbezS Speed DribbleS.1
10833LopezS Strong ShotS.1
10834ZaragozaS Strong PassS.1
10835Tsubasa OzoraS Push Diving HeaderS.1
10836Tsubasa OzoraS Aurora CurtainS.1
10837Shingo AoiS Non-Stop RovesciataS.1
10838Shingo AoiS Right-Angle "Whirlwind" FeintS.1
10839Hayato IgawaS Power DribbleS.1
10840Hayato IgawaS Forcible InterceptionS.1
10841Kazuki SorimachiS Unrelenting HeaderS.1
10842Kazuki SorimachiS Feinting DribbleS.1
10843Teppei KisugiS Strong PassS.1
10844Teppei KisugiS Swift InterceptionS.1
10845Mamoru IzawaS Long Straight TackleS.1
10846Mamoru IzawaS Feinting DribbleS.1
10847Makoto SodaS Razor DashS.1
10848Makoto SodaS Razor PassS.1
10849Kojiro HyugaS Tiger InterceptionS.1
10850Jun MisugiS Tapped Diving VolleyS.1
10851Jun MisugiS Magnificent Jumping VolleyS.1
10852Mark OwairanS Cross BlockS.1
10853Mark OwairanS Burning Sands AttackS.1
10854VulcanS Genie HeaderS.1
10855VulcanS Genie TackleS.1
10856Josep GrandiosS Insight InterceptionS.1
10857BluenoS Swift InterceptionS.1
10858Franz SchesterS Teamwork ComboS.1
10859J.J OchadoS Knuckleball ShotS.1
10860BobangS Long-Legged VolleyS.1
10861BobangS Swift InterceptionS.1
10862Roberto CarolusS Top-Speed TackleS.1
10863Roberto HongoS South American DribbleS.1
10864PepeS Full Power Diving HeaderS.1
10865PepeS Brazilian Silver DuoS.1
10866LeoS Swift InterceptionS.1
10867LeoS Brazilian Silver DuoS.1
10868LeoS Swift Sliding TackleS.1
10869PepeS Back-Heel PassS.1
10870Mamoru IzawaS Feinting DribbleS.30
10871Mamoru IzawaS Feinting DribbleS.20
10872Mamoru IzawaS Feinting DribbleS.15
10873Mamoru IzawaS Feinting DribbleS.10
10874Mamoru IzawaS Feinting DribbleS.8
10875Mamoru IzawaS Feinting DribbleS.6
10876Mamoru IzawaS Feinting DribbleS.5
10877Mamoru IzawaS Feinting DribbleS.4
10878Mamoru IzawaS Feinting DribbleS.3
10879Mamoru IzawaS Feinting DribbleS.2
10880LeoS Swift Sliding TackleS.30
10881LeoS Swift Sliding TackleS.20
10882LeoS Swift Sliding TackleS.15
10883LeoS Swift Sliding TackleS.10
10884LeoS Swift Sliding TackleS.8
10885LeoS Swift Sliding TackleS.6
10886LeoS Swift Sliding TackleS.5
10887LeoS Swift Sliding TackleS.4
10888LeoS Swift Sliding TackleS.3
10889LeoS Swift Sliding TackleS.2
10890PepeS Back-Heel PassS.30
10891PepeS Back-Heel PassS.20
10892PepeS Back-Heel PassS.15
10893PepeS Back-Heel PassS.10
10894PepeS Back-Heel PassS.8
10895PepeS Back-Heel PassS.6
10896PepeS Back-Heel PassS.5
10897PepeS Back-Heel PassS.4
10898PepeS Back-Heel PassS.3
10899PepeS Back-Heel PassS.2
10900Mitsuru SanoS Pivot PassS.1
10901Hanji UrabeS Hot-Blooded BlockS.1
10902Hanji UrabeS Forcible InterceptionS.1
10903Hanji UrabeS Sliding ShotS.1
10904Nobuyuki YumikuraS Swift InterceptionS.1
10905Nobuyuki YumikuraS Swift Sliding TackleS.1
10906Masao TachibanaS Low-Flying Skylab HurricaneS.1
10907Masao TachibanaS Tachibana TwinsS.1
10908Kazuo TachibanaS Triangle ShotS.1
10909Kazuo TachibanaS Tachibana TwinsS.1
10910Brian KluivoortS Speed TackleS.1
10911RobsonS High-Power DribbleS.1
10912RobsonS Strong PassS.1
10913Elle Sid PierreS Magnificent InterceptionS.1
10915GalvanS High-Power DribbleS.1
10916Kojiro HyugaS Raiju PassS.1
10917Masao TachibanaS Strong TackleS.30
10918Masao TachibanaS Strong TackleS.25
10919Masao TachibanaS Strong TackleS.20
10920Masao TachibanaS Strong TackleS.15
10921Masao TachibanaS Strong TackleS.10
10922Masao TachibanaS Strong TackleS.8
10923Masao TachibanaS Strong TackleS.6
10924Masao TachibanaS Strong TackleS.5
10925Masao TachibanaS Strong TackleS.4
10926Masao TachibanaS Strong TackleS.3
10927Masao TachibanaS Strong TackleS.1
10928Kazuo TachibanaS Swift InterceptionS.30
10929Kazuo TachibanaS Swift InterceptionS.25
10930Kazuo TachibanaS Swift InterceptionS.20
10931Kazuo TachibanaS Swift InterceptionS.15
10932Kazuo TachibanaS Swift InterceptionS.10
10933Kazuo TachibanaS Swift InterceptionS.8
10934Kazuo TachibanaS Swift InterceptionS.6
10935Kazuo TachibanaS Swift InterceptionS.5
10936Kazuo TachibanaS Swift InterceptionS.4
10937Kazuo TachibanaS Swift InterceptionS.3
10938Kazuo TachibanaS Swift InterceptionS.1
10939Hikaru MatsuyamaS Eagle TackleS.1
10940Achilleus RomanoS Siege SlideS.1
10941Achilleus RomanoS High-Power TackleS.1
10942Just HidalgoS Steel Knee KickS.1
10943Just HidalgoS Feinting DribbleS.1
10944Just HidalgoS High-Speed Through BallS.1
10945HaasS Notorious DuoS.1
10946HaasS Long-Legged TackleS.1
10947ChristiansenS Notorious DuoS.1
10948ChristiansenS Perfect CrossS.1
10949Gert KaiserS Strong PassS.1
10950Gert KaiserS High-Speed TackleS.1
10951RaphaelS Pinpoint PassS.1
10952RaphaelS Skill DribbleS.1
10953Alfredo Di PiazzollaS Toughness DribbleS.1
10954Alfredo Di PiazzollaS Pinpoint PassS.1
10955Ramon VictorinoS Panther VolleyS.1
10956Ramon VictorinoS One-Trap ShotS.1
10957Ramon VictorinoS Uruguayan Golden DuoS.1
10958Hiroshi JitoS High-Power DribbleS.1
10959Roberto HongoS Swift InterceptionS.25
10960Roberto HongoS Swift InterceptionS.8
10961Roberto HongoS Swift InterceptionS.6
10962Roberto HongoS Swift InterceptionS.3
10963IvangelS Sliding BlockS.1
10964IvangelS Power DribbleS.1
10965RailS Swift InterceptionS.1
10966RailS Strong TackleS.1
10967Luis FagoS Magnificent InterceptionS.1
10968Luis FagoS Elegant TackleS.1
10969Roberto CarlosS High-Speed InterceptionS.1
10970Roberto CarlosS Perfect CrossS.1
10971MorientesS Skill DribbleS.1
10972MorientesS Magnificent PassS.1
10973GutiS Elegant TackleS.1
10974GutiS Magnificent InterceptionS.1
10975Achilleus RomanoS Strong PassS.1
10976Just HidalgoS Precise PassS.1
10977Alfredo Di PiazzollaS Swift InterceptionS.1
10978Kojiro HyugaA All Japan Dream ComboA.5
10979Hikaru MatsuyamaA Eagle PassA.5
10980Jun MisugiA Noble InterceptionA.5
10981Taro MisakiS Neo Twin ShotS.1
10982Taro MisakiS Green-Cut PassS.1
10983Louis NapoleonS Slider Cannon ShotS.1
10984Louis NapoleonS Eiffel AttackS.1
10985Elle Sid PierreS Eiffel AttackS.1
10986ThoramS Knockdown TackleS.1
10987ThoramS Speed DribbleS.1
10988Pedro FonsecaS Snake MarkS.1
10989LuikalS Feinting DribbleS.1
10990LuikalS Swift InterceptionS.1
10991Luis EnpoliS Perfect CrossS.1
10992Luis EnpoliS Speed TackleS.1
10993OverusS Skill DribbleS.1
10994OverusS Jumping VolleyS.1
10995RechardS One-Handed CatchS.1
10996RechardS Super PunchS.1
10997CallusiasS One-Handed CatchS.1
10998Ryoma HinoS Low-Flying Jumping Tornado ShotS.1
10999Alan PascalS Swift Sliding TackleS.1
11000Patrick KluivertS Strong PassS.1
11001XaviS Elegant TackleS.1
11002EdmilsonS High-Power BlockS.1
11003Frank de BoerS Magnificent InterceptionS.1
11004Ludovic GiulyS Perfect CrossS.1
11005Javier SaviolaS High-Speed TackleS.1
11006Tsubasa OzoraS Submarine DefenceS.1
11007Patrick KluivertS Strong TackleS.1
11008XaviS Precise PassS.1
11009EdmilsonS Power DribbleS.1
11010Frank de BoerS Skill DribbleS.1
11011Ludovic GiulyS Swift InterceptionS.1
11012Javier SaviolaS Swift InterceptionS.1
11013Genzo WakabayashiS Super CatchS.1
11016Yuzo MorisakiA All-Out SaveA.1
11018Hans DolemanA Hit me somewhere, please!A.1
11019SalinasA Power CatchA.1
11021Ken WakashimazuB Super PunchB.1
11022Yuzo MorisakiB All-Out SaveB.1
11023Zino HernandezB Double-Handed PunchB.1
11024Hans DolemanB Hit me somewhere, please!B.1
11025SalinasB Power CatchB.1
11026Ricardo EspadasB One-Handed CatchB.1
11027Ken WakashimazuC Super PunchC.1
11028Yuzo MorisakiC All-Out SaveC.1
11029Zino HernandezC Double-Handed PunchC.1
11030Hans DolemanC Hit me somewhere, please!C.1
11031SalinasC Power CatchC.1
11032Ricardo EspadasC One-Handed CatchC.1
11033Tsubasa OzoraA Flying Drive PassA.5
11034Pedro FonsecaA Snake MarkA.5
11035LuikalA Feinting DribbleA.5
11036Mark OwairanS Precise PassS.1
11037VulcanS Power DribbleS.1
11038Mark OwairanS Rolling DribbleS.1
11039VulcanS Power BlockS.1
11040RivaulS Sky Hawk InterceptS.1
11041RadungaS High-Power BlockS.1
11042RadungaS High-Power BlockS.30
11043RadungaS High-Power BlockS.20
11044RadungaS High-Power BlockS.15
11045RadungaS High-Power BlockS.10
11046RadungaS High-Power BlockS.8
11047RadungaS High-Power BlockS.6
11048RadungaS High-Power BlockS.5
11049RadungaS High-Power BlockS.4
11050RadungaS High-Power BlockS.3
11051RadungaS High-Power BlockS.2
11052Hiroshi JitoS High-Power TackleS.30
11053Hiroshi JitoS High-Power TackleS.20
11054Hiroshi JitoS High-Power TackleS.15
11055Hiroshi JitoS High-Power TackleS.10
11056Hiroshi JitoS High-Power TackleS.8
11057Hiroshi JitoS High-Power TackleS.6
11058Hiroshi JitoS High-Power TackleS.5
11059Hiroshi JitoS High-Power TackleS.4
11060Hiroshi JitoS High-Power TackleS.3
11061Hiroshi JitoS High-Power TackleS.2
11065Xiao JunguangS Kickback InterceptS.1
11066Xiao JunguangS Precise PassS.1
11067MarientosS Speed DribbleS.1
11068MarientosS Swift InterceptionS.1
11069MarientosS Jumping HeaderS.1
11070MarientosS Precise PassS.1
11071MakeloloS Forcible InterceptionS.1
11072MakeloloS Strong PassS.1
11073MakeloloS Power DribbleS.1
11074Michel OlgadoS Sliding BlockS.1
11075Michel OlgadoS Speed DribbleS.1
11076Michel OlgadoS Strong PassS.1
11078Jun MisugiS Magnificent InterceptionS.1
11079Stefan LevinS Swift InterceptionS.10
11080Stefan LevinS Swift InterceptionS.8
11081Stefan LevinS Swift InterceptionS.6
11082Stefan LevinS Swift InterceptionS.4
11083Stefan LevinS Swift InterceptionS.2
11084Stefan LevinS Swift InterceptionS.1
11085Deuter MullerS Giant's ArmS.1
11090Yuzo MorisakiS GGK CatchS.1
11091Kojiro HyugaS Invincible Raiju ShotS.1
11097Hermann KaltzS Hedgehog DribbleS.1
11098Makoto SodaA Speed TackleA.1
11099Hikaru MatsuyamaA Eagle InterceptA.1
11100Alan PascalA Swift Sliding TackleA.1
11101Ryoma HinoA Power ChargeA.1
11102Makoto SodaB Speed TackleB.1
11103Hikaru MatsuyamaB Eagle InterceptB.1
11104Manfred MargusB Strong TackleB.1
11105Brian KluivoortB Break TackleB.1
11106Alan PascalB Swift Sliding TackleB.1
11107Ryoma HinoB Power ChargeB.1
11108Makoto SodaC Speed TackleC.1
11109Hikaru MatsuyamaC Eagle InterceptC.1
11110Manfred MargusC Strong TackleC.1
11111Brian KluivoortC Break TackleC.1
11112Alan PascalC Swift Sliding TackleC.1
11113Ryoma HinoC Power ChargeC.1
11114Salvatore GentileS Dandy DribbleS.1
11115VulcanS High-Power TackleS.1
11116VulcanS Head it in!S.1
11117J.J OchadoS Super Technique DribbleS.1
11118Karl Heinz SchneiderS Fire PassS.1
11119Mark OwairanS Rolling DribbleS.30
11120Mark OwairanS Rolling DribbleS.25
11121Mark OwairanS Rolling DribbleS.20
11122Mark OwairanS Rolling DribbleS.15
11123Mark OwairanS Rolling DribbleS.10
11124Mark OwairanS Rolling DribbleS.8
11125Mark OwairanS Rolling DribbleS.6
11126Mark OwairanS Rolling DribbleS.5
11127Mark OwairanS Rolling DribbleS.3
11128VulcanS Power BlockS.30
11129VulcanS Power BlockS.25
11130VulcanS Power BlockS.20
11131VulcanS Power BlockS.15
11132VulcanS Power BlockS.10
11133VulcanS Power BlockS.8
11134VulcanS Power BlockS.6
11135VulcanS Power BlockS.5
11136VulcanS Power BlockS.3
11137Brian KluivoortS Break TackleS.10
11138Brian KluivoortS Break TackleS.8
11139Brian KluivoortS Break TackleS.6
11140Brian KluivoortS Break TackleS.4
11141Brian KluivoortS Break TackleS.2
11142Brian KluivoortS Break TackleS.1
11143Ryoma HinoS Dragon PassS.1
11144Hikaru MatsuyamaS Avalanche AttackS.1
11145Ramon VictorinoS The Ultimate Forward DuoS.1
11146Ramon VictorinoS Strong PassS.30
11147Ramon VictorinoS Strong PassS.25
11148Ramon VictorinoS Strong PassS.20
11149Ramon VictorinoS Strong PassS.15
11150Ramon VictorinoS Strong PassS.10
11151Ramon VictorinoS Strong PassS.8
11152Ramon VictorinoS Strong PassS.6
11153Ramon VictorinoS Strong PassS.5
11154Ramon VictorinoS Strong PassS.3
11155Jun MisugiS Magnificent FootworkS.1
11156Ryo IshizakiS Mad PassS.1
11157Ryo IshizakiS Mad DribbleS.1
11158Hajime TakiS Bullet ShotS.1
11159Hajime TakiS Swift InterceptionS.1
11160Hajime TakiS Speed TackleS.1
11161Shingo TakasugiS Forcible InterceptionS.1
11162Shingo TakasugiS Strong PassS.1
11163Shingo TakasugiS High-Power DribbleS.1
11164Cha IncheonS Strong Tiger, Gentle TigerS.1
11165RaphaelS Precise ShotS.1
11166Lee Yong-unS Strong Tiger, Gentle TigerS.1
11167Lee Yong-unS Smooth Ball-KeepingS.1
11168Lee Yong-unS Swift InterceptionS.1
11169Yuji SogaS Heroic InterceptionS.1
11170Yuji SogaS Strong PassS.1
11171Stefan LevinS Ferocious Levin ShotS.1
11172Hiroshi JitoS See what I'm REALLY made of!S.1
11173Juan DiazS South American DribbleS.1
11174Josep GrandiosS Skill DribbleS.1
11175Josep GrandiosS Ruler PassS.1
11176Xiao JunguangS Kickback Loose Ball ShotS.1
11177Ryoma HinoS Power ChargeS.1
11178Kojiro HyugaS Jumping Tiger VolleyS.10
11179Kojiro HyugaS Running Direct Super Raiju VolleyS.1
11180Franz SchesterS Straight TackleS.40
11181Franz SchesterS Straight TackleS.35
11182Franz SchesterS Straight TackleS.30
11183Franz SchesterS Straight TackleS.25
11184Franz SchesterS Straight TackleS.20
11185Franz SchesterS Straight TackleS.15
11186Franz SchesterS Straight TackleS.10
11187Franz SchesterS Straight TackleS.5
11188Franz SchesterS Straight TackleS.3
11189Franz SchesterS Straight TackleS.1
11190Ricardo EspadasS High-Jumping Trick ShotS.1
11191Ricardo EspadasS Condor InterceptS.1
11192Tsubasa OzoraS Swift InterceptionS.10
11193Tsubasa OzoraS Aerial Acrobatic InterceptS.1
11194Tsubasa OzoraS Flying Drive PassS.1
11195Tsubasa OzoraS Student-Teacher DuoS.1
11196Genzo WakabayashiS Jumping SGGK CatchS.1
11197Genzo WakabayashiS Jumping SGGK Double PunchS.1
11198Ken WakashimazuS Wakado-ryu CombinationS.1
11199Ken WakashimazuS Strong PassS.1
11200Kojiro HyugaS Drive Tiger Twin ShotS.1
11201MichaelS Right-Angle FeintS.1
11202BluenoS Power DribbleS.1
11203BluenoS Strong PassS.1
11204BluenoS Capturing TackleS.1
11205ThoramS Strong PassS.1
11206Shinnosuke KazamiS Crayfish BackstepS.1
11207Shinnosuke KazamiS Swift InterceptionS.1
11208Kotaro FurukawaS Sole Dance StepS.1
11209Kotaro FurukawaS Speed TackleS.1
11210Kotaro FurukawaS Swift InterceptionS.1
11211Iuliano GozzaS Strong PassS.1
11212Iuliano GozzaS Dynamic TackleS.1
11213RaphaelS Ball Loop TackleS.1
11214Elle Sid PierreS Slider Cannon ShotS.1
11215Elle Sid PierreS Artistic InterceptionS.1
11216Louis NapoleonS Riser CannonS.1
11217Louis NapoleonS Cannon PassS.1
11218RobsonS British InterceptionS.1
11219Zino HernandezS Perfect CatchS.1
11220Stijn KluivoortS Swift InterceptionS.1
11221Stijn KluivoortS Sonic PassS.1
11222Brian KluivoortS Cruyff TurnS.1
11223Karl Heinz SchneiderS Compact Control Fire ShotS.10
11224Karl Heinz SchneiderS Fire VolleyS.1
11225Shingo AoiS Juggling PassS.1
11226Takeshi SawadaS Clutch Hop DribbleS.1
11227Carlos SantanaS Golden Flying Drive ShotS.1
11228Carlos SantanaS Flying Cyborg InterceptionS.1
11229Ricardo EspadasS Miracle CatchS.1
11230Ricardo EspadasS Condor PunchS.1
11231Ryoma HinoS Forcible InterceptionS.1
11232Hugo RamirezS Hugo StepS.1
11233Alan PascalS Strong PassS.1
11234Carlos SantanaS Flying Drive PassS.40
11235Carlos SantanaS Flying Drive PassS.35
11236Carlos SantanaS Flying Drive PassS.30
11237Carlos SantanaS Flying Drive PassS.25
11238Carlos SantanaS Flying Drive PassS.20
11239Carlos SantanaS Flying Drive PassS.15
11240Carlos SantanaS Flying Drive PassS.10
11241Carlos SantanaS Flying Drive PassS.5
11242Carlos SantanaS Flying Drive PassS.3
11243Carlos SantanaS Flying Drive PassS.1
11244Roberto HongoS Strong TackleS.1
11245Stefan LevinS Right-Angle FeintS.1
11246Schweil TeigerbranS Stop Messing Around in My Turf!S.30
11247Schweil TeigerbranS Stop Messing Around in My Turf!S.20
11248Schweil TeigerbranS Stop Messing Around in My Turf!S.15
11249Schweil TeigerbranS Stop Messing Around in My Turf!S.10
11250Schweil TeigerbranS Stop Messing Around in My Turf!S.8
11251Schweil TeigerbranS Stop Messing Around in My Turf!S.6
11252Schweil TeigerbranS Stop Messing Around in My Turf!S.5
11253Schweil TeigerbranS Stop Messing Around in My Turf!S.4
11254Schweil TeigerbranS Stop Messing Around in My Turf!S.3
11255Schweil TeigerbranS Stop Messing Around in My Turf!S.2
11256Gakuto IgawaS Skill DribbleS.30
11257Gakuto IgawaS Skill DribbleS.20
11258Gakuto IgawaS Skill DribbleS.15
11259Gakuto IgawaS Skill DribbleS.10
11260Gakuto IgawaS Skill DribbleS.8
11261Gakuto IgawaS Skill DribbleS.6
11262Gakuto IgawaS Skill DribbleS.5
11263Gakuto IgawaS Skill DribbleS.4
11264Gakuto IgawaS Skill DribbleS.3
11265Gakuto IgawaS Skill DribbleS.2
11266Gakuto IgawaS Skill DribbleS.1
11267Genzo WakabayashiS SGGK PunchS.10
11268Genzo WakabayashiS Fists of GloryS.1
11269Brian KluivoortS Sonic PassS.1
11270Brian KluivoortS Low-Altitude Spiral Jumping VolleyS.1
11271Kevin SchmidtS Precise PassS.1
11272Kevin SchmidtS Smooth Ball-KeepingS.1
11273Kevin SchmidtS Swift InterceptionS.1
11274Eric SchmidtS Precise PassS.1
11275Eric SchmidtS Smooth Ball-KeepingS.1
11276Eric SchmidtS Agile Sliding TackleS.1
11277Karl Heinz SchneiderS Kaiser TackleS.1
11278Shun NittaS Falcon PassS.40
11279Shun NittaS Falcon PassS.35
11280Shun NittaS Falcon PassS.30
11281Shun NittaS Falcon PassS.25
11282Shun NittaS Falcon PassS.20
11283Shun NittaS Falcon PassS.15
11284Shun NittaS Falcon PassS.10
11285Shun NittaS Falcon PassS.5
11286Shun NittaS Falcon PassS.3
11287Shun NittaS Falcon PassS.1
11288Mario GoetheS Pinpoint PassS.1
11289Mario GoetheS Pinpoint TackleS.1
11290Franz SchesterS High-Speed Through BallS.1
11291Franz SchesterS Hard Check InterceptionS.1
11292Mitsuru SanoS Overhead KickS.1
11293Juan DiazS Backflip Drive Overhead KickS.10
11294Juan DiazS Miracle Overhead KickS.1
11295Shun NittaS Falcon InterceptS.1
11296Shun NittaS Non-Trap Running Volley Falcon ShotS.1
11297Yuji SogaS Grappling TackleS.1
11298Yuji SogaS High-Power DribbleS.1
11299Ken WakashimazuS Triangle Jump Defensive ChopS.1
11300Gakuto IgawaS Bullet InterceptS.1
11301Gakuto IgawaS Strong PassS.1
11302Schweil TeigerbranS Mysterious Bird InterceptionS.1
11303Schweil TeigerbranS Raiju ShotS.1
11304Yuzo MorisakiS Super Fine SaveS.1
11305Roberto HongoS The True Roberto Overhead KickS.1
11306Roberto HongoS Sky Drive Overhead KickS.1
11307NaturezaS Bound DribbleS.1
11308AlbertoS Shut-Out BlockS.1
11309AlbertoS South American DribbleS.1
11310AlbertoS Strong PassS.1
11311SalinasS Genius ReflexesS.1
11312Shingo AoiS Triangular Long PassS.40
11313Shingo AoiS Triangular Long PassS.35
11314Shingo AoiS Triangular Long PassS.30
11315Shingo AoiS Triangular Long PassS.25
11316Shingo AoiS Triangular Long PassS.20
11317Shingo AoiS Triangular Long PassS.15
11318Shingo AoiS Triangular Long PassS.10
11319Shingo AoiS Triangular Long PassS.5
11320Shingo AoiS Triangular Long PassS.3
11321Shingo AoiS Triangular Long PassS.1
11322Alan PascalS Argentinian DuoS.40
11323Alan PascalS Argentinian DuoS.35
11324Alan PascalS Argentinian DuoS.30
11325Alan PascalS Argentinian DuoS.25
11326Alan PascalS Argentinian DuoS.20
11327Alan PascalS Argentinian DuoS.15
11328Alan PascalS Argentinian DuoS.10
11329Alan PascalS Argentinian DuoS.5
11330Alan PascalS Argentinian DuoS.3
11331Alan PascalS Argentinian DuoS.1
11332Stefan LevinS Levin PassS.40
11333Stefan LevinS Levin PassS.35
11334Stefan LevinS Levin PassS.30
11335Stefan LevinS Levin PassS.25
11336Stefan LevinS Levin PassS.20
11337Stefan LevinS Levin PassS.15
11338Stefan LevinS Levin PassS.5
11339Stefan LevinS Levin PassS.3
11340Stefan LevinS Levin PassS.1
11341Juan DiazS Swift InterceptionS.1
11342Salvatore GentileA Dandy BlockA.1
11343Tsubasa OzoraA Rivaul TurnA.1
11344Tsubasa OzoraS Rivaul TurnS.1
11345NaturezaA New Brazil FootballA.1
11346NaturezaS New Brazil FootballS.1
11347Takeshi SawadaA Perfect Control PassA.1
11348Takeshi SawadaS Perfect Control PassS.1
11349Hiroshi JitoA Launch TackleA.1
11350Hiroshi JitoS Launch TackleS.1
11351RivaulS One-Trap Overhead KickS.1
11352Kojiro HyugaS Wild Jumping Tiger VolleyS.1
11353Iuliano GozzaS High-Power BlockS.1
11354Iuliano GozzaS High-Power DribbleS.1
11355Hikaru MatsuyamaS Sliding BlockS.1
11356Carlos SantanaS Shoulder ChargeS.1
11357Josep GrandiosS Strong TackleS.1
11358Manfred MargusS Germanic DribbleS.1
11359Alessandro DelpiS Perfect CrossS.1
11360Alessandro DelpiS Swift InterceptionS.1
11361CannavaruS Swift InterceptionS.1
11362CannavaruS Strong PassS.1
11363ZedaneS Magnificent InterceptionS.1
11364ZedaneS Elegant TackleS.1
11365Ryoma HinoS Jumping KneeS.35
11366Ryoma HinoS Jumping KneeS.25
11367Ryoma HinoS Jumping KneeS.15
11368MarcioS Swift InterceptionS.1
11369MarcioS Precise PassS.1
11370DugoS Forcible InterceptionS.1
11371DugoS High-Speed South American DribbleS.1
11372GiorgiS High-Speed South American DribbleS.1
11373SenaldoS High-Speed South American DribbleS.1
11374SenaldoS Precise PassS.1
11375Elle Sid PierreS Champagne DuoS.40
11376Elle Sid PierreS Champagne DuoS.35
11377Elle Sid PierreS Champagne DuoS.30
11378Elle Sid PierreS Champagne DuoS.25
11379Elle Sid PierreS Champagne DuoS.20
11380Elle Sid PierreS Champagne DuoS.15
11381Elle Sid PierreS Champagne DuoS.10
11382Elle Sid PierreS Champagne DuoS.5
11383Elle Sid PierreS Champagne DuoS.3
11384Elle Sid PierreS Champagne DuoS.1
11385NaturezaS Back-Step TackleS.40
11386NaturezaS Back-Step TackleS.35
11387NaturezaS Back-Step TackleS.30
11388NaturezaS Back-Step TackleS.25
11389NaturezaS Back-Step TackleS.20
11390NaturezaS Back-Step TackleS.15
11391NaturezaS Back-Step TackleS.10
11392NaturezaS Back-Step TackleS.5
11393NaturezaS Back-Step TackleS.3
11394NaturezaS Back-Step TackleS.1
11395VulcanS Genie TackleS.40
11396VulcanS Genie TackleS.35
11397VulcanS Genie TackleS.30
11398VulcanS Genie TackleS.25
11399VulcanS Genie TackleS.20
11400VulcanS Genie TackleS.15
11401VulcanS Genie TackleS.10
11402VulcanS Genie TackleS.5
11403VulcanS Genie TackleS.3
11404Kazuki SorimachiS Strong TackleS.1
11405Juan DiazS Argentinian DuoS.40
11406Juan DiazS Argentinian DuoS.35
11407Juan DiazS Argentinian DuoS.30
11408Juan DiazS Argentinian DuoS.25
11409Juan DiazS Argentinian DuoS.20
11410Juan DiazS Argentinian DuoS.15
11411Juan DiazS Argentinian DuoS.10
11412Juan DiazS Argentinian DuoS.5
11413Ken WakashimazuS Wakado-ryu High Jump Kick CatchS.1
11414Kazuki SorimachiS Swift InterceptionS.1
11415Kazuki SorimachiS Strong PassS.1
11416Xiao JunguangS Superspeed Kickback CannonS.1
11417MichaelS Speed TackleS.1
11418Tomeya AkaiS Right-Angle DefenceS.1
11419Schweil TeigerbranS Burst DribbleS.1
11420Schweil TeigerbranS High-Power TackleS.1
11421RivaulS Superspeed Submarine DefenceS.1
11422Juan DiazS Argentinian DuoS.3
11423Juan DiazS Argentinian DuoS.1
11424Tsubasa OzoraS Strong TackleS.1
11425Makoto SodaS Speed DribbleS.1
11426Shun NittaS Wild CrossS.1
11427Ken WakashimazuS Wild CrossS.1
11428PepeS Swift InterceptionS.1
11429LeoS Agile Sliding TackleS.1
11430Masao TachibanaS Monkey PassS.1
11431Masao TachibanaS Flying Squirrel JumpS.1
11432Kazuo TachibanaS Monkey PassS.1
11433Kazuo TachibanaS Flying Squirrel JumpS.1
11434Hanji UrabeS Tenacious Sliding TackleS.1
11435Casa GrandeS High-Power BlockS.1
11436Casa GrandeS Power DribbleS.1
11437Casa GrandeS Strong PassS.1
11438NaturezaS Flying Drive ShotS.1
11439Taro MisakiS Magnificent PassS.1
11440Shun NittaS Swift InterceptionS.1
11441Brian KluivoortS Break TackleS.40
11442Brian KluivoortS Break TackleS.35
11443Brian KluivoortS Break TackleS.30
11444Brian KluivoortS Break TackleS.25
11445Brian KluivoortS Break TackleS.20
11446Brian KluivoortS Break TackleS.15
11447Brian KluivoortS Break TackleS.5
11448Brian KluivoortS Break TackleS.3
11449Taro MisakiS SSS (Speed Slide Shot)S.1
11450Jun MisugiS Noble InterceptionS.1
11451Hikaru MatsuyamaS Eagle Tiger ShotS.1
11452DaviS Liner DribbleS.1
11453DaviS Perfect CrossS.1
11454Leon DickS Strong PassS.1
11455AlbertoS Strong TackleS.1
11456Ricardo EspadasS Swift InterceptionS.1
11457NaturezaS Drive PassS.1
11458Jun MisugiS Flying Drive PassS.40
11459Jun MisugiS Flying Drive PassS.35
11460Jun MisugiS Flying Drive PassS.30
11461Jun MisugiS Flying Drive PassS.25
11462Jun MisugiS Flying Drive PassS.20
11463Jun MisugiS Flying Drive PassS.15
11464Jun MisugiS Flying Drive PassS.10
11465Jun MisugiS Flying Drive PassS.5
11466Jun MisugiS Flying Drive PassS.3
11467Jun MisugiS Flying Drive PassS.1
11468SalinasS Genius Super ReflexesS.1
11469Tsubasa OzoraS Unstoppable Overhead KickS.1
11470Roberto CarolusS Wild CrossS.1
11471Roberto CarolusS High-Speed InterceptionS.1
11472Roberto CarolusS Sliding BlockS.1
11473IvangelS Wild CrossS.1
11474RailS Pinpoint PassS.1
11475OverusS Magnificent InterceptionS.1
11476OverusS Elegant TackleS.1
11477MarientosS Wild CrossS.1
11478MakeloloS Wild CrossS.1
11479Michel OlgadoS Wild CrossS.1
11480CannavaruS Wild CrossS.1
11481CannavaruS Power DribbleS.1
11482BobangS Speed DribbleS.1
11483Elle Sid PierreS Artistic Overhead KickS.1
11484Kazuo TachibanaS Wild Monkey TackleS.1
11485Kazuo TachibanaS Skylab BlockS.1
11486BluenoS Wild CrossS.1
11487HaasS Heel Hammer ShotS.1
11488HaasS Feinting DribbleS.1
11489HaasS Strong PassS.1
11490ChristiansenS Agile Sliding TackleS.1
11491ChristiansenS Swift InterceptionS.1
11492Yuzo MorisakiS Super PunchS.1
11493Tomeya AkaiS I can't lose in a one-on-one!S.30
11494Tomeya AkaiS I can't lose in a one-on-one!S.20
11495Tomeya AkaiS I can't lose in a one-on-one!S.15
11496Tomeya AkaiS I can't lose in a one-on-one!S.10
11497Tomeya AkaiS I can't lose in a one-on-one!S.5
11498Tomeya AkaiS I can't lose in a one-on-one!S.1
11499Carlos SantanaS Rolling Arrow Jumping Overhead KickS.1
11500Carlos SantanaS Two-Stage Combination ShotS.1
11501LuikalS Smashing HeaderS.1
11502Gordoba GonzalezS Power DribbleS.1
11503Gordoba GonzalezS Strong PassS.1
11504Stijn KluivoortS Cruyff TurnS.1
11505J.J OchadoS Shuffle One-TwoS.1
11506J.J OchadoS Gambler's TackleS.1
11507MbappaS Agile Sliding TackleS.1
11508MbappaS Pinpoint PassS.1
11509RaymarS Swift InterceptionS.1
11510RaymarS Pinpoint PassS.1
11511Hiroshi JitoS Power DribbleS.1
11512Mitsuru SanoS Zigzag Sole Back-StepS.1
11513Mitsuru SanoS Direct Acrobat VolleyS.1
11514Kojiro HyugaS Jumping Raiju ShotS.1
11515Taro MisakiS Double Diving HeaderS.1
11516Shingo AoiS Dropkick PassS.1
11517Jun MisugiS Technical DefenceS.1
11518Ryo IshizakiS Determined Double SlideS.1
11519Hermann KaltzS Kaltz BlockS.1
11520Deuter MullerS Steadfast CatchS.1
11521Elle Sid PierreS Artistic PassS.1
11522RivaulS N.R.S.S.1
11523Ryoma HinoS Dragon Tiger DuoS.1
11524MbappaS Swift InterceptionS.1
11525RaymarS Agile Sliding TackleS.1
11526Schweil TeigerbranS High-Power BlockS.1
11527Casa GrandeS Wild CrossS.1
11528Louis NapoleonS Forcible InterceptionS.1
11529Marcos AlmiejaS Feinting DribbleS.1
11530Masao TachibanaS Monkey GuardS.1
11531BobangS Perfect CrossS.1
11532Pedro FonsecaS Sneak Attack InterceptS.1
11533Pedro FonsecaS Perfect CrossS.1
11534Masao TachibanaS Flying Squirrel InterceptionS.1
11535Louis NapoleonS Cannon VolleyS.10
11536Louis NapoleonS Cannon Volley (EX)S.1
11537PayolS Wild CrossS.1
11538PayolS High-Power DribbleS.1
11539RaphaelS Swift InterceptionS.1
11540Franz SchesterS Quick StepS.1
11541Hugo RamirezS Agile Sliding TackleS.1
11542GiorgiS Insight InterceptionS.1
11543GiorgiS Agile Sliding TackleS.1
11544GiorgiS Wild CrossS.1
11545Kotaro FurukawaS Agile Sliding TackleS.1
11546Shinnosuke KazamiS Precise PassS.1
11547Shinnosuke KazamiS Agile Sliding TackleS.1
11548Gakuto IgawaS Wild CrossS.1
11549Jun MisugiS Jump BlockS.1
11550Ruud KlismannS Agile Sliding TackleS.1
11551Hans DolemanS Double-Handed PunchS.1
11552Taro MisakiS Flash Raiju ShotS.40
11553Taro MisakiS Flash Raiju ShotS.30
11554Taro MisakiS Flash Raiju ShotS.20
11555Taro MisakiS Flash Raiju ShotS.10
11556Taro MisakiS Flash Raiju ShotS.5
11557Taro MisakiS Flash Raiju ShotS.1
11558Roberto HongoS Agile Sliding TackleS.40
11559Roberto HongoS Agile Sliding TackleS.30
11560Roberto HongoS Agile Sliding TackleS.20
11561Roberto HongoS Agile Sliding TackleS.10
11562Roberto HongoS Agile Sliding TackleS.5
11563Roberto HongoS Agile Sliding TackleS.1
11564Roberto CarolusS Flat-Out DribbleS.1
11565Hermann KaltzS The Kaltz InterceptionS.1
11566GalvanS Strong PassS.1
11567Kojiro HyugaS All Japan Dream ComboS.30
11568Kojiro HyugaS All Japan Dream ComboS.20
11569Kojiro HyugaS All Japan Dream ComboS.15
11570Kojiro HyugaS All Japan Dream ComboS.10
11571Kojiro HyugaS All Japan Dream ComboS.8
11572Kojiro HyugaS All Japan Dream ComboS.6
11573Kojiro HyugaS All Japan Dream ComboS.5
11574Kojiro HyugaS All Japan Dream ComboS.4
11575Kojiro HyugaS All Japan Dream ComboS.3
11576Kojiro HyugaS All Japan Dream ComboS.2
11577Kojiro HyugaS All Japan Dream ComboS.1
11578Stefan LevinS Aurora FeintS.30
11579Stefan LevinS Aurora FeintS.20
11580Stefan LevinS Aurora FeintS.15
11581Stefan LevinS Aurora FeintS.10
11582Stefan LevinS Aurora FeintS.8
11583Stefan LevinS Aurora FeintS.6
11584Stefan LevinS Aurora FeintS.5
11585Stefan LevinS Aurora FeintS.4
11586Stefan LevinS Aurora FeintS.3
11587Stefan LevinS Aurora FeintS.2
11588Stefan LevinS Aurora FeintS.1
11589Ryoma HinoS Raiju TornadoS.40
11590Ryoma HinoS Raiju TornadoS.30
11591Ryoma HinoS Raiju TornadoS.20
11592Ryoma HinoS Raiju TornadoS.10
11593Ryoma HinoS Raiju TornadoS.5
11594Ryoma HinoS Raiju TornadoS.1
11595Alan PascalS High-Speed South American DribbleS.1
11596Taro MisakiS Touch & Heel TurnS.1
11597Roberto HongoS Trip TackleS.1
11598CallusiasS Flying CatchS.1
11599Tsubasa OzoraS Snowboard DribbleS.40
11600Tsubasa OzoraS Snowboard DribbleS.30
11601Tsubasa OzoraS Snowboard DribbleS.20
11602Tsubasa OzoraS Snowboard DribbleS.10
11603Tsubasa OzoraS Snowboard DribbleS.5
11604Tsubasa OzoraS Snowboard DribbleS.1
11605Ruud KlismannS Technical PassS.1
11606Hans DolemanS Super CatchS.1
11607Ryo IshizakiS Face TackleS.40
11608Ryo IshizakiS Face TackleS.30
11609Ryo IshizakiS Face TackleS.20
11610Ryo IshizakiS Face TackleS.10
11611Ryo IshizakiS Face TackleS.5
11612Ryo IshizakiS Face TackleS.1
11613IvangelS Agile Sliding TackleS.1
11614Singprasert BunnaakS Muay Thai TackleS.1
11615Singprasert BunnaakS Muay Thai DribbleS.1
11616Singprasert BunnaakS Wild CrossS.1
11617DaviS Buster FeedS.1
11618Ken WakashimazuS Wakado-ryu Phantasmal KickS.1
11619RadungaS Wild CrossS.1
11620XaviiS Agile Sliding TackleS.1
11621IenistaS Vivid InterceptS.1
11622Takeshi SawadaS Solid ShotS.1
11623Alan PascalS Agile Sliding TackleS.1
11624Hayato IgawaS Wild CrossS.1
11625Michel YamadaS Super CatchS.1
11626Taro MisakiS Artistic TackleS.30
11627Taro MisakiS Artistic TackleS.20
11628Taro MisakiS Artistic TackleS.10
11629Taro MisakiS Artistic TackleS.5
11630Taro MisakiS Artistic TackleS.1
11631Alan PascalS Argentinian Combination ShotS.1
11632Leon DickS High-Power DribbleS.1
11633Munemasa KatagiriS Agile Sliding TackleS.1
11634Minato GamoS High-Power DribbleS.1
11635Tatsuo MikamiA Flying CatchA.1
11636Kazuki SorimachiS Perfect CrossS.1
11637Nobuyuki YumikuraS Agile Sliding TackleS.1
11638Franz SchesterS High-Speed Through BallS.5
11639Mamoru IzawaS Pinpoint PassS.5
11640Juan DiazS Street DribbleS.30
11641Juan DiazS Street DribbleS.20
11642Juan DiazS Street DribbleS.15
11643Juan DiazS Street DribbleS.10
11644Juan DiazS Street DribbleS.8
11645Juan DiazS Street DribbleS.4
11646Juan DiazS Street DribbleS.3
11647Juan DiazS Street DribbleS.2
11648Juan DiazS Street DribbleS.1
11649Alan PascalS Invincible PassS.30
11650Alan PascalS Invincible PassS.20
11651Alan PascalS Invincible PassS.15
11652Alan PascalS Invincible PassS.10
11653Alan PascalS Invincible PassS.8
11654Alan PascalS Invincible PassS.5
11655Alan PascalS Invincible PassS.4
11656Alan PascalS Invincible PassS.3
11657Alan PascalS Invincible PassS.2
11658VulcanS Power BlockS.40
11659Mark OwairanS Rolling DribbleS.40
11660Josep GrandiosS Elegant TackleS.1
11661LuikalS Long-Legged TackleS.1
11662PayolS High-Power BlockS.1
11663Shingo AoiS Dashing Direct Jumping VolleyS.1
11664Shingo AoiS Bob and Weave DefenceS.1
11665Tsubasa OzoraS Santana TurnS.1
11666Schweil TeigerbranS High-Speed InterceptionS.1
11667Juan DiazS Street DribbleS.6
11668Alan PascalS Invincible PassS.6
11669Manfred MargusS Germanic DribbleS.5
11670Manfred MargusS Germanic DribbleS.10
11671Manfred MargusS Germanic DribbleS.20
11672Manfred MargusS Germanic DribbleS.30
11673Manfred MargusS Germanic DribbleS.40
11674Mario GoetheS Sudden Boost InterceptionS.1
11675Mario GoetheS Sudden Boost InterceptionS.5
11676Mario GoetheS Sudden Boost InterceptionS.10
11677Mario GoetheS Sudden Boost InterceptionS.20
11678Mario GoetheS Sudden Boost InterceptionS.30
11679Mario GoetheS Sudden Boost InterceptionS.40
11680Genzo WakabayashiS SGGK Catch (40th anniversary ver.)S.1
11681Takeshi SawadaS Technical CrossS.1
11682NaturezaS Dream DuoS.1
11683Carlos SantanaS Tornado Arrow Direct Volley ShotS.1
11684Alan PascalS Argentinian Duo TackleS.1
11685Salvatore GentileS New Star BlockS.1
11686Louis NapoleonS Tri-colour CombinationS.1
11687CallusiasS Dual Discipline SavingS.1
11688Juan DiazS God HandS.1
11689Josep GrandiosS Diversionary DefenceS.1
11690Yuji SakakiS Power DribbleS.1
11691Juan DiazS Bounding VolleyS.1
11692Yuji SakakiS Wild CrossS.1
11693Hikaru MatsuyamaS Wild Eagle Sliding InterceptionS.30
11694Hikaru MatsuyamaS Wild Eagle Sliding InterceptionS.25
11695Hikaru MatsuyamaS Wild Eagle Sliding InterceptionS.15
11696Hikaru MatsuyamaS Wild Eagle Sliding InterceptionS.10
11697Hikaru MatsuyamaS Wild Eagle Sliding InterceptionS.5
11698Hikaru MatsuyamaS Wild Eagle Sliding InterceptionS.1
11699Yuzo MorisakiS Hit me somewhere, please!S.30
11700Yuzo MorisakiS Hit me somewhere, please!S.25
11701Yuzo MorisakiS Hit me somewhere, please!S.15
11702Yuzo MorisakiS Hit me somewhere, please!S.10
11703Yuzo MorisakiS Hit me somewhere, please!S.5
11704RadungaS Determined Face BlockS.1
11705Ryoma HinoS Jumping Double-Speed Double-Spin Tornado ShotS.1
11706PayolS Crush TackleS.1
11707Mario GoetheS Circle PassS.1
11708NaturezaS Miracle DribbleS.1
11709Ramon VictorinoS Uruguayan Golden DuoS.1
11710Ramon VictorinoS Uruguayan Golden DuoS.5
11711Ramon VictorinoS Uruguayan Golden DuoS.10
11712Ramon VictorinoS Uruguayan Golden DuoS.20
11713Ramon VictorinoS Uruguayan Golden DuoS.30
11714Ramon VictorinoS Uruguayan Golden DuoS.40
11715Ryoma HinoS Uruguayan Golden DuoS.1
11716Ryoma HinoS Uruguayan Golden DuoS.5
11717Ryoma HinoS Uruguayan Golden DuoS.10
11718Ryoma HinoS Uruguayan Golden DuoS.20
11719Ryoma HinoS Uruguayan Golden DuoS.30
11720Ryoma HinoS Uruguayan Golden DuoS.40
11721HartlandS Wild CrossS.1
11722HartlandS Agile Sliding TackleS.1
11723HartlandS Sudden Boost InterceptionS.1
11724Kevin SchmidtS Wild CrossS.1
11725Eric SchmidtS Wild CrossS.1
11726Filippo InzarsS Agile Sliding TackleS.1
11727Filippo InzarsS Swift InterceptionS.1
11728ZedaneS Intelligent InterceptS.1
11729ZedaneA Intelligent InterceptA.20
11730Alessandro DelpiS Agile Sliding TackleS.1
11731Ryoma HinoS Sudden Boost InterceptionS.1
11732DaviS Sweeping InterceptS.1
11733Hermann KaltzS Kaltz BlockS.5
11734Hermann KaltzS Kaltz BlockS.10
11735Hermann KaltzS Kaltz BlockS.20
11736Hermann KaltzS Kaltz BlockS.30
11737Hermann KaltzS Kaltz BlockS.40
11738Alan PascalS Crab Pincer InterceptionS.1
11739Alan PascalS Crab Pincer InterceptionS.5
11740Alan PascalS Crab Pincer InterceptionS.10
11741Alan PascalS Crab Pincer InterceptionS.20
11742Alan PascalS Crab Pincer InterceptionS.30
11743Alan PascalS Crab Pincer InterceptionS.40
11744Tsubasa OzoraS New Golden DuoS.1
11745Deuter MullerS Steel GiantS.1
11746DaviS Diving Head BlockS.1
11747TresagaS Perfect CrossS.1
11748Yuji SogaS Wild CrossS.1
11749AlbertoS Wild CrossS.1
11750Jun MisugiS Aerial Precision PassS.1
11751Jun MisugiA Aerial Precision PassA.20
11752Roman BacchusS One-Handed CatchS.1
11753Roman BacchusA Flying CatchA.1
11754TresagaS Agile Sliding TackleS.1
11755TresagaS Swift InterceptionS.1
11756TresagaS Bianco Nero ChargeS.1
11757Stefan LevinS Levin Overhead KickS.1
11758Stefan LevinS Munich CombinationS.1
11759Xiao JunguangS Kickback TackleS.1
11760Ken WakashimazuS Desperate Defensive ChopS.1
11761Karl Heinz SchneiderS Superspeed Kickback Fire ShotS.1
11762Deuter MullerS God-Hand CatchS.1
11763Mamoru IzawaS Cutting SlidingS.1
11764Juan DiazS Acrobatic Front Flip InterceptS.1
11765MichaelS Time BombS.1
11766Carlos SantanaS N.R.S.S.1
11767Carlos SantanaS N.R.S.S.5
11768Carlos SantanaS N.R.S.S.10
11769Carlos SantanaS N.R.S.S.20
11770Carlos SantanaS N.R.S.S.30
11771Carlos SantanaS N.R.S.S.40
11772Brian KluivoortS Low-Altitude Spiral Jumping VolleyS.5
11773Brian KluivoortS Low-Altitude Spiral Jumping VolleyS.10
11774Brian KluivoortS Low-Altitude Spiral Jumping VolleyS.20
11775Brian KluivoortS Low-Altitude Spiral Jumping VolleyS.30
11776Brian KluivoortS Low-Altitude Spiral Jumping VolleyS.40
11778SenaldoS Perfect CrossS.1
11779SenaldoS New Brazil FootballS.1
11780Takeshi KishidaS Cutting SlidingS.1
11781ZedaneS Nimble SlidingS.1
11782ZedaneS Technical Compact ShotS.1
11783Gert KaiserS Sudden Boost InterceptionS.1
11784Gert KaiserS Eerlijk PassS.1
11785Jovan LensenblinkS Vivid InterceptS.1
11786Jovan LensenblinkS Perfect CrossS.1
11787Ruud KlismannS Technical Compact ShotS.1
11788Ruud KlismannS Vivid InterceptS.1
11789Mitsuru SanoS Nimble SlidingS.1
11790Xiao JunguangS Speed DribbleS.5
11792Hayato IgawaS Hard Contact InterceptS.1
11793Hayato IgawaS Hard Contact InterceptS.5
11794Hayato IgawaS Hard Contact InterceptS.10
11795Hayato IgawaS Hard Contact InterceptS.15
11796Hayato IgawaS Hard Contact InterceptS.20
11797Hayato IgawaS Hard Contact InterceptS.30
11798Hayato IgawaS Hard Contact InterceptS.40
11799Taro MisakiS Tenacious Last PassS.1
11800Taro MisakiS Tenacious Last PassS.5
11801Taro MisakiS Tenacious Last PassS.10
11802Taro MisakiS Tenacious Last PassS.15
11803Taro MisakiS Tenacious Last PassS.20
11804Taro MisakiS Tenacious Last PassS.30
11805Taro MisakiS Tenacious Last PassS.40
11806Hayato IgawaS Overtake InterceptS.1
11807Jun MisugiS Loop Feint ShotS.1
11808Hans DolemanS Flying CatchS.1
11809Brian KluivoortS Instantaneous CombinationS.1
11810Hiroshi JitoS Immortal BlockS.1
11811Taro MisakiS Golden DuoS.2
11812Taro MisakiS Golden DuoS.3
11813Taro MisakiS Golden DuoS.4
11814Taro MisakiS Golden DuoS.5
11815Taro MisakiS Golden DuoS.6
11816Taro MisakiS Golden DuoS.8
11817Taro MisakiS Golden DuoS.10
11818Taro MisakiS Golden DuoS.15
11819Taro MisakiS Golden DuoS.20
11820Taro MisakiS Golden DuoS.30
11821Shun NittaS Ultimate Wakado-ryu Triangle Jump Falcon Volley ShotS.2
11822Shun NittaS Ultimate Wakado-ryu Triangle Jump Falcon Volley ShotS.3
11823Shun NittaS Ultimate Wakado-ryu Triangle Jump Falcon Volley ShotS.4
11824Shun NittaS Ultimate Wakado-ryu Triangle Jump Falcon Volley ShotS.5
11825Shun NittaS Ultimate Wakado-ryu Triangle Jump Falcon Volley ShotS.6
11826Shun NittaS Ultimate Wakado-ryu Triangle Jump Falcon Volley ShotS.8
11827Shun NittaS Ultimate Wakado-ryu Triangle Jump Falcon Volley ShotS.10
11828Shun NittaS Ultimate Wakado-ryu Triangle Jump Falcon Volley ShotS.15
11829Shun NittaS Ultimate Wakado-ryu Triangle Jump Falcon Volley ShotS.20
11830Shun NittaS Ultimate Wakado-ryu Triangle Jump Falcon Volley ShotS.30
11831Hayato IgawaS High-Power DribbleS.1
11832Takeshi KishidaS Perfect CrossS.1
11833Leon DickS Orange Team TackleS.1
11834Ruud KlismannS Orange Team TackleS.1
11835Gert KaiserS Total FootballS.1
11836Gert KaiserS Total FootballS.5
11837Gert KaiserS Total FootballS.10
11838Gert KaiserS Total FootballS.15
11839Gert KaiserS Total FootballS.20
11840Gert KaiserS Total FootballS.30
11841Gert KaiserS Total FootballS.40
11842RivaulS Rivaul TurnS.5
11843RivaulS Rivaul TurnS.10
11844RivaulS Rivaul TurnS.15
11845RivaulS Rivaul TurnS.20
11846RivaulS Rivaul TurnS.30
11847RivaulS Rivaul TurnS.40
11848MichaelS Sky EscalatorS.1
11849MichaelA Sky EscalatorA.1
11850LeoS Santana Turn PassS.1
11851LeoS Santana Turn PassS.5
11852LeoS Santana Turn PassS.10
11853LeoS Santana Turn PassS.15
11854LeoS Santana Turn PassS.20
11855LeoS Santana Turn PassS.30
11856LeoS Santana Turn PassS.40
11857Jun MisugiS Jump BlockS.10
11858Jun MisugiS Jump BlockS.15
11859Jun MisugiS Jump BlockS.20
11860Jun MisugiS Jump BlockS.30
11861Jun MisugiS Jump BlockS.40
11862Stijn KluivoortS Break ShotS.1
11863Jovan LensenblinkS Orange Team TackleS.1
11864MarcieloS High-Speed SlalomS.1
11865BeekhamS Agile Sliding TackleS.1
11866Ryoma HinoS Raiju TornadoS.15
11867Stijn KluivoortS Land of Blooming Flowers DashS.1
11868Brian KluivoortS Twin WindmillS.1
11869Minato GamoS Wild CrossS.1
11870Tatsuo MikamiS One-Handed CatchS.1
11871RivaulS The Golden Left Leg of VictoryS.1
11872Gordoba GonzalezS Intense TackleS.1
11873Pedro FonsecaS High-Tech DribbleS.1
11874Pedro FonsecaS Swift InterceptionS.1
11875Manfred MargusS SpearheadS.1
11876Manfred MargusS Teamwork ComboS.1
11877Manfred MargusS Perfect CrossS.1
11878Ramon VictorinoS Wild CrossS.1
11879ZedaneS Low-Flying Pinpoint PassS.1
11880Zino HernandezS Golden Right HandS.1
11881S. RamsS Perfect CrossS.1
11882S. RamsS Speed DribbleS.1
11883MadricS Nimble SlidingS.1
11884MadricS Agile Sliding TackleS.1
11885Tomeya AkaiS Wild CrossS.1
11886NaturezaS Miracle Flying Drive ShotS.30
11887NaturezaS Miracle Flying Drive ShotS.20
11888NaturezaS Miracle Flying Drive ShotS.15
11889NaturezaS Miracle Flying Drive ShotS.10
11890NaturezaS Miracle Flying Drive ShotS.5
11891NaturezaS Miracle Flying Drive ShotS.1
11892Ken WakashimazuS Wakado-ryu Defensive Karate PunchS.1
11893Takeshi SawadaS Toho's Golden DuoS.1
11894Mitsuru SanoS Speed TackleS.1
11895Ken WakashimazuS Super CatchS.1
11896Stefan LevinS Levin RushS.1
11897Ken WakashimazuS Wakado-ryu High Jump Kick CatchS.5
11898Ken WakashimazuS Wakado-ryu High Jump Kick CatchS.10
11899Ken WakashimazuS Wakado-ryu High Jump Kick CatchS.15
11900Ken WakashimazuS Wakado-ryu High Jump Kick CatchS.20
11901Ken WakashimazuS Wakado-ryu High Jump Kick CatchS.30
11902Ken WakashimazuS Wakado-ryu High Jump Kick CatchS.40
11903Masao TachibanaS Coordinated Acrobatic InterceptS.1
11904Kazuo TachibanaS Coordinated Acrobatic InterceptS.1
11905PepeS Agile Sliding TackleS.1
11906PepeS Hot-Blooded HeaderS.1
11907PepeS Sudden Boost InterceptionS.1
11908HaasS Feint Jumping VolleyS.1
11909HaasS Feint Jumping VolleyS.5
11910HaasS Feint Jumping VolleyS.10
11911HaasS Feint Jumping VolleyS.15
11912HaasS Feint Jumping VolleyS.20
11913HaasS Feint Jumping VolleyS.30
11914HaasS Feint Jumping VolleyS.40
11915Xiao JunguangS High-Speed SlalomS.1
11916Xiao JunguangS High-Speed SlalomS.5
11917Xiao JunguangS High-Speed SlalomS.10
11918Xiao JunguangS High-Speed SlalomS.15
11919Xiao JunguangS High-Speed SlalomS.20
11920Xiao JunguangS High-Speed SlalomS.30
11921Xiao JunguangS High-Speed SlalomS.40
11922Tsubasa OzoraS Shooting Drive ShotS.1
11923Tsubasa OzoraS Shooting Drive ShotS.5
11924Tsubasa OzoraS Shooting Drive ShotS.10
11925Tsubasa OzoraS Shooting Drive ShotS.15
11926Tsubasa OzoraS Shooting Drive ShotS.20
11927Tsubasa OzoraS Shooting Drive ShotS.30
11928Tsubasa OzoraS Shooting Drive ShotS.40
11929Tsubasa OzoraS Angelic SlidingS.1
11930Tsubasa OzoraA Angelic SlidingA.20
11931Masao TachibanaS Flying Squirrel Forward Flip ShotS.1
11932Kazuo TachibanaS Wild Monkey ShotS.1
11933Kazuo TachibanaS Wild Monkey SlidingS.1
11934RobsonS Wild CrossS.1
11935Louis NapoleonS Swift InterceptionS.1
11936Manfred MargusS Germanic DribbleS.15
11937Hikaru MatsuyamaS Full Power Eagle ShotS.1
11938Manfred MargusS Power TackleS.1
11939ZaragozaS Five Soldiers of the Aztec SunS.1
11940ZaragozaS Agile Sliding TackleS.1
11941ZaragozaS Sudden Boost Interception<