Passive Skill

  ID     Name     I     Description   R   Effect      Probability   
10000 Nationality Link (Latin and North America) The more Latin and North American players are in the match, the higher stats are boosted (Max 20%) S +20% 100%
9999 Fire Ace Stats +20% vs. Japanese Players A +20% 100%
1787 Auto-Intercept Enhance With 3 or more Middle School players: 40% chance to activate a Special Skill during a team mate's Auto-Intercept. (Required Stamina: 0) S +0% 100%
1786 Insight If an opponent's Auto-Intercept Enhance is activated when making a pass or using a Pass Special Skill, there is an 80% chance of it being nullified (including passes during field play). S +0% 80%
1785 Follow When a team mate is alone in a defensive match-up within a certain area, there is a chance the player will join the match-up as well. (Except GK) S +0% 60%
1784 Team Link (Asia) The more Asian Players in the match, the higher stats are boosted (Max 20%) C +20% 100%
1783 Direct Hotline (Schester) FW/AM team mates get +5% to stats when selecting the next command after receiving a pass from Schester C +5% 100%
1782 Team Link (Catalonia / Catalonia B) The more Asian Players in the match, the higher stats are boosted (Max 20%, 5 players) S +30% 100%
1781 Tsubasa/Morisaki Killer Stats +20% vs. Tsubasa and Morisaki B +20% 100%
1776 Hotline (Rivaul) Catalonia teammates get +5% to stats when selecting the next command after receiving a pass from Rivaul S +5% 100%
1775 Team Link (Club) The more Club players in the match, the higher stats are boosted (Max 5%, 2 players) S +5% 100%
1774 Support (Bison) Team mate Bison appears at 100% rate to support you on a solo defensive match-up. S +0% 100%
1773 Direct Hotline (Teigerbran) NEXT DREAM team mates get +8% to stats when selecting the next command after receiving a pass from Teigerbran B +8% 100%
1770 Support (Munich) Munich teammate appears at 80% rate to support you on a solo defensive match-up. (Except GK) S +0% 80%
1769 Direct Hotline (Levin) B +8% 100%
1768 NEXT DREAM Player Killer Stats +10% vs. NEXT DREAM Players B +10% 100%
1767 Team Link (Club) The more Club players in the match, the higher stats are boosted (Max 100%) S +100% 100%
1766 Combination (Will) Stats +20% when Will Sky Jetts is on your team S +20% 100%
1765 Hotline (Club) Stats +40% when selecting the next command after receiving a pass from a Club player S +40% 100%
1764 Support (Gonzalez) Teammate Gonzalez appears at 60% rate to support you on a solo defensive match-up. S +0% 60%