Flash-In Intercept C

A special move used by Xavii with his incredible reflexes. He reacts instantly to an opponent pass, intercepting to redirect the ball to a teammate and start carrying it forward with them.
แรงค์: C Type: ตัดบอล Video:
แรงค์ Min: Lv.1 Max: Lv.40
พลัง Min: 17200 Max: 25000
ความอึดที่ใช้ Min: 220 Max: 220
Ratio Min: 0.78 Max: 1.14
Blow Off: 0 ฟาล์ว: 0%
Power by Level


Players with Flash-In Intercept

i p Total O D P S ...
DMF,OMF 1385 146709 48938 37159 60612 0