Rarity SSR Player Type T
Team Madrid Blanco (NEXT DREAM) From Brazil

Basic Stats

Stamina 999
Attack 91278
Dribble 30390
Shot 30686
Pass 30202
Defence 88387
Tackle 29814
Block 29183
Intercept 29390
Physical 89779
Speed 29808
Power 29186
Technique 30785
High Ball: +12.5% Low Ball: +12.5%

Hidden Ability Evolution | All >>

With 2 or more Non-Japanese players: All player stats +30%
Stat Handicap Resistance
15% reduction to stat handicap effects vs. your teammates.

Special Skills

Name R Type Parameter Ratio Foul Decay
Miracle Flying Drive Shot S Shot 215 470 0.46 0 0% Distance
Brazilian Dream Duo S One-Two 190 435 0.44 0 0% Distance
Miracle Dribble S Dribble 190 275 0.69 0 0% -
Lightning Interception S Intercept 175 370 0.47 0 0% -
Back-Step Tackle S Tackle 150 375 0.4 0 3% -
Natureza Counter S Shot 120 100 1.2 0 0% Distance / Angle
Flying Drive Overhead Kick S Header 120 100 1.2 0 0% Distance / Angle
Soft Touch Looping Volley S Volley 120 100 1.2 0 0% Distance / Angle
Miracle Dribble S Dribble 120 100 1.2 0 0% -
Brazilian Dream Duo S One-Two 120 100 1.2 0 0% Distance
Miracle Flying Drive Shot S Shot 120 100 1.2 0 0% Distance / Angle
Two-Stage Flying Drive Shot S Volley 120 100 1.2 0 0% Distance / Angle
Back-Heel Pass S Pass 120 100 1.2 0 0% Distance
Miracle Dribble S Dribble 530 275 1.93 0 0% -
Dream Duo (EX) A One-Two 370 400 0.93 0 0% Distance
Aurora Curtain A Tackle 374 340 1.1 0 2% -
Lightning Interception S Intercept 524 370 1.42 0 0% -
Miracle Flying Drive Shot S Shot 542 470 1.15 0 0% Distance
Back-Step Tackle A Tackle 365 315 1.16 0 3% -
Flying Drive Overhead Kick S Header 542 430 1.26 0 0% Distance / Angle
Brazilian Dream Duo A One-Two 378 365 1.04 0 0% Distance
Soft Touch Looping Volley S Volley 530 360 1.47 0 0% Distance / Angle
South American Dribble S Dribble 511 245 2.09 0 0% -
Brazilian Dream Duo S One-Two 530 435 1.22 0 0% Distance
Natureza Counter A Shot 387 390 0.99 0 0% No Distance / Angle
Bound Dribble A Dribble 374 200 1.87 0 0% -
Flying Drive Overhead Kick A Header 387 360 1.08 0 0% Distance / Angle
Flying Drive Pass A Pass 374 190 1.97 0 0% Distance
New Brazil Football A One-Two 361 310 1.16 0 0% Distance
Natureza Counter S.99 Shot 542 470 1.15 0 0% No Distance / Angle
Bound Dribble S Dribble 524 240 2.18 0 0% -
Flying Drive Pass S.99 Pass 524 230 2.28 0 0% Distance
New Brazil Football S One-Two 505 375 1.35 0 0% Distance
Back-Heel Pass S Pass 493 185 2.66 0 0% Distance
The Wonder Defence S Tackle 517 390 1.33 0 2% -
Two-Stage Flying Drive Shot S Volley 536 415 1.29 0 0% Distance / Angle
Drive Pass S Pass 517 220 2.35 0 0% Distance
Full Metal Phantom A Shot 396 480 0.83 3 0% Distance / Angle
Miracle Dribble A Dribble 378 230 1.64 0 0% -
Full Metal Phantom S Shot 554 580 0.96 3 0% Distance / Angle
N.R.S. A One-Two 383 380 1.01 0 0% Distance
The Wonder Defence A Tackle 370 325 1.14 0 2% -
N.R.S. S One-Two 536 455 1.18 0 0% Distance
Double Jump Volley Shot S Volley 542 430 1.26 0 0% Distance / Angle
Miracle Flying Drive Overhead Kick (6th Anniversary) S Header 550 475 1.16 0 0% Distance
Pop-Up Feed S Pass 536 250 2.14 0 0% Distance
Back-Step Two-Stage Tackle S Tackle 527 415 1.27 0 2% -
Flying Drive Overhead Kick (NEXT DREAM) S Header 542 430 1.26 0 0% Distance / Angle
Heel Trick Dribble S.99 Dribble 545 280 1.95 0 0% -
Aurora Curtain S Tackle 524 405 1.29 0 2% -
Sudden Boost Interception S Intercept 517 355 1.46 0 0% -
Miracle Flying Drive Shot A Shot 387 390 0.99 0 0% Distance
Two-Stage Flying Drive Shot A Volley 383 345 1.11 0 0% Distance / Angle
Back-Step Tackle S Tackle 511 375 1.36 0 3% -
Dream Duo S One-Two 530 435 1.22 0 0% Distance
High-Speed Shadow Feint S Dribble 511 255 2 0 0% -
Flying Drive Shot S Shot 524 420 1.25 0 0% Distance
High-Speed South American Dribble S Dribble 517 280 1.85 0 0% -
High-Speed Shadow Feint A Dribble 365 215 1.7 0 0% -
Lightning Interception A Intercept 374 305 1.23 0 0% -
Brazilian Dream Twin Shot S Shot 530 435 1.22 0 0% Distance / Angle
Trick Bouncing One-Two S.99 One-Two 542 470 1.15 0 0% Distance
Miracle Intercept S.99 Intercept 540 425 1.27 0 0% -
Nutmeg Feint S Dribble 517 255 2.03 0 0% -
Miracle Flying Drive Shot B Shot 309 340 0.91 0 0% Distance
Nutmeg Feint A Dribble 370 210 1.76 0 0% -
Back-Heel Pass A Pass 352 155 2.27 0 0% Distance
Soft Touch Looping Volley A Volley 378 300 1.26 0 0% Distance / Angle
South American Dribble A Dribble 365 205 1.78 0 0% -
Dream Duo A One-Two 378 365 1.04 0 0% Distance
Heel Trick Dribble A Dribble 390 235 1.66 0 0% -
Pop-Up Feed A Pass 383 210 1.82 0 0% Distance
Double Jump Volley Shot A Volley 387 360 1.08 0 0% Distance / Angle
Flying Drive Overhead Kick (NEXT DREAM) A Header 387 360 1.08 0 0% Distance / Angle
Back-Step Two-Stage Tackle A Tackle 377 345 1.09 0 2% -
Brazilian Dream Twin Shot A Shot 378 365 1.04 0 0% Distance / Angle
Trick Bouncing One-Two A One-Two 388 390 0.99 0 0% Distance
Miracle Intercept A Intercept 386 355 1.09 0 0% -
Nutmeg Feint B Dribble 295 185 1.59 0 0% -
High-Speed Shadow Feint B Dribble 292 185 1.58 0 0% -
Back-Step Tackle B Tackle 292 270 1.08 0 3% -
Back-Heel Pass B Pass 281 135 2.08 0 0% Distance
Flying Drive Pass B Pass 299 165 1.81 0 0% Distance
Flying Drive Shot B Shot 299 305 0.98 0 0% Distance
High-Speed South American Dribble B Dribble 295 200 1.48 0 0% -
Lightning Interception B Intercept 299 265 1.13 0 0% -
New Brazil Football B One-Two 288 270 1.07 0 0% Distance
Miracle Dribble B Dribble 302 195 1.55 0 0% -
Soft Touch Looping Volley B Volley 302 260 1.16 0 0% Distance / Angle
South American Dribble B Dribble 292 175 1.67 0 0% -
Natureza Counter B Shot 309 340 0.91 0 0% No Distance / Angle
Bound Dribble B Dribble 299 170 1.76 0 0% -
Dream Duo B One-Two 302 315 0.96 0 0% Distance
The Wonder Defence B Tackle 295 285 1.04 0 2% -
Flying Drive Overhead Kick B Header 309 310 1 0 0% Distance / Angle
Two-Stage Flying Drive Shot B Volley 306 300 1.02 0 0% Distance / Angle
Brazilian Dream Duo B One-Two 302 315 0.96 0 0% Distance
Aurora Curtain B Tackle 299 295 1.01 0 2% -
Full Metal Phantom B Shot 316 415 0.76 3 0% Distance / Angle
Heel Trick Dribble B Dribble 311 200 1.56 0 0% -
Pop-Up Feed B Pass 306 180 1.7 0 0% Distance
N.R.S. B One-Two 306 330 0.93 0 0% Distance
Double Jump Volley Shot B Volley 309 310 1 0 0% Distance / Angle
Flying Drive Overhead Kick (NEXT DREAM) B Header 309 310 1 0 0% Distance / Angle
Back-Step Two-Stage Tackle B Tackle 301 300 1 0 2% -
Brazilian Dream Twin Shot B Shot 302 315 0.96 0 0% Distance / Angle
Trick Bouncing One-Two B One-Two 310 340 0.91 0 0% Distance
Miracle Intercept B Intercept 308 310 0.99 0 0% -
Nutmeg Feint C Dribble 237 140 1.69 0 0% -
Miracle Flying Drive Shot C Shot 248 260 0.95 0 0% Distance
High-Speed Shadow Feint C Dribble 234 140 1.67 0 0% -
Back-Step Tackle C Tackle 234 210 1.11 0 3% -
Flying Drive Pass C Pass 240 125 1.92 0 0% Distance
Back-Heel Pass C Pass 226 105 2.15 0 0% Distance
Lightning Interception C Intercept 240 205 1.17 0 0% -
New Brazil Football C One-Two 231 205 1.13 0 0% Distance
Miracle Dribble C Dribble 243 155 1.57 0 0% -
South American Dribble C Dribble 234 135 1.73 0 0% -
Soft Touch Looping Volley C Volley 243 200 1.22 0 0% Distance / Angle
Natureza Counter C Shot 248 260 0.95 0 0% No Distance / Angle
Bound Dribble C Dribble 240 130 1.85 0 0% -
Dream Duo C One-Two 243 245 0.99 0 0% Distance
The Wonder Defence C Tackle 237 220 1.08 0 2% -
Flying Drive Overhead Kick C Header 248 240 1.03 0 0% Distance / Angle
Two-Stage Flying Drive Shot C Volley 245 230 1.07 0 0% Distance / Angle
Brazilian Dream Duo C One-Two 243 245 0.99 0 0% Distance
Aurora Curtain C Tackle 240 225 1.07 0 2% -
Full Metal Phantom C Shot 254 320 0.79 3 0% Distance / Angle
Heel Trick Dribble C Dribble 250 155 1.61 0 0% -
Pop-Up Feed C Pass 245 140 1.75 0 0% Distance
N.R.S. C One-Two 245 250 0.98 0 0% Distance
Double Jump Volley Shot C Volley 248 240 1.03 0 0% Distance / Angle
Flying Drive Shot C Shot 240 235 1.02 0 0% Distance
Flying Drive Overhead Kick (NEXT DREAM) C Header 248 240 1.03 0 0% Distance / Angle
Back-Step Two-Stage Tackle C Tackle 241 230 1.05 0 2% -
Brazilian Dream Twin Shot C Shot 243 245 0.99 0 0% Distance / Angle
Trick Bouncing One-Two C One-Two 249 260 0.96 0 0% Distance
Miracle Intercept C Intercept 247 235 1.05 0 0% -