Rarity R Player Type A
Team Germany (JY) From Germany

Basic Stats

Stamina 999
Attack 3193
Dribble 968
Shot 1058
Pass 1167
Defence 3053
Tackle 1009
Block 943
Intercept 1101
Physical 2742
Speed 815
Power 971
Technique 956
High Ball: +0% Low Ball: +0%

Special Skills

Name R Type Parameter Ratio Foul Decay
Hedgehog Dribble A Dribble 364 200 1.82 0 5% -
Loop Pass A Pass 349 140 2.49 0 0% Distance
Hedgehog Dribble S Dribble 145 240 0.6 0 5% -
Loop Shot S Shot 105 310 0.34 0 0% No Distance / Angle
Hedgehog Tackle S Tackle 150 375 0.4 0 3% -
Artistic Interception S Intercept 190 385 0.49 0 0% -
Loop Pass S Pass 105 170 0.62 0 0% Distance
Hedgehog Tackle S Tackle 120 100 1.2 0 0% -
Owl Intercept S Intercept 120 100 1.2 0 0% -
Hedgehog Dribble S Dribble 120 100 1.2 0 0% -
The Workman's Trick Pass S Pass 120 100 1.2 0 0% Distance
Hedgehog Defence S Block 120 100 1.2 0 0% -
Flash Tackle S Tackle 517 390 1.33 0 0% -
Hedgehog Dribble S Dribble 509 240 2.12 0 5% -
Artistic Interception S Intercept 530 385 1.38 0 0% -
Hedgehog Tackle B.1 Tackle 292 270 1.08 0 3% -
Loop Shot A Shot 349 260 1.34 0 0% No Distance / Angle
The Workman's Trick Pass S Pass 511 210 2.43 0 0% Distance
Hedgehog Defence S Block 517 415 1.25 0 0% -
Kaltz Block S Block 527 485 1.09 0 0% -
Hedgehog Tackle A Tackle 365 315 1.16 0 3% -
The Kaltz Interception S Intercept 524 370 1.42 0 0% -
Hedgehog Tackle S Tackle 511 375 1.36 0 3% -
The Workman's Trick Pass A Pass 365 175 2.09 0 0% Distance
Artistic Interception A Intercept 378 320 1.18 0 0% -
Power Dribble S Dribble 494 225 2.2 0 5% -
Hedgehog Defence A Block 370 345 1.07 0 0% -
The Kaltz Interception A Intercept 374 305 1.23 0 0% -
Owl Intercept S Intercept 536 415 1.29 0 0% -
Scramble Defence S Tackle 524 405 1.29 0 5% -
Scramble Defence A Tackle 374 340 1.1 0 5% -
Flash Tackle A Tackle 370 325 1.14 0 0% -
Owl Intercept A Intercept 383 345 1.11 0 0% -
Kaltz Block A Block 377 405 0.93 0 0% -
Low-Flying Block S Block 539 475 1.13 0 0% -
German Spirit Tackle S Tackle 536 415 1.29 0 0% -
Hedgehog Shot S Shot 509 380 1.34 1 0% Distance / Angle
Loop Shot S Shot 488 310 1.57 0 0% No Distance / Angle
Bullet Shot S Shot 493 350 1.41 1 0% Distance / Angle
Loop Pass S Pass 488 170 2.87 0 0% Distance
Hedgehog Defence C Block 237 230 1.03 0 0% -
Hedgehog Dribble C Dribble 233 135 1.73 0 5% -
Artistic Interception C Intercept 243 215 1.13 0 0% -
Loop Pass C Pass 224 95 2.36 0 0% Distance
Hedgehog Ball-Keeping Pass S Pass 548 265 2.07 0 0% Distance
Strong Tackle A Tackle 352 280 1.26 0 3% -
Germanic Combination S One-Two 530 435 1.22 0 0% Distance
Loop Shot B.1 Shot 279 225 1.24 0 0% No Distance / Angle
Power Dribble A Dribble 353 190 1.86 0 5% -
Hedgehog Shot A Shot 364 320 1.14 1 0% Distance / Angle
Low-Flying Block A Block 385 395 0.97 0 0% -
German Spirit Tackle A Tackle 383 345 1.11 0 0% -
Forcible Interception A Intercept 350 255 1.37 0 0% -
Hedgehog Ball-Keeping Pass A Pass 392 220 1.78 0 0% Distance
Hedgehog Dribble B.1 Dribble 291 170 1.71 0 5% -
Strong Tackle C Tackle 226 190 1.19 0 3% -
Hedgehog Shot B.1 Shot 291 275 1.06 1 0% Distance / Angle
Strong Tackle B Tackle 281 245 1.15 0 3% -
The Kaltz Interception B Intercept 299 265 1.13 0 0% -
Loop Pass B Pass 279 120 2.33 0 0% Distance
Hedgehog Defence B Block 295 300 0.98 0 0% -
Artistic Interception B Intercept 302 275 1.1 0 0% -
Power Dribble B Dribble 282 160 1.76 0 5% -
Scramble Defence B Tackle 299 295 1.01 0 5% -
Kaltz Block B Block 301 350 0.86 0 0% -
The Workman's Trick Pass B Pass 292 150 1.95 0 0% Distance
Owl Intercept B Intercept 306 300 1.02 0 0% -
Low-Flying Block B Block 308 345 0.89 0 0% -
Flash Tackle B Tackle 295 285 1.04 0 0% -
German Spirit Tackle B Tackle 306 300 1.02 0 0% -
Forcible Interception B Intercept 279 220 1.27 0 0% -
Hedgehog Ball-Keeping Pass B Pass 313 190 1.65 0 0% Distance
Hedgehog Shot C Shot 233 210 1.11 1 0% Distance / Angle
Hedgehog Tackle C Tackle 234 210 1.11 0 3% -
Loop Shot C Shot 224 175 1.28 0 0% No Distance / Angle
The Kaltz Interception C Intercept 240 205 1.17 0 0% -
Power Dribble C Dribble 226 125 1.81 0 5% -
Scramble Defence C Tackle 240 225 1.07 0 5% -
Kaltz Block C Block 241 270 0.89 0 0% -
The Workman's Trick Pass C Pass 234 120 1.95 0 0% Distance
Owl Intercept C Intercept 245 230 1.07 0 0% -
Low-Flying Block C Block 247 265 0.93 0 0% -
Flash Tackle C Tackle 237 220 1.08 0 0% -
German Spirit Tackle C Tackle 245 230 1.07 0 0% -
Forcible Interception C Intercept 224 170 1.32 0 0% -
Hedgehog Ball-Keeping Pass C Pass 251 145 1.73 0 0% Distance