Hedgehog Ball-Keeping Pass C

No special effects.
A special move used by Kaltz, Germany's Workman. He takes a low stance to prevent opponents from stealing the ball, then spins until he finds an opening and threads the needle with a pass to a teammate.
Rank: C Type: Pass Video:
Rank Min: Lv.1 Max: Lv.40
Force Min: 17300 Max: 25100
Required Stamina Min: 145 Max: 145
Ratio Min: 1.19 Max: 1.73
Blow Off: 0 Foul: 0%
Distance Decay yes
Power by Level


Players with Hedgehog Ball-Keeping Pass

i p Total O D P S ...
DF,DMF 1455 192450 47301 76810 68339 0