
ObitO Opponent's Total Power 487519
ID: 22951032 4-2-3-1 Offensive Type
  I   Stamina Dribble Shot Pass Tackle Block Intercept Speed Power Technique Punch Catch Special Skills
1150 0 0 0 0 0 0 4309 5232 6109 4193 8144 S.99 Super Reflex Catch
A.1 Condor Punch
A.80 Super Catch
B.60 Super Catch
1119 4406 2682 5069 7001 3914 6063 4382 3604 5387 0 0 S.10 Sao Paulo's Student-Teacher Duo
S.99 Speedy Cover Intercept
A.80 High-Speed South American Dribble
S.84 Strong Pass
S.99 Fierce Warrior Tackle
1096 4446 4052 4740 7431 7016 7279 5340 5935 6424 0 0 S.99 Catenaccio Charge Interception
S.99 Right-Angle Defence
A.80 High-Power Tackle
S.99 New Star Block
S.10 Dandy Pass
1101 4043 2988 4246 5684 6280 6072 4207 4499 4954 0 0 S.30 Razor Sliding Interception
S.30 Razor Block
S.30 You won't escape my markin'!
S.30 Razor Pass
S.45 Razor Dash
1182 3868 3592 4771 6355 6110 6381 6340 4723 2048 0 0 S.99 Grappling Tackle
S.99 Heroic Interception
S.99 High-Power Block
A.80 Strong Pass
1043 4760 4733 4970 5991 6691 6029 5270 6199 5856 0 0 S.99 Jump Block
S.99 Drive Pass
S.99 Magnificent Footwork
S.99 Technical Defence
S.99 Noble Interception
1216 6673 6353 7642 5697 5056 5868 4989 4269 6643 0 0 S.99 Flick Pass
S.99 Trick Touch Dribble
S.99 Ball Loop Tackle
A.80 Forcible Interception
1225 5391 6042 5436 4271 2587 5093 4024 5417 5058 0 0 S.99 Superspeed Kickback Cannon [Tiger]
S.99 Skydive Shot
S.99 Aurora Curtain
S.99 Flying Drive Pass
S.99 Snowboard Dribble
1247 6300 7621 5599 3485 2438 4101 5702 5063 4136 0 0 S.99 Plunge Volley
S.30 Dropkick Pass
A.80 Triangular Long Pass
S.99 Right-Angle "Whirlwind" Feint
S.99 Bob and Weave Interception
1056 5465 5993 5256 4138 3455 4190 4781 5781 4607 0 0 S.99 Sky Drive Overhead Kick
S.99 The True Roberto Overhead Kick
S.99 South American Dribble
S.99 Student-Teacher Duo
S.99 Flying Drive Pass
1135 6007 7724 4262 3699 2069 3581 5397 5003 4339 0 0 S.99 Levin Turn
A.80 Aurora Curtain
S.99 New Levin Pass
S.99 Ferocious Levin Shot
S.99 Aurora Intercept