FCS Bijjie

FCS Bijjie Opponent's Total Power 535213
ID: 21600841 3-2-3-2 Balanced Type
  I   Stamina Dribble Shot Pass Tackle Block Intercept Speed Power Technique Punch Catch Special Skills
915 0 0 0 0 0 0 7569 6894 5704 11021 8483 S.30 Desperate Defensive Chop
S.30 Solid Block
A.50 Triangle Jump Defensive Chop
C.40 Super Punch
B.50 Triangle Jump
1026 4809 4715 4950 7589 6208 6494 6438 5332 5276 0 0 S.30 Tenacious Sliding Tackle
A.50 Strong Pass
A.50 Forcible Interception
B.50 Sliding Block
A.50 Strong Tackle
967 5214 3168 5219 8274 8758 6912 6590 5938 6266 0 0 S.30 Technical Defence
A.50 Drive Pass
S.30 Overhead Block
C.40 Skill Dribble
A.50 Magnificent Interception
972 4865 4724 4969 5172 8794 4967 4864 6950 4816 0 0 S.30 New Face Block
A.50 Forcible Interception (EX)
A.50 Mad Dribble
C.40 Face Pass
A.50 Strong Tackle
1195 3969 4010 3884 8337 8535 8880 7342 4986 5883 0 0 S.30 I can't lose in a one-on-one!
A.50 Aggressive Interception
A.5 Shoulder Block
S.30 Sliding Block
S.5 Dangerous Tackle
1035 6248 5729 8156 5163 3530 5261 5154 5050 7178 0 0 S.11 Perfect Control Pass
A.50 Swift Interception
A.1 High-Tech Dribble
A.50 Strong Tackle
S.1 Skill Dribble
1098 6688 7644 6577 4953 4761 5057 5054 5718 5548 0 0 S.30 True Skywing Shot
S.4 Student-Teacher Duo
A.50 Drive Pass
A.50 South American Dribble
1167 6163 8698 6653 5367 5774 5921 5373 6601 6145 0 0 S.1 Drive Shot
S.30 Student-Teacher Duo
A.50 South American Dribble
S.30 Skydive Shot
S.30 V3 Intercept
522 4665 5782 4119 3420 2099 3883 3937 4393 4200 0 0 C.40 Direct Acrobat Volley
C.40 Acrobatic Pass
C.40 Strong Tackle
C.40 Precise Shot
C.40 Acrobatic Dribble
875 2873 4816 2988 2909 3269 2947 2832 3475 3178 0 0 B.50 Fire Shot
A.50 Kaiser Tackle (EX)
A.22 Fire Step
S.4 Fire Feint
A.1 Fire Pass
1220 5667 8472 6931 5585 3357 6928 5504 6738 6314 0 0 S.30 Non-Stop Rovesciata
B.50 Bob and Weave Dribble
A.50 Bob and Weave Interception (EX)
A.50 Triangular Long Pass
A.50 Bob and Weave Defence