

Penalty Area Shooter
Shots in the opponent's penalty area become unaffected by distance or angle.

Team Link (GOLDEN 23)
The more GOLDEN 23 players in the match, the higher stats are boosted (Max 20%, up to 1 players)
Punch Killer
Stats +10% when an opponent selects Punch.
One-Two Range Enhance
Distance +50% when a One-Two is successful
Skill Block Cancel
Cancel up to 2 Special Skill Block(s) used against the player.


Ignore Player Type
Blocks Type Effectiveness of the type weak to.

Combination (Misaki)
Stats +10% when Taro Misaki is on your team
High Baller
Centering kick results in a high-flying ball. (80% chance)
Snow/Snow Cover Resistance
Not affected by snow and snow cover.
Rain/Puddle Resistance
Not affected by rain and puddles.
