Rarity R Player Type T
Team France (WY) From France

Basic Stats

Stamina 999
Attack 3564
Dribble 1154
Shot 1230
Pass 1180
Defence 3395
Tackle 1175
Block 1130
Intercept 1090
Physical 3418
Speed 1116
Power 1198
Technique 1104
High Ball: +0% Low Ball: +0%

Special Skills

Name R Type Parameter Ratio Foul Decay
Cannon Shot S Shot 160 390 0.41 1 0% Distance / Angle
Eiffel Attack S One-Two 175 420 0.42 0 0% Distance
Straight-Line Dribble S Dribble 135 255 0.53 0 5% -
Cannon Tackle S Tackle 165 390 0.42 0 5% -
Forcible Interception S Intercept 105 305 0.34 0 0% -
Cannon Burst Shot S Shot 120 100 1.2 0 0% Distance / Angle
Cannon Overhead Kick S Header 120 100 1.2 0 0% Distance / Angle
Full-burst Cannon S Volley 120 100 1.2 0 0% Distance / Angle
Cannon Dribble S Dribble 120 100 1.2 0 0% -
Eiffel Attack S One-Two 120 100 1.2 0 0% Distance
Impromptu Duo S One-Two 120 100 1.2 0 0% Distance
Slider Cannon Shot S Shot 524 420 1.25 2 0% Distance / Angle
Straight-Line Dribble S Dribble 504 255 1.98 0 5% -
Eiffel Attack S One-Two 524 420 1.25 0 0% Distance
Strong Pass (EX) A Pass 340 350 0.97 0 0% Distance
Forcible Interception A Intercept 350 255 1.37 0 0% -
Cannon Burst Shot S Shot 521 415 1.26 2 0% Distance / Angle
Cannon Tackle S Tackle 517 390 1.33 0 5% -
Riser Cannon S Shot 530 435 1.22 2 0% Distance / Angle
Cannon Overhead Kick S Header 509 350 1.45 0 0% Distance / Angle
Strong Pass S Pass 487 180 2.71 0 0% Distance
Tri-colour Combination Shot S Shot 542 470 1.15 1 0% Distance / Angle
High-Power Cannon Shot S Shot 533 460 1.16 2 0% No Distance / Angle
Cannon Dribble S Dribble 520 260 2 0 0% -
Cannon Pass S Pass 509 210 2.42 0 0% Distance
Forcible Interception S Intercept 489 305 1.6 0 0% -
Cannon Volley (EX) S Volley 480 500 0.96 1 0% Distance / Angle
Explosive Shot S Shot 545 480 1.14 0 0% Distance / Angle
Triumphant Champagne Football S One-Two 536 465 1.15 0 0% Distance
Cannon Intercept S Intercept 522 350 1.49 0 0% -
Eiffel Twin Overhead Kick S Header 536 415 1.29 0 0% Distance / Angle
Cannon Burst Shot A Shot 372 345 1.08 2 0% Distance / Angle
Cannon Overhead Kick A Header 364 295 1.23 0 0% Distance / Angle
Full-burst Cannon A Volley 378 335 1.13 2 0% Distance / Angle
Straight-Line Dribble A Dribble 360 210 1.71 0 5% -
Eiffel Attack A One-Two 374 350 1.07 0 0% Distance
Full-burst Cannon S Volley 530 400 1.33 2 0% Distance / Angle
Slider Cannon Shot A Shot 374 350 1.07 2 0% Distance / Angle
Eiffel Twin Overhead Kick A Header 383 345 1.11 0 0% Distance / Angle
Cannon Dribble A Dribble 371 215 1.73 0 0% -
Triumphant Champagne Football A One-Two 383 390 0.98 0 0% Distance
Jumping Smash Volley S Volley 545 460 1.18 0 0% Distance / Angle
Swift Interception S Intercept 509 335 1.52 0 0% -
Cannon Volley S Volley 517 370 1.4 1 0% Distance / Angle
Field of Dreams S Shot 536 430 1.25 2 0% Distance / Angle
Cannon Shot A Shot 365 325 1.12 1 0% Distance / Angle
Strong Tackle A Tackle 352 280 1.26 0 3% -
Blue Sky Header S Header 555 510 1.09 1 0% Distance / Angle
Cannon Shot S Shot 511 390 1.31 1 0% Distance / Angle
Cannon Block S Block 517 415 1.25 0 0% -
Impromptu Duo S One-Two 509 380 1.34 0 0% Distance
Strong Tackle S Tackle 493 340 1.45 0 3% -
High-Speed Marseillean One-Two S One-Two 526 430 1.22 0 0% Distance
Cannon Volley A Volley 370 310 1.19 1 0% Distance / Angle
Cannon Block A Block 370 345 1.07 0 0% -
Impromptu Duo A One-Two 364 320 1.14 0 0% Distance
Cannon Tackle A Tackle 370 325 1.14 0 5% -
Cannon Pass A Pass 364 170 2.14 0 0% Distance
Strong Pass A Pass 348 150 2.32 0 0% Distance
Explosive Shot A Shot 390 400 0.98 0 0% Distance / Angle
Jumping Smash Volley A Volley 390 385 1.01 0 0% Distance / Angle
High-Speed Marseillean One-Two A One-Two 376 355 1.06 0 0% Distance
Field of Dreams A Shot 383 360 1.06 2 0% Distance / Angle
Blue Sky Header A Header 397 425 0.93 1 0% Distance / Angle
Strong Tackle C Tackle 226 190 1.19 0 3% -
Cannon Shot B Shot 292 280 1.04 1 0% Distance / Angle
Straight-Line Dribble B.1 Dribble 288 185 1.56 0 5% -
Cannon Volley B.1 Volley 295 270 1.09 1 0% Distance / Angle
Cannon Block B Block 295 300 0.98 0 0% -
Eiffel Attack B.1 One-Two 299 305 0.98 0 0% Distance
Impromptu Duo B One-Two 291 275 1.06 0 0% Distance
Cannon Overhead Kick B.1 Header 291 255 1.14 0 0% Distance / Angle
Strong Tackle B Tackle 281 245 1.15 0 3% -
Forcible Interception B Intercept 279 220 1.27 0 0% -
Full-burst Cannon B Volley 302 290 1.04 2 0% Distance / Angle
Cannon Tackle B Tackle 295 285 1.04 0 5% -
Cannon Dribble B Dribble 297 185 1.61 0 0% -
Cannon Pass B Pass 291 150 1.94 0 0% Distance
Slider Cannon Shot B Shot 299 305 0.98 2 0% Distance / Angle
Strong Pass B Pass 278 130 2.14 0 0% Distance
Explosive Shot B Shot 311 345 0.9 0 0% Distance / Angle
Jumping Smash Volley B Volley 311 335 0.93 0 0% Distance / Angle
Triumphant Champagne Football B One-Two 306 335 0.91 0 0% Distance
High-Speed Marseillean One-Two B One-Two 300 310 0.97 0 0% Distance
Cannon Burst Shot B.1 Shot 297 300 0.99 2 0% Distance / Angle
Field of Dreams C Shot 245 240 1.02 2 0% Distance / Angle
Straight-Line Dribble C Dribble 231 140 1.65 0 5% -
Eiffel Attack C One-Two 240 235 1.02 0 0% Distance
Forcible Interception C Intercept 224 170 1.32 0 0% -
Field of Dreams B Shot 306 310 0.99 2 0% Distance / Angle
Eiffel Twin Overhead Kick B Header 306 300 1.02 0 0% Distance / Angle
Cannon Shot C Shot 234 215 1.09 1 0% Distance / Angle
Cannon Volley C Volley 237 205 1.16 1 0% Distance / Angle
Cannon Block C Block 237 230 1.03 0 0% -
Cannon Overhead Kick C Header 233 195 1.19 0 0% Distance / Angle
Slider Cannon Shot C Shot 240 235 1.02 2 0% Distance / Angle
Full-burst Cannon C Volley 243 225 1.08 2 0% Distance / Angle
Cannon Tackle C Tackle 237 220 1.08 0 5% -
Cannon Dribble C Dribble 238 145 1.64 0 0% -
Cannon Pass C Pass 233 115 2.03 0 0% Distance
Cannon Burst Shot C Shot 239 230 1.04 2 0% Distance / Angle
Eiffel Twin Overhead Kick C Header 245 230 1.07 0 0% Distance / Angle
Riser Cannon C Shot 243 245 0.99 2 0% Distance / Angle
Explosive Shot C Shot 250 265 0.94 0 0% Distance / Angle
Triumphant Champagne Football C One-Two 245 260 0.94 0 0% Distance
Cannon Intercept C Intercept 239 195 1.23 0 0% -
Strong Pass C Pass 223 100 2.23 0 0% Distance
Jumping Smash Volley C Volley 250 255 0.98 0 0% Distance / Angle
High-Speed Marseillean One-Two C One-Two 241 240 1 0 0% Distance
Impromptu Duo C One-Two 233 210 1.11 0 0% Distance