Rarity R Player Type A
Team Otomo MS From Japan

Basic Stats

Stamina 999
Attack 833
Dribble 276
Shot 285
Pass 272
Defence 803
Tackle 268
Block 261
Intercept 274
Physical 839
Speed 305
Power 262
Technique 272
High Ball: +0% Low Ball: +12.5%

Special Skills

Name R Type Parameter Ratio Foul Decay
Falcon Shot S Shot 145 380 0.38 0 0% Distance / Angle
Non-Trap Running Volley Falcon Shot S Volley 165 370 0.45 0 0% Distance / Angle
High-Speed Dribble S Dribble 145 250 0.58 0 0% -
Falcon Pass S Pass 145 210 0.69 0 0% Distance
Falcon Intercept S Intercept 145 335 0.43 0 0% -
Non-Trap Running Volley Falcon Shot S Volley 165 370 0.45 0 0% Distance / Angle
Left-Leg Jumping Falcon Volley S Volley 155 325 0.48 0 0% Distance / Angle
High-Speed Dribble S Dribble 145 250 0.58 0 0% -
Falcon Pass S Pass 145 210 0.69 0 0% Distance
Falcon Intercept S Intercept 145 335 0.43 0 0% -
High-Speed Running Falcon Shot S Shot 170 415 0.41 0 0% Distance / Angle
Ultimate Wakado-ryu Falcon Kick S Shot 120 100 1.2 0 0% Distance / Angle
Ultimate Wakado-ryu Triangle Jump Falcon Volley Shot S Header 120 100 1.2 0 0% Distance / Angle
Super-Low Flying Falcon S Volley 120 100 1.2 0 0% Distance / Angle
Gale Falcon Step S Dribble 120 100 1.2 0 0% -
Falcon Pass S Pass 120 100 1.2 0 0% Distance
Falcon Shot S Shot 509 380 1.34 0 0% Distance / Angle
Non-Trap Running Volley Falcon Shot S Volley 517 370 1.4 0 0% Distance / Angle
High-Speed Dribble S Dribble 509 250 2.04 0 0% -
Swift Sliding Tackle S Tackle 496 335 1.48 0 2% -
Falcon Pass S Pass 509 210 2.42 0 0% Distance
High-Speed Running Falcon Shot S Shot 521 415 1.26 0 0% Distance / Angle
Falcon Pass A Pass 364 170 2.14 0 0% Distance
High-Speed Dribble A Dribble 364 210 1.73 0 0% -
Swift Interception A Intercept 364 280 1.3 0 0% -
High-Speed Tackle A Tackle 364 310 1.17 0 3% -
Falcon Intercept S Intercept 509 335 1.52 0 0% -
High-Speed Tackle S Tackle 509 370 1.38 0 3% -
Ultimate Wakado-ryu Triangle Jump Falcon Volley Shot S Header 530 400 1.33 0 0% Distance / Angle
Ultimate Wakado-ryu Falcon Kick S Shot 530 435 1.22 0 0% Distance / Angle
Super-Low Flying Falcon S Volley 530 400 1.33 0 0% Distance / Angle
Non-Trap Running Volley Falcon Shot A Volley 370 310 1.19 0 0% Distance / Angle
Falcon Shot A Shot 364 320 1.14 0 0% Distance / Angle
Intensive Falcon Shot S Shot 527 430 1.23 0 0% Distance / Angle
Gale Falcon Step S Dribble 526 240 2.19 0 0% -
Ultimate Wakado-ryu Falcon Kick C Shot 243 245 0.99 0 0% Distance / Angle
Super-Low Flying Falcon C Volley 243 225 1.08 0 0% Distance / Angle
Artistic Falcon One-Two C One-Two 242 240 1.01 0 0% Distance
High-Speed Dribble C Dribble 233 140 1.66 0 0% -
Falcon Pass C Pass 233 115 2.03 0 0% Distance
Ultimate Wakado-ryu Falcon Kick B Shot 302 315 0.96 0 0% Distance / Angle
Super-Low Flying Falcon B Volley 302 290 1.04 0 0% Distance / Angle
Artistic Falcon One-Two B One-Two 302 315 0.96 0 0% Distance
High-Speed Dribble B Dribble 291 180 1.62 0 0% -
Falcon Pass B Pass 291 150 1.94 0 0% Distance
Ultimate Wakado-ryu Falcon Kick A Shot 378 365 1.04 0 0% Distance / Angle
Super-Low Flying Falcon A Volley 378 335 1.13 0 0% Distance / Angle
Artistic Falcon One-Two A One-Two 378 360 1.05 0 0% Distance
Artistic Falcon One-Two S One-Two 528 435 1.21 0 0% Distance
Glide Volley S Volley 539 425 1.27 0 0% Distance / Angle
Super Acute Running Shot S Shot 539 465 1.16 0 0% Distance / Angle
Wild Cross S Pass 514 215 2.39 0 0% Distance
Sudden Boost Interception S Intercept 517 355 1.46 0 0% -
Cutting Sliding S Tackle 521 400 1.3 0 2% -
Intensive Falcon Shot A Shot 377 360 1.05 0 0% Distance / Angle
High-Jumping Falcon Volley A Header 390 365 1.07 0 0% Distance / Angle
Raiju Falcon Shot S Shot 545 480 1.14 0 0% Distance / Angle
High-Jumping Falcon Volley S Header 545 440 1.24 0 0% Distance / Angle
High-Speed Falcon Feint S Dribble 539 290 1.86 0 0% -
The combo twin shot of All Japan's best forward duo S Header 536 415 1.29 0 0% Distance / Angle
Swift Interception S Intercept 509 335 1.52 0 0% -
High-Speed Slalom S Dribble 524 265 1.98 0 0% -
Left-Leg Jumping Falcon Volley S Volley 514 325 1.58 0 0% Distance / Angle
Speed Dribble S Dribble 494 215 2.3 0 0% -
High-Speed Interception S Intercept 509 335 1.52 0 0% -
Swift Sliding Tackle A Tackle 354 280 1.26 0 2% -
Left-Leg Jumping Falcon Volley A Volley 367 270 1.36 0 0% Distance / Angle
Falcon Shot B.1 Shot 291 275 1.06 0 0% Distance / Angle
Speed Dribble A Dribble 353 180 1.96 0 0% -
High-Speed Interception A Intercept 364 280 1.3 0 0% -
Falcon Intercept A Intercept 364 280 1.3 0 0% -
High-Speed Running Falcon Shot A Shot 372 345 1.08 0 0% Distance / Angle
Gale Falcon Step A Dribble 376 200 1.88 0 0% -
Raiju Falcon Shot A Shot 390 400 0.98 0 0% Distance / Angle
High-Speed Falcon Feint A Dribble 385 240 1.6 0 0% -
Cutting Sliding A Tackle 372 335 1.11 0 2% -
The combo twin shot of All Japan's best forward duo A Header 383 345 1.11 0 0% Distance / Angle
Glide Volley A Volley 385 355 1.08 0 0% Distance / Angle
Non-Trap Running Volley Falcon Shot B.1 Volley 295 270 1.09 0 0% Distance / Angle
Swift Sliding Tackle B Tackle 283 240 1.18 0 2% -
Left-Leg Jumping Falcon Volley B Volley 293 235 1.25 0 0% Distance / Angle
Speed Dribble B.1 Dribble 282 155 1.82 0 0% -
Swift Interception B Intercept 291 240 1.21 0 0% -
High-Speed Tackle B Tackle 291 265 1.1 0 3% -
High-Speed Interception B Intercept 291 240 1.21 0 0% -
Falcon Intercept B Intercept 291 240 1.21 0 0% -
Gale Falcon Step B Dribble 300 175 1.71 0 0% -
High-Speed Running Falcon Shot B Shot 297 300 0.99 0 0% Distance / Angle
Intensive Falcon Shot B Shot 301 310 0.97 0 0% Distance / Angle
High-Jumping Falcon Volley B Header 311 320 0.97 0 0% Distance / Angle
Raiju Falcon Shot B Shot 311 345 0.9 0 0% Distance / Angle
High-Speed Falcon Feint B Dribble 308 210 1.47 0 0% -
Cutting Sliding B Tackle 297 290 1.02 0 2% -
The combo twin shot of All Japan's best forward duo B Header 306 300 1.02 0 0% Distance / Angle
Glide Volley B Volley 308 305 1.01 0 0% Distance / Angle
Falcon Shot C Shot 233 210 1.11 0 0% Distance / Angle
Non-Trap Running Volley Falcon Shot C Volley 237 205 1.16 0 0% Distance / Angle
High-Speed Tackle C Tackle 233 205 1.14 0 3% -
Swift Sliding Tackle C Tackle 227 185 1.23 0 2% -
Left-Leg Jumping Falcon Volley C Volley 235 180 1.31 0 0% Distance / Angle
Speed Dribble C Dribble 226 120 1.88 0 0% -
High-Speed Interception C Intercept 233 185 1.26 0 0% -
Falcon Intercept C Intercept 233 185 1.26 0 0% -
Gale Falcon Step C Dribble 241 135 1.79 0 0% -
High-Speed Running Falcon Shot C Shot 239 230 1.04 0 0% Distance / Angle
Intensive Falcon Shot C Shot 241 240 1 0 0% Distance / Angle
High-Jumping Falcon Volley C Header 250 245 1.02 0 0% Distance / Angle
Ultimate Wakado-ryu Triangle Jump Falcon Volley Shot C Header 243 225 1.08 0 0% Distance / Angle
Glide Volley C Volley 247 235 1.05 0 0% Distance / Angle
Raiju Falcon Shot C Shot 250 265 0.94 0 0% Distance / Angle
High-Speed Falcon Feint C Dribble 247 160 1.54 0 0% -
Cutting Sliding C Tackle 239 225 1.06 0 2% -
Swift Interception C Intercept 233 185 1.26 0 0% -
The combo twin shot of All Japan's best forward duo C Header 245 230 1.07 0 0% Distance / Angle