Rarity UR Player Type T
Team Liguria From Japan

Basic Stats

Stamina 1312
Attack 24282
Dribble 9320
Shot 5712
Pass 9250
Defence 36951
Tackle 12196
Block 12397
Intercept 12358
Physical 28290
Speed 8792
Power 10083
Technique 9415
High Ball: +0% Low Ball: +0%

Team Skill | All >>

S Extreme Awakening of Japanese Players
Japanese players: All stats +23%

Passive Skill | All >>

S Auto-Intercept Enhance
100% chance to activate a Special Skill during an automatic intercept. (Required Stamina: 0)

Hidden Ability Evolution | All >>

Full-body Stand
The higher the Stamina, the higher the force of Special Skills (Max 20%).
Stats Up
DM/DF: All stats +1.5%
Stat Handicap Resistance
4% reduction to stat handicap effects vs. your teammates.
With 2 or more Toughness-type players: All player stats +4.5%
Special Skill Block
Block one Special Skill of your match-up opponent.

Special Skills

Name R Type Parameter Ratio Foul Decay
Shoulder Block S Block 165 415 0.4 0 0% -
Aggressive Interception S Intercept 165 410 0.4 0 0% -
Dangerous Tackle S Tackle 170 400 0.43 0 7% -
Dangerous Dribble S Dribble 145 240 0.6 0 0% -
Strong Pass S Pass 105 180 0.58 0 0% Distance
I can't lose in a one-on-one! S Tackle 120 100 1.2 0 0% -
Shoulder Block S Block 120 100 1.2 0 0% -
Aggressive Interception S Intercept 120 100 1.2 0 0% -
Dangerous Dribble S Dribble 120 100 1.2 0 0% -
Strong Pass S Pass 120 100 1.2 0 0% Distance
Shoulder Block S Block 517 415 1.25 0 0% -
Aggressive Interception S Intercept 517 410 1.26 0 0% -
Dangerous Tackle S Tackle 521 400 1.3 0 7% -
Aggressive Interception A Intercept 370 340 1.09 0 0% -
Strong Pass A Pass 348 150 2.32 0 0% Distance
Shoulder Block B Block 295 300 0.98 0 0% -
I can't lose in a one-on-one! S.99 Tackle 530 465 1.14 0 3% -
Shoulder Block A Block 370 345 1.07 0 0% -
Sliding Block S Block 496 355 1.4 0 0% -
Right-Angle Defence A Tackle 370 325 1.14 0 2% -
Desperate Shot Stopper S Block 536 535 1 0 0% -
Right-Angle Defence S Tackle 517 390 1.33 0 2% -
Signal Duo Defence S Tackle 536 440 1.22 0 3% -
Aggressive Right-Angle Defence S.99 Tackle 524 470 1.11 0 3% -
Body Tackle Interception S.99 Intercept 521 365 1.43 0 0% -
Pursuit Intercept S.99 Intercept 536 400 1.34 0 0% -
Wild Cross S Pass 514 215 2.39 0 0% Distance
I can't lose in a one-on-one! A Tackle 378 390 0.97 0 3% -
Desperate Shot Stopper A Block 383 445 0.86 0 0% -
Dangerous Dribble A Dribble 364 200 1.82 0 0% -
Wild Cross A Pass 367 180 2.04 0 0% Distance
Dangerous Dribble S.80 Dribble 509 240 2.12 0 0% -
Strong Pass S Pass 487 180 2.71 0 0% Distance
Dangerous Tackle A Tackle 372 335 1.11 0 7% -
Pursuit Intercept A Intercept 383 330 1.16 0 0% -
Dangerous Tackle B Tackle 297 290 1.02 0 7% -
Aggressive Interception B Intercept 295 295 1 0 0% -
Strong Pass B Pass 278 130 2.14 0 0% Distance
Dangerous Dribble B Dribble 291 170 1.71 0 0% -
Wild Cross B Pass 293 155 1.89 0 0% Distance
I can't lose in a one-on-one! B Tackle 302 335 0.9 0 3% -
Pursuit Intercept B Intercept 306 285 1.07 0 0% -
Desperate Shot Stopper B Block 306 385 0.79 0 0% -
Dangerous Tackle C Tackle 239 225 1.06 0 7% -
Aggressive Interception C Intercept 237 225 1.05 0 0% -
Strong Pass C Pass 223 100 2.23 0 0% Distance
Shoulder Block C Block 237 230 1.03 0 0% -
Dangerous Dribble C Dribble 233 135 1.73 0 0% -
Wild Cross C Pass 235 120 1.96 0 0% Distance
I can't lose in a one-on-one! C Tackle 243 260 0.93 0 3% -
Pursuit Intercept C Intercept 245 220 1.11 0 0% -
Desperate Shot Stopper C Block 245 300 0.82 0 0% -