Rarity UR Player Type S
Team Munich (NEXT DREAM) From Sweden

Basic Stats

Stamina 1334
Attack 15208
Dribble 5147
Shot 5158
Pass 4903
Defence 11561
Tackle 4796
Block 2337
Intercept 4428
Physical 12744
Speed 4111
Power 4625
Technique 4008
High Ball: +0% Low Ball: +0%

Team Skill | All >>

S Extreme Awakening of Non-Japanese Players
Non-Japanese players: All stats +23%

Passive Skill | All >>

S Penalty Area Shooter
Shots in the opponent's penalty area become unaffected by distance or angle.

Hidden Ability Evolution | All >>

Dribble Range Enhance
Successful dribble range x3
Pedal to the Metal
All Stats +15% during Full Power Football
With 2 or more Skill-type Club players: Opponent team stats -3%
With 2 or more Skill-type Club players: All player stats +3%
Auto-Intercept Enhance
70% chance to activate a Special Skill during Auto-Intercept. (Required Stamina: 0)

Special Skills

Name R Type Parameter Ratio Foul Decay
Levin Rush S Shot 190 480 0.4 0 0% Distance / Angle
Aurora Curtain S Tackle 175 405 0.43 0 2% -
Aurora Intercept S Intercept 195 390 0.5 0 0% -
Levin Pass S Pass 175 230 0.76 0 0% Distance
Levin Turn S Dribble 175 265 0.66 0 0% -
Levin Turn S Dribble 120 100 1.2 0 0% -
Levin Shot S Shot 120 100 1.2 0 0% Distance / Angle
New Levin Pass S Pass 120 100 1.2 0 0% Distance
Aurora Curtain S Tackle 120 100 1.2 0 0% -
Aurora Intercept S Intercept 120 100 1.2 0 0% -
Aurora Intercept S Intercept 533 390 1.37 0 0% -
Aurora Feint A Dribble 374 220 1.7 0 0% -
Aurora Curtain S Tackle 524 405 1.29 0 2% -
Levin Pass B Pass 299 165 1.81 0 0% Distance
Right-Angle Feint A Dribble 370 210 1.76 0 0% -
Levin Turn S Dribble 524 265 1.98 0 0% -
New Levin Shot S Shot 517 365 1.42 0 0% No Distance / Angle
New Levin Pass S.99 Pass 517 240 2.15 0 0% No Distance
Aurora Curtain A Tackle 374 340 1.1 0 2% -
Ferocious Levin Shot S Shot 527 410 1.29 2 0% Distance / Angle
Levin Rush S Shot 530 480 1.1 0 0% Distance / Angle
Levin Shot S Shot 524 505 1.04 3 0% Distance / Angle
Levin Pass S Pass 524 230 2.28 0 0% Distance
Munich Combination S.99 One-Two 530 435 1.22 0 0% Distance
Dragon's Roar S Shot 542 470 1.15 3 0% Distance / Angle
Destructive Impulse S Shot 539 500 1.08 5 0% Distance / Angle
Right-Angle Feint S Dribble 517 255 2.03 0 0% -
Levin Rush A Shot 378 400 0.95 0 0% Distance / Angle
Levin Overhead Kick A Header 380 340 1.12 2 0% Distance / Angle
New Levin Volley Shot A Volley 374 320 1.17 0 0% Distance / Angle
Levin Turn A Dribble 374 220 1.7 0 0% -
Trigger Feed A Pass 383 205 1.87 0 0% Distance
Levin Overhead Kick S Header 532 405 1.31 2 0% Distance / Angle
New Levin Volley Shot S Volley 524 385 1.36 0 0% Distance / Angle
Trigger Feed S Pass 536 245 2.19 0 0% Distance
Aurora Step S.99 Dribble 539 290 1.86 0 0% -
Twin Burst Levin Shot A Shot 395 415 0.95 0 0% Distance / Angle
Aurora Feint S.99 Dribble 524 265 1.98 0 0% -
Munich Crossfire S.99 Shot 552 500 1.1 2 0% Distance / Angle
Munich Combination A One-Two 378 365 1.04 0 0% Distance
Four Knights of the Midnight Sun S One-Two 550 490 1.12 0 0% Distance
Swift Interception S Intercept 509 335 1.52 0 0% -
Levin Shot A Shot 374 420 0.89 3 0% Distance / Angle
Levin Pass A Pass 374 190 1.97 0 0% Distance
Swift Interception A Intercept 364 280 1.3 0 0% -
Overhead Kick S Header 505 340 1.49 0 0% Distance / Angle
Levin Pass C Pass 240 125 1.92 0 0% Distance
Levin Shot C Shot 240 280 0.86 3 0% Distance / Angle
Right-Angle Feint C Dribble 237 140 1.69 0 0% -
Aurora Curtain C Tackle 240 225 1.07 0 2% -
Aurora Intercept C Intercept 244 220 1.11 0 0% -
Drive Pass S Pass 517 220 2.35 0 0% Distance
Twin Burst Levin Shot S Shot 553 500 1.11 0 0% Distance / Angle
Levin Shot B Shot 299 365 0.82 3 0% Distance / Angle
Swift Passing S One-Two 509 380 1.34 0 0% Distance
Four Knights of the Midnight Sun A One-Two 393 410 0.96 0 0% Distance
New Levin Shot A Shot 370 305 1.21 0 0% No Distance / Angle
Aurora Intercept A Intercept 381 325 1.17 0 0% -
Overhead Kick A Header 361 285 1.27 0 0% Distance / Angle
New Levin Pass A Pass 370 200 1.85 0 0% No Distance
Aurora Step A Dribble 385 240 1.6 0 0% -
Swift Passing A One-Two 364 320 1.14 0 0% Distance
Four Knights of the Midnight Sun B One-Two 314 355 0.88 0 0% Distance
Right-Angle Feint B Dribble 295 185 1.59 0 0% -
Swift Interception B Intercept 291 240 1.21 0 0% -
New Levin Shot B Shot 295 265 1.11 0 0% No Distance / Angle
Aurora Curtain B Tackle 299 295 1.01 0 2% -
Aurora Intercept B Intercept 304 285 1.07 0 0% -
Overhead Kick B Header 288 245 1.18 0 0% Distance / Angle
Levin Turn B Dribble 299 190 1.57 0 0% -
New Levin Pass B Pass 295 175 1.69 0 0% No Distance
Aurora Step B Dribble 308 210 1.47 0 0% -
Trigger Feed B Pass 306 180 1.7 0 0% Distance
Levin Rush B Shot 302 345 0.88 0 0% Distance / Angle
New Levin Volley Shot B Volley 299 280 1.07 0 0% Distance / Angle
Aurora Feint B Dribble 299 190 1.57 0 0% -
Swift Passing B One-Two 291 275 1.06 0 0% Distance
Munich Combination B One-Two 302 315 0.96 0 0% Distance
Twin Burst Levin Shot B Shot 316 360 0.88 0 0% Distance / Angle
Four Knights of the Midnight Sun C One-Two 252 275 0.92 0 0% Distance
Swift Interception C Intercept 233 185 1.26 0 0% -
New Levin Shot C Shot 237 205 1.16 0 0% No Distance / Angle
Overhead Kick C Header 231 190 1.22 0 0% Distance / Angle
New Levin Pass C Pass 237 135 1.76 0 0% No Distance
Levin Turn C Dribble 240 145 1.66 0 0% -
Swift Passing C One-Two 233 210 1.11 0 0% Distance
Aurora Feint C Dribble 240 145 1.66 0 0% -
New Levin Volley Shot C Volley 240 215 1.12 0 0% Distance / Angle
Levin Rush C Shot 243 265 0.92 0 0% Distance / Angle
Munich Crossfire C Shot 253 280 0.9 2 0% Distance / Angle
Munich Combination C One-Two 243 245 0.99 0 0% Distance
Trigger Feed C Pass 245 135 1.81 0 0% Distance
Aurora Step C Dribble 247 160 1.54 0 0% -
Twin Burst Levin Shot C Shot 254 275 0.92 0 0% Distance / Angle