Rarity UR Player Type T
Team Netherlands (Rising Sun) From Netherlands

Basic Stats

Stamina 1280
Attack 19679
Dribble 7004
Shot 5600
Pass 7075
Defence 29560
Tackle 10418
Block 7254
Intercept 11888
Physical 22787
Speed 7381
Power 7434
Technique 7972
High Ball: +0% Low Ball: +0%

Team Skill | All >>

S Extreme Awakening of Non-Japanese Players
Non-Japanese players: All stats +20%

Passive Skill | All >>

S Fiery Potential
The lower the Stamina, the higher the stat boost (Max +35%).

Hidden Ability Evolution | All >>

Decrease Stun time by 50%
Price of confused fight
-7% to Special Skill force when your match-up opponent uses the next Special Skill after you lose at match-up (except GK)
Stats Up
Netherlands Players: All stats +3%
With 2 or more Netherlands Players: All player stats +4.5%
Can use a Special Skill with normal force if Stamina is 1 or higher.

Special Skills

Name R Type Parameter Ratio Foul Decay
Sweeping Intercept S.99 Intercept 524 370 1.42 0 0% -
Hunting Tackle S.99 Tackle 521 400 1.3 0 5% -
Perfect Cross S.99 Pass 509 210 2.42 0 0% Distance
Perfect Cross A Pass 364 170 2.14 0 0% Distance
Swift Interception A Intercept 364 280 1.3 0 0% -
Liner Dribble S.99 Dribble 511 245 2.09 0 3% -
Liner Dribble A Dribble 365 205 1.78 0 3% -
Diving Head Block A.80 Block 372 355 1.05 0 0% -
Bianco Nero Charge A One-Two 371 345 1.08 0 0% Distance
Hunting Tackle A Tackle 372 335 1.11 0 5% -
Sweeping Intercept A Intercept 374 305 1.23 0 0% -
Bianco Nero Charge S One-Two 520 410 1.27 0 0% Distance
Buster Feed S Pass 521 220 2.37 0 0% Distance
Diving Head Block S Block 521 425 1.23 0 0% -
Swift Interception S Intercept 509 335 1.52 0 0% -
Jumping Back Pass S Pass 528 235 2.25 0 0% No Distance
Slider Pass S Pass 511 210 2.43 0 0% Distance
Power Block S Block 511 420 1.22 0 0% -
Precise Pass A Pass 348 145 2.4 0 0% Distance
Precise Shot A Shot 348 270 1.29 0 0% Distance / Angle
Strong Tackle A Tackle 352 280 1.26 0 3% -
Forcible Interception A Intercept 350 255 1.37 0 0% -
Speed Dribble A Dribble 353 180 1.96 0 0% -
Jumping Back Pass A Pass 378 195 1.94 0 0% No Distance
Slider Pass A Pass 365 175 2.09 0 0% Distance
Buster Feed A Pass 372 180 2.07 0 0% Distance
Power Block A Block 365 350 1.04 0 0% -
Hunting Tackle B Tackle 297 290 1.02 0 5% -
Sweeping Intercept B Intercept 299 265 1.13 0 0% -
Liner Dribble B Dribble 292 175 1.67 0 3% -
Perfect Cross B Pass 291 150 1.94 0 0% Distance
Bianco Nero Charge B One-Two 297 295 1.01 0 0% Distance
Jumping Back Pass B Pass 302 170 1.78 0 0% No Distance
Slider Pass B Pass 292 150 1.95 0 0% Distance
Buster Feed B Pass 297 160 1.86 0 0% Distance
Diving Head Block B Block 297 305 0.97 0 0% -
Swift Interception B Intercept 291 240 1.21 0 0% -
Precise Pass B Pass 278 125 2.22 0 0% Distance
Strong Tackle B Tackle 281 245 1.15 0 3% -
Forcible Interception B Intercept 279 220 1.27 0 0% -
Speed Dribble B Dribble 282 155 1.82 0 0% -
Hunting Tackle C Tackle 239 225 1.06 0 5% -
Liner Dribble C Dribble 234 135 1.73 0 3% -
Perfect Cross C Pass 233 115 2.03 0 0% Distance
Swift Interception C Intercept 233 185 1.26 0 0% -
Sweeping Intercept C Intercept 240 205 1.17 0 0% -
Bianco Nero Charge C One-Two 238 230 1.03 0 0% Distance
Diving Head Block C Block 239 235 1.02 0 0% -
Jumping Back Pass C Pass 242 130 1.86 0 0% No Distance
Slider Pass C Pass 234 120 1.95 0 0% Distance
Buster Feed C Pass 239 120 1.99 0 0% Distance
Precise Pass C Pass 223 100 2.23 0 0% Distance
Strong Tackle C Tackle 226 190 1.19 0 3% -
Forcible Interception C Intercept 224 170 1.32 0 0% -
Speed Dribble C Dribble 226 120 1.88 0 0% -