Rarity UR Player Type S
Team Manchester Blue (NEXT DREAM) From Argentina

Basic Stats

Stamina 1106
Attack 18223
Dribble 6602
Shot 5252
Pass 6369
Defence 33797
Tackle 11762
Block 10893
Intercept 11142
Physical 22705
Speed 7736
Power 7707
Technique 7262
High Ball: +12.5% Low Ball: +0%

Team Skill | All >>

S Super Solidarity (S-type Club players & 5 or more)
With 5 or more Skill-type Clubs players: All stats +23%

Passive Skill | All >>

A Forward Killer
Stats +20% vs. Forwards

Hidden Ability Evolution | All >>

-5% to Special Skill force when your match-up opponent uses the next Special Skill after you win at match-up (except GK)
Attacking Midfielder Killer
Stats +15% vs. AM
Stat Handicap Resistance
4% reduction to stat handicap effects vs. your teammates.
With 3 or more Club players: All player stats +3.5%
Skill Block Cancel
Cancel up to 1 Special Skill Block used against the player.

Special Skills

Name R Type Parameter Ratio Foul Decay
High-Power Tackle S Tackle 170 420 0.4 0 7% -
High-Power Block S Block 170 445 0.38 0 0% -
High-Power Dribble S Dribble 145 250 0.58 0 4% -
Full-Power Intercept S Intercept 170 365 0.47 0 0% -
Strong Pass S Pass 105 180 0.58 0 0% Distance
Stampede Tackle S Tackle 120 100 1.2 0 0% -
High-Power Block S Block 120 100 1.2 0 0% -
Galvan Dash Interception S Intercept 120 100 1.2 0 0% -
High-Power Dribble S Dribble 120 100 1.2 0 0% -
Strong Pass S Pass 120 100 1.2 0 0% Distance
Stampede Tackle S.99 Tackle 524 405 1.29 0 4% -
Full-Power Intercept S.99 Intercept 521 365 1.43 0 0% -
High-Power Block S.99 Block 521 445 1.17 0 0% -
High-Power Tackle S Tackle 521 420 1.24 0 7% -
Forcible Interception S Intercept 489 305 1.6 0 0% -
Full-Power Intercept A Intercept 372 300 1.24 0 0% -
High-Power Dribble A Dribble 364 210 1.73 0 4% -
Power Block A Block 365 350 1.04 0 0% -
Galvan Dash Interception S.99 Intercept 527 380 1.39 0 0% -
High-Power Dribble S.99 Dribble 509 250 2.04 0 4% -
High-Power Tackle A Tackle 372 350 1.06 0 7% -
High-Power Block A Block 372 370 1.01 0 0% -
Strong Pass A Pass 348 150 2.32 0 0% Distance
Power Shot C Shot 225 190 1.18 1 0% Distance / Angle
Fearless Block S Block 528 465 1.14 0 0% -
Wild Cross A Pass 367 180 2.04 0 0% Distance
Galvan Rush Tackle A Tackle 385 375 1.03 0 0% -
Strong Pass S Pass 487 180 2.71 0 0% Distance
Wild Cross S Pass 514 215 2.39 0 0% Distance
Galvan Rush Tackle S Tackle 539 450 1.2 0 0% -
Power Dribble S Dribble 494 225 2.2 0 5% -
Power Tackle S Tackle 511 395 1.29 0 3% -
Power Block S Block 511 420 1.22 0 0% -
Precise Pass S Pass 487 175 2.78 0 0% Distance
High-Power Block C Block 239 250 0.96 0 0% -
Full-Power Intercept C Intercept 239 200 1.2 0 0% -
Strong Pass C Pass 223 100 2.23 0 0% Distance
Galvan Canon S Shot 530 505 1.05 3 0% No Distance / Angle
Power Dribble A Dribble 353 190 1.86 0 5% -
Precise Pass A Pass 348 145 2.4 0 0% Distance
Forcible Interception A Intercept 350 255 1.37 0 0% -
Power Tackle A Tackle 365 330 1.11 0 3% -
Galvan Canon A Shot 378 420 0.9 3 0% No Distance / Angle
Stampede Tackle A Tackle 374 340 1.1 0 4% -
Galvan Dash Interception A Intercept 377 315 1.2 0 0% -
Fearless Block A Block 378 390 0.97 0 0% -
Strong Tackle A Tackle 352 280 1.26 0 3% -
Power Dribble B Dribble 282 160 1.76 0 5% -
Power Tackle B Tackle 292 285 1.02 0 3% -
Power Block B Block 292 300 0.97 0 0% -
Forcible Interception B Intercept 279 220 1.27 0 0% -
High-Power Block B Block 297 325 0.91 0 0% -
Precise Pass B Pass 278 125 2.22 0 0% Distance
Full-Power Intercept B Intercept 297 260 1.14 0 0% -
High-Power Tackle B Tackle 297 305 0.97 0 7% -
High-Power Dribble B Dribble 291 180 1.62 0 4% -
Wild Cross B Pass 293 155 1.89 0 0% Distance
Stampede Tackle B Tackle 299 295 1.01 0 4% -
Galvan Dash Interception B Intercept 301 275 1.09 0 0% -
Fearless Block B Block 302 340 0.89 0 0% -
Galvan Rush Tackle B Tackle 308 325 0.95 0 0% -
Strong Tackle B Tackle 281 245 1.15 0 3% -
Strong Pass B Pass 278 130 2.14 0 0% Distance
Galvan Canon B Shot 302 365 0.83 3 0% No Distance / Angle
Precise Pass C Pass 223 100 2.23 0 0% Distance
Power Dribble C Dribble 226 125 1.81 0 5% -
Power Tackle C Tackle 234 220 1.06 0 3% -
Power Block C Block 234 235 1 0 0% -
Forcible Interception C Intercept 224 170 1.32 0 0% -
High-Power Tackle C Tackle 239 235 1.02 0 7% -
High-Power Dribble C Dribble 233 140 1.66 0 4% -
Galvan Canon C Shot 243 280 0.87 3 0% No Distance / Angle
Stampede Tackle C Tackle 240 225 1.07 0 4% -
Galvan Dash Interception C Intercept 241 210 1.15 0 0% -
Wild Cross C Pass 235 120 1.96 0 0% Distance
Fearless Block C Block 242 260 0.93 0 0% -
Galvan Rush Tackle C Tackle 247 250 0.99 0 0% -
Strong Tackle C Tackle 226 190 1.19 0 3% -