Rarity UR Player Type A
Team Lombardia (NEXT DREAM) From Japan

Basic Stats

Stamina 1352
Attack 20365
Dribble 7336
Shot 5478
Pass 7551
Defence 21818
Tackle 8430
Block 5026
Intercept 8362
Physical 17320
Speed 6189
Power 4554
Technique 6577
High Ball: +0% Low Ball: +25%

Team Skill | All >>

S Extreme Awakening of Japanese Players
Japanese players: All stats +20%

Passive Skill | All >>

S Follow
When a team mate is alone in a defensive match-up within a certain area, the player will join the match-up as well. Additionally, -15% in match-up to the player's stamina cost due to Follow effect. (Except GK)

Hidden Ability Evolution | All >>

Auto-Intercept Enhance
70% chance to activate a Special Skill during Auto-Intercept. (Required Stamina: 0)
Full-body Stand
The higher the Stamina, the higher the force of Special Skills (Max 20%).
With 6 or more Japanese players: All player stats +1.5%
With 3 or more Club players: All player stats +3%.
Stamina Killer
+10% to opponents' Stamina cost when matched up.

Special Skills

Name R Type Parameter Ratio Foul Decay
Dashing Direct Jumping Volley A Volley 372 315 1.18 0 0% Distance / Angle
Triangular Long Pass A One-Two 371 345 1.08 0 0% Distance
Non-Stop Rovesciata S Shot 175 420 0.42 0 0% No Distance / Angle
Eruption of Mount Fuji S Dribble 175 315 0.56 0 0% -
Triangular Long Pass S One-Two 170 410 0.41 0 0% Distance
Bob and Weave Interception S Intercept 170 365 0.47 0 0% -
Juggling Pass S Pass 175 240 0.73 0 0% Distance
Right-Angle 'Tornado' Feint Shot S Shot 190 435 0.44 0 0% Distance / Angle
Right-Angle Feint S Dribble 165 255 0.65 0 0% -
Bob and Weave Defence S Tackle 165 390 0.42 0 2% -
Juggling Dribble S Dribble 120 100 1.2 0 0% -
Non-Stop Rovesciata S Shot 120 100 1.2 0 0% Distance / Angle
Dropkick Pass S Pass 120 100 1.2 0 0% Distance
Bob and Weave Defence S Tackle 120 100 1.2 0 0% -
Bob and Weave Interception S Intercept 120 100 1.2 0 0% -
Non-Stop Rovesciata S Shot 524 420 1.25 0 0% No Distance / Angle
Bob and Weave Interception (EX) A Intercept 360 280 1.29 0 0% -
Right-Angle "Whirlwind" Feint S.99 Dribble 524 265 1.98 0 0% -
Juggling Pass A Pass 374 200 1.87 0 0% Distance
Right-Angle 'Tornado' Feint Shot S Shot 530 435 1.22 0 0% Distance / Angle
Juggling Dribble S Dribble 511 245 2.09 0 0% -
Bob and Weave Dribble B Dribble 292 195 1.5 0 0% -
Bob and Weave Defence A Tackle 370 325 1.14 0 2% -
Dropkick Pass S Pass 527 270 1.95 0 0% Distance
80° Feint A Dribble 374 220 1.7 0 0% -
Fireball Press S.99 Tackle 521 400 1.3 0 2% -
Plunge Volley S Volley 530 400 1.33 0 0% Distance / Angle
Bob and Weave Interception S.99 Intercept 521 365 1.43 0 0% -
One-Two Step Shot S Shot 532 445 1.2 0 0% Distance
All-Japan's Golden Trio S One-Two 536 455 1.18 0 0% Distance
80° Feint S Dribble 524 265 1.98 0 0% -
One-Two Step Shot A Shot 380 370 1.03 0 0% Distance
Nutmeg Rovesciata A Volley 371 315 1.18 0 0% Distance / Angle
Right-Angle "Whirlwind" Feint A Dribble 374 220 1.7 0 0% -
Nutmeg Rovesciata S Volley 520 375 1.39 0 0% Distance / Angle
Juggling Pass S Pass 524 240 2.18 0 0% Distance
Bob and Weave Defence S.99 Tackle 517 390 1.33 0 2% -
Spring Intercept S.99 Intercept 527 380 1.39 0 0% -
Triangular Long Pass S One-Two 520 410 1.27 0 0% Distance
Explosive Dribble S Dribble 527 270 1.95 0 0% -
Fast-Turn Tackle S Tackle 539 450 1.2 0 0% -
Slash Interception S Intercept 539 405 1.33 0 0% -
Nutmeg Shot S Shot 496 345 1.44 0 0% Distance / Angle
Swift Interception S Intercept 509 335 1.52 0 0% -
Right-Angle 'Tornado' Feint Shot A Shot 378 365 1.04 0 0% Distance / Angle
All-Japan's Golden Trio A One-Two 383 380 1.01 0 0% Distance
Fireball Press A Tackle 372 335 1.11 0 2% -
Right-Angle Nutmeg Through Pass S Pass 550 270 2.04 0 0% Distance
Non-Stop Rovesciata A Shot 374 350 1.07 0 0% No Distance / Angle
Right-Angle Feint S Dribble 517 255 2.03 0 0% -
Speed Tackle S Tackle 494 330 1.5 0 2% -
Eruption of Mount Fuji S Dribble 524 315 1.66 0 0% -
Dashing Direct Jumping Volley S Volley 521 380 1.37 0 0% Distance / Angle
Bob and Weave Dribble S Dribble 511 270 1.89 0 0% -
Swift Sliding Tackle S Tackle 496 335 1.48 0 2% -
Tag-Team Long Shot S Volley 530 400 1.33 0 0% Distance / Angle
Face Block 2 S Block 517 475 1.09 0 0% -
Bullet Shot S Shot 493 350 1.41 1 0% Distance / Angle
Strong Pass S Pass 487 180 2.71 0 0% Distance
Speed Dribble S Dribble 494 215 2.3 0 0% -
Nutmeg Shot A Shot 354 290 1.22 0 0% Distance / Angle
Bob and Weave Interception A Intercept 372 300 1.24 0 0% -
Right-Angle Feint A Dribble 370 210 1.76 0 0% -
Albese's Golden Duo S One-Two 545 480 1.14 0 0% Distance
Speed Tackle A Tackle 353 275 1.28 0 2% -
Rovesciata A Header 370 310 1.19 0 0% Distance / Angle
Speed Dribble A Dribble 353 180 1.96 0 0% -
Swift Sliding Tackle A Tackle 354 280 1.26 0 2% -
Bob and Weave Dribble A Dribble 365 225 1.62 0 0% -
Eruption of Mount Fuji A Dribble 374 265 1.41 0 0% -
Tag-Team Long Shot A Volley 378 335 1.13 0 0% Distance / Angle
Face Block 2 A Block 370 400 0.93 0 0% -
Bullet Shot A Shot 352 290 1.21 1 0% Distance / Angle
Juggling Dribble A Dribble 365 205 1.78 0 0% -
Strong Pass A Pass 348 150 2.32 0 0% Distance
Dropkick Pass A Pass 377 225 1.68 0 0% Distance
Spring Intercept A Intercept 377 315 1.2 0 0% -
Slash Interception A Intercept 385 335 1.15 0 0% -
Explosive Dribble A Dribble 377 225 1.68 0 0% -
Fast-Turn Tackle A Tackle 385 375 1.03 0 0% -
Right-Angle Nutmeg Through Pass A Pass 393 220 1.79 0 0% Distance
Albese's Golden Duo A One-Two 390 400 0.98 0 0% Distance
Speed Dribble C Dribble 226 120 1.88 0 0% -
Swift Interception A Intercept 364 280 1.3 0 0% -
Right-Angle Feint B Dribble 295 185 1.59 0 0% -
Triangular Long Pass B One-Two 297 295 1.01 0 0% Distance
Speed Dribble B Dribble 282 155 1.82 0 0% -
Swift Sliding Tackle B Tackle 283 240 1.18 0 2% -
Dashing Direct Jumping Volley B Volley 297 275 1.08 0 0% Distance / Angle
Rovesciata B Header 295 270 1.09 0 0% Distance / Angle
Speed Tackle B Tackle 282 240 1.18 0 2% -
Eruption of Mount Fuji B Dribble 299 230 1.3 0 0% -
Tag-Team Long Shot B Volley 302 290 1.04 0 0% Distance / Angle
Nutmeg Rovesciata B Volley 297 275 1.08 0 0% Distance / Angle
Face Block 2 B Block 295 345 0.86 0 0% -
Bullet Shot B Shot 281 255 1.1 1 0% Distance / Angle
Nutmeg Shot B Shot 283 250 1.13 0 0% Distance / Angle
All-Japan's Golden Trio B One-Two 306 330 0.93 0 0% Distance
Bob and Weave Defence B Tackle 295 285 1.04 0 2% -
Juggling Dribble B Dribble 292 175 1.67 0 0% -
Strong Pass B Pass 278 130 2.14 0 0% Distance
Non-Stop Rovesciata B Shot 299 305 0.98 0 0% No Distance / Angle
Bob and Weave Interception B Intercept 297 260 1.14 0 0% -
Juggling Pass B Pass 299 175 1.71 0 0% Distance
Right-Angle "Whirlwind" Feint B Dribble 299 190 1.57 0 0% -
Dropkick Pass B Pass 301 195 1.54 0 0% Distance
80° Feint B Dribble 299 190 1.57 0 0% -
Fireball Press B Tackle 297 290 1.02 0 2% -
Spring Intercept B Intercept 301 275 1.09 0 0% -
One-Two Step Shot B Shot 304 320 0.95 0 0% Distance
Right-Angle 'Tornado' Feint Shot B Shot 302 315 0.96 0 0% Distance / Angle
Slash Interception B Intercept 308 295 1.04 0 0% -
Explosive Dribble B Dribble 301 195 1.54 0 0% -
Fast-Turn Tackle B Tackle 308 325 0.95 0 0% -
Non-Stop Rovesciata C Shot 240 235 1.02 0 0% No Distance / Angle
Juggling Dribble C Dribble 234 135 1.73 0 0% -
Juggling Pass C Pass 240 135 1.78 0 0% Distance
Bob and Weave Interception C Intercept 239 200 1.2 0 0% -
Bob and Weave Defence C Tackle 237 220 1.08 0 2% -
Right-Angle Nutmeg Through Pass B Pass 314 195 1.61 0 0% Distance
Albese's Golden Duo B One-Two 311 345 0.9 0 0% Distance
Bullet Shot C Shot 226 195 1.16 1 0% Distance / Angle
Speed Tackle C Tackle 226 185 1.22 0 2% -
Swift Interception C Intercept 233 185 1.26 0 0% -
Right-Angle Feint C Dribble 237 140 1.69 0 0% -
Triangular Long Pass C One-Two 238 230 1.03 0 0% Distance
Swift Sliding Tackle C Tackle 227 185 1.23 0 2% -
Tag-Team Long Shot C Volley 243 225 1.08 0 0% Distance / Angle
Nutmeg Rovesciata C Volley 238 210 1.13 0 0% Distance / Angle
Bob and Weave Dribble C Dribble 234 150 1.56 0 0% -
Eruption of Mount Fuji C Dribble 240 175 1.37 0 0% -
Nutmeg Shot C Shot 227 195 1.16 0 0% Distance / Angle
All-Japan's Golden Trio C One-Two 245 250 0.98 0 0% Distance
Face Block 2 C Block 237 265 0.89 0 0% -
Right-Angle "Whirlwind" Feint C Dribble 240 145 1.66 0 0% -
Dropkick Pass C Pass 241 150 1.61 0 0% Distance
80° Feint C Dribble 240 145 1.66 0 0% -
Fireball Press C Tackle 239 225 1.06 0 2% -
Spring Intercept C Intercept 241 210 1.15 0 0% -
One-Two Step Shot C Shot 244 245 1 0 0% Distance
Right-Angle 'Tornado' Feint Shot C Shot 243 245 0.99 0 0% Distance / Angle
Dashing Direct Jumping Volley C Volley 239 210 1.14 0 0% Distance / Angle
Slash Interception C Intercept 247 225 1.1 0 0% -
Explosive Dribble C Dribble 241 150 1.61 0 0% -
Fast-Turn Tackle C Tackle 247 250 0.99 0 0% -
Right-Angle Nutmeg Through Pass C Pass 252 150 1.68 0 0% Distance
Albese's Golden Duo C One-Two 250 265 0.94 0 0% Distance