Rarity UR Player Type A
Team Parma From France

Basic Stats

Stamina 1278
Attack 38459
Dribble 14472
Shot 9375
Pass 14612
Defence 50471
Tackle 16340
Block 17294
Intercept 16837
Physical 40502
Speed 13214
Power 13916
Technique 13372
High Ball: +12.5% Low Ball: +12.5%

Team Skill | All >>

S Warriors' Cooperation (Each Type & 3 or more)
With 3 or more of all 3 types of player: All stats +28%

Passive Skill | All >>

B Attacking Midfielder Killer
Stats +10% vs. AM

Hidden Ability Evolution | All >>

Skill Block Cancel
Cancel up to 1 Special Skill Block used against the player.
Insight Master
Stats +20% with an advantage at Match-up
Stamina Killer
+20% to opponents' Stamina cost when matched up.
Auto-Intercept Enhance
80% chance to activate a Special Skill during an automatic intercept. (Required Stamina: 0)
With 2 or more Non-Japanese players: All player stats +77%

Special Skills

Name R Type Parameter Ratio Foul Decay
Knockdown Tackle S Tackle 120 100 1.2 0 0% -
High-Power Block S Block 120 100 1.2 0 0% -
Ace Killer Intercept S Intercept 120 100 1.2 0 0% -
Speed Dribble S Dribble 120 100 1.2 0 0% -
Strong Pass S Pass 120 100 1.2 0 0% Distance
Knockdown Tackle A Tackle 378 350 1.08 0 3% -
Ace Killer Intercept A Intercept 377 315 1.2 0 0% -
Ace Killer Block A Block 383 390 0.98 0 0% -
Long-Legged Tackle A Tackle 361 300 1.2 0 2% -
Forcible Interception A Intercept 350 255 1.37 0 0% -
Knockdown Tackle S.99 Tackle 530 425 1.25 0 3% -
Ace Killer Intercept S.99 Intercept 527 380 1.39 0 0% -
Ace Killer Block S.99 Block 536 465 1.15 0 0% -
Long-Legged Tackle S Tackle 505 360 1.4 0 2% -
Forcible Interception S Intercept 489 305 1.6 0 0% -
High-Power Block S Block 521 445 1.17 0 0% -
High Wall Intercept S.99 Intercept 539 405 1.33 0 0% -
Strong Pass S Pass 487 180 2.71 0 0% Distance
High-Power Tackle S.99 Tackle 521 420 1.24 0 7% -
Speed Dribble S Dribble 494 215 2.3 0 0% -
Power Dribble S Dribble 494 225 2.2 0 5% -
Strong Pass A Pass 348 150 2.32 0 0% Distance
Hardened Wall Defence S Tackle 550 475 1.16 0 2% -
High Wall Intercept A Intercept 385 335 1.15 0 0% -
Speed Dribble A Dribble 353 180 1.96 0 0% -
Hardened Wall Defence A Tackle 393 395 0.99 0 2% -
Ace Killer Block B Block 306 335 0.91 0 0% -
High Wall Intercept B Intercept 308 295 1.04 0 0% -
Knockdown Tackle B Tackle 302 305 0.99 0 3% -
Strong Pass B Pass 278 130 2.14 0 0% Distance
Speed Dribble B Dribble 282 155 1.82 0 0% -
Hardened Wall Defence B Tackle 314 345 0.91 0 2% -
Ace Killer Block C Block 245 260 0.94 0 0% -
Long-Legged Tackle C Tackle 231 200 1.16 0 2% -
Forcible Interception C Intercept 224 170 1.32 0 0% -
Knockdown Tackle C Tackle 243 235 1.03 0 3% -
Ace Killer Intercept C Intercept 241 210 1.15 0 0% -
Speed Dribble C Dribble 226 120 1.88 0 0% -
Strong Pass C Pass 223 100 2.23 0 0% Distance
High Wall Intercept C Intercept 247 225 1.1 0 0% -
Hardened Wall Defence C Tackle 252 265 0.95 0 2% -