Rarity UR Player Type T
Team Germany (Rising Sun) From Germany

Basic Stats

Stamina 1181
Saving 13076
Punch 5582
Catch 7494
Physical 12911
Speed 3213
Power 5127
Technique 4571
High Ball: +0% Low Ball: +0%

Team Skill | All >>

S Extreme Awakening of Non-Japanese Players
Non-Japanese players: All stats +20%

Passive Skill | All >>

S Long Feed
When the GK kicks the ball to a teammate, it will go to the farthest teammate on your side. (100% chance)

Hidden Ability Evolution | All >>

Full-body Stand
The higher the Stamina, the higher the force of Special Skills (Max 20%).
Full Power Gauge Up
Full Power Gauge +15% on a successful save
Counter Move (Rising Sun Players)
Stats +5% vs. Rising Sun players
With 4 or more Toughness-type players: All player stats +4.5%

Special Skills

Name R Type Parameter Ratio Foul Decay
Windmill Catch S Catch 200 390 0.51 0 0% -
Double Hammer S Punch 165 205 0.8 0 0% -
Giant's Arm S Punch 145 190 0.76 0 0% -
One-Handed Catch S Catch 140 310 0.45 0 0% -
Steadfast Catch S Catch 120 100 1.2 0 0% -
Giant's Fist S Punch 120 100 1.2 0 0% -
Steel Giant S Catch 120 100 1.2 0 0% -
Giant's Arm S Punch 120 100 1.2 0 0% -
Giant's Fist S Punch 537 265 2.03 0 0% -
Double Hammer A Punch 370 170 2.18 0 0% -
Giant's Arm C Punch 233 105 2.22 0 0% -
One-Handed Catch A Catch 361 260 1.39 0 0% -
Windmill Catch S Catch 536 380 1.41 0 0% -
Dual Catch S Catch 530 365 1.45 0 0% -
Steadfast Catch S.30 Catch 527 285 1.85 0 0% -
Dual Catch A Catch 378 305 1.24 0 0% -
Legend of the Phantom Keeper S.30 Catch 542 410 1.32 0 0% -
God-Hand Catch S.30 Catch 539 365 1.48 0 0% -
One-Handed Catch S Catch 505 310 1.63 0 0% -
One-Handed Catch C.40 Catch 231 175 1.32 0 0% -
Steel Giant S.30 Catch 533 335 1.59 0 0% -
Steadfast Catch A Catch 377 240 1.57 0 0% -
Impregnable German Spirit S Catch 545 420 1.3 0 0% -
Legend of the Phantom Keeper A Catch 387 345 1.12 0 0% -
God-Hand Catch A Catch 385 305 1.26 0 0% -
Windmill Catch A Catch 383 315 1.22 0 0% -
Steel Giant A Catch 381 280 1.36 0 0% -
Double Hammer S Punch 517 205 2.52 0 0% -
Giant's Fist A Punch 384 220 1.75 0 0% -
Giant's Arm S Punch 509 190 2.68 0 0% -
Steel Left Hand S Catch 521 345 1.51 0 0% -
Giant's Arm A Punch 364 160 2.28 0 0% -
Focused Steel Punch S Punch 545 240 2.27 0 0% -
Unbreakable Saving S Catch 556 425 1.31 0 0% -
Giant's Arm B Punch 291 140 2.08 0 0% -
One-Handed Catch B Catch 288 225 1.28 0 0% -
Steel Giant B Catch 304 240 1.27 0 0% -
Dual Catch C Catch 243 205 1.19 0 0% -
Steel Left Hand A Catch 372 290 1.28 0 0% -
Impregnable German Spirit A Catch 390 350 1.11 0 0% -
Focused Steel Punch A Punch 390 200 1.95 0 0% -
Unbreakable Saving A Catch 398 355 1.12 0 0% -
Windmill Catch B Catch 306 275 1.11 0 0% -
Steel Left Hand B Catch 297 250 1.19 0 0% -
Double Hammer B Punch 295 145 2.03 0 0% -
Impregnable German Spirit B Catch 311 305 1.02 0 0% -
Legend of the Phantom Keeper B Catch 309 295 1.05 0 0% -
God-Hand Catch B Catch 308 265 1.16 0 0% -
Steadfast Catch B Catch 301 205 1.47 0 0% -
Giant's Fist B Punch 306 190 1.61 0 0% -
Focused Steel Punch B Punch 311 175 1.78 0 0% -
Dual Catch B Catch 302 265 1.14 0 0% -
Giant's Fist C Punch 246 145 1.7 0 0% -
Double Hammer C Punch 237 115 2.06 0 0% -
Steadfast Catch C Catch 241 160 1.51 0 0% -
Unbreakable Saving B Catch 318 305 1.04 0 0% -
Windmill Catch C Catch 245 210 1.17 0 0% -
Steel Left Hand C Catch 239 190 1.26 0 0% -
Steel Giant C Catch 244 185 1.32 0 0% -
Impregnable German Spirit C Catch 250 235 1.06 0 0% -
Legend of the Phantom Keeper C Catch 248 230 1.08 0 0% -
God-Hand Catch C Catch 247 205 1.2 0 0% -
Focused Steel Punch C Punch 250 135 1.85 0 0% -
Unbreakable Saving C Catch 255 235 1.09 0 0% -