Rarity SSR Player Type A
Team Bremen (NEXT DREAM) From Germany

Basic Stats

Stamina 1500
Saving 68233
Punch 34124
Catch 34109
Physical 102359
Speed 34120
Power 34138
Technique 34101
High Ball: +0% Low Ball: +0%

Passive Skill | All >>

S Safety Zone
Stamina Consumed -20% and Special Skill Force +10% when using Special Skills against shots from outside the penalty area.

Special Skills

Name R Type Parameter Ratio Foul Decay
Double-Handed Punch S Punch 491 165 2.98 0 0% -
Super Punch S.99 Punch 491 165 2.98 0 0% -
One-Handed Catch S Catch 505 310 1.63 0 0% -
All-Out Save S.99 Catch 487 270 1.8 0 0% -
All-Out Save A Catch 348 225 1.55 0 0% -
Super Punch A Punch 351 140 2.51 0 0% -
All-Out Save B Catch 278 195 1.43 0 0% -
Super Punch B Punch 280 120 2.33 0 0% -
All-Out Save C Catch 223 150 1.49 0 0% -
Super Punch C Punch 225 95 2.37 0 0% -