Card ID 44000011 287 10 4
Name Powerful Senior Defensive Midfielder
Gacha Type Regular

Stamina 881 +0 +0 0
Total 38118
Attack 10800
Dribble 2698
+0 +0 =0
Shot 2789
+0 +0 =0
Pass 2820
+0 +0 =0
Defence 15074
Tackle 4707
+0 +0 =0
Block 3592
+0 +0 =0
Intercept 3297
+0 +0 =0
Physical 12244
Speed 3270
+0 +0 =0
Power 3300
+0 +0 =0
Technique 2851
+0 +0 =0
High Ball: Good Low Ball: Normal
Name Value Rank Expression

Team Skill

S Super Solidarity (Agility-type Latin and North American players & 8 or more)
With 8 or more Agility-type Latin and North American players: All stats +17%

Passive Skill

A Forward/Attacking Midfielder Killer
Stats +15% vs. Forwards and Attacking Midfielders

Special Skills

Name R Type Parameter Ratio Foul Decay ...
Fierce Warrior Tackle S Tackle 524 0 425 1.23 0 5% - 6 0
Speedy Cover Intercept S Intercept 517 0 355 1.46 0 0% - 4 0
High-Power Block A Block 372 0 370 1.01 0 0% - 2 0

Other Skills | Use Skill Points

Name R Type Parameter Ratio Foul Decay ...
Daring Assault Block S Block 554 0 515 1.08 0 0% - 0 0
Rapid Reverse Ground Tackle S Tackle 545 0 465 1.17 0 0% - 0 0
Jumping Contact Intercept S Intercept 532 0 390 1.36 0 0% - 0 0
Brazilian Combo Tackle S Tackle 530 0 400 1.33 0 2% - 0 0
Determined Face Block S Block 530 0 480 1.1 0 0% - 0 0
Sao Paulo's Student-Teacher Duo S One-Two 524 0 420 1.25 0 0% Distance 0 0
High-Power Block S Block 521 0 445 1.17 0 0% - 0 0
High-Speed South American Dribble S Dribble 517 0 280 1.85 0 0% - 0 0
Wild Cross S Pass 514 0 215 2.39 0 0% Distance 0 0
Strong Pass S Pass 487 0 180 2.71 0 0% Distance 0 0
Fierce Warrior Tackle A Tackle 374 0 355 1.05 0 5% - 0 0
High-Speed South American Dribble A Dribble 370 0 230 1.61 0 0% - 0 0
Speedy Cover Intercept A Intercept 370 0 295 1.25 0 0% - 0 0
Wild Cross A Pass 367 0 180 2.04 0 0% Distance 0 0
Strong Pass A Pass 348 0 150 2.32 0 0% Distance 0 0