Card ID 41100072 3 0 0
Name Rousing Captain
Gacha Type Regular

Stamina 1101 - +0 +0 0
Total 126254
Attack 40708
Dribble 14347
+0 +0 +0 =0
Shot 7226
+0 +0 +0 =0
Pass 12351
+0 +0 +0 =0
Defence 39636
Tackle 12354
+0 +0 +0 =0
Block 7791
+0 +0 +0 =0
Intercept 12885
+0 +0 +0 =0
Physical 45910
Speed 13545
+0 +0 +0 =0
Power 11527
+0 +0 +0 =0
Technique 13187
+0 +0 +0 =0
High Ball: Normal Low Ball: Normal
Name Value Rank Expression

Team Skill

S Super Solidarity (A-type Club players & 5 or more)
With 5 or more Agility-type Clubs players: All stats +25%

Passive Skill

A Stamina Killer
+30% to opponents' Stamina cost when matched up.

Special Skills

Name R Type Parameter Ratio Foul Decay ...
Triple Step S Dribble 532 0 280 1.9 0 0% - 2 0
Ruler Pass S Pass 532 0 240 2.22 0 0% Distance 2 0
Splendid Sliding S Tackle 532 0 430 1.24 0 2% - 2 0
Foot Swing Intercept S Intercept 532 0 390 1.36 0 0% - 2 0

Other Skills | Use Skill Points

Name R Type Parameter Ratio Foul Decay ...
High-Speed Pass Work S One-Two 517 0 405 1.28 0 0% Distance 2 0
Diversionary Defence S Tackle 532 0 430 1.24 0 3% - 1 0
Diving Head Block S Block 521 0 425 1.23 0 0% - 1 2
Insight Interception S Intercept 511 0 340 1.5 0 0% - 0 0
Elegant Tackle S Tackle 509 0 370 1.38 0 0% - 0 0
Sliding Block S Block 496 0 355 1.4 0 0% - 0 0
Skill Dribble S Dribble 494 0 215 2.3 0 0% - 0 0
Strong Tackle S Tackle 493 0 340 1.45 0 3% - 0 0
Ruler Pass A Pass 380 0 200 1.9 0 0% Distance 0 0
Triple Step A Dribble 380 0 230 1.65 0 0% - 0 0
Diversionary Defence A Tackle 380 0 360 1.06 0 3% - 0 0
Insight Interception A Intercept 365 0 285 1.28 0 0% - 0 0
Elegant Tackle A Tackle 364 0 310 1.17 0 0% - 0 0
Skill Dribble A Dribble 353 0 180 1.96 0 0% - 0 0