Card ID 39300151 24 3 1
Name Pillar of the Last Line
Gacha Type Regular

Special Skills | All >>

Name R Type Parameter Ratio Foul Decay ...
Shut-Out Intercept S Intercept 517 355 1.46 0 0% - 6 0
Shut-Out Tackle S Tackle 517 390 1.33 0 3% - 6 0
Shut-Out Block S Block 521 425 1.23 0 0% - 6 0

Other Skills

Name R Type Parameter Ratio Foul Decay ...
Brazilian Combo Tackle S Tackle 530 400 1.33 0 2% - 2 0
Wild Cross S Pass 514 215 2.39 0 0% Distance 2 0
South American Dribble S Dribble 511 245 2.09 0 0% - 2 0
New Brazil Football S One-Two 505 375 1.35 0 0% Distance 1 1
Power Dribble S Dribble 494 225 2.2 0 5% - 1 1
Strong Intercept S Intercept 524 370 1.42 0 0% - 0 0
High-Power Tackle S Tackle 521 420 1.24 0 7% - 0 0
Power Tackle S Tackle 511 395 1.29 0 3% - 0 0
Power Block S Block 511 420 1.22 0 0% - 0 0
Power Charge S Tackle 505 380 1.33 0 6% - 0 0
Feinting Dribble S Dribble 496 215 2.31 0 0% - 0 0
Sliding Block S Block 496 355 1.4 0 0% - 0 0
Bullet Shot S Shot 493 350 1.41 1 0% Distance / Angle 0 0
Diving Header S Volley 491 305 1.61 0 0% Distance / Angle 0 0
Power Shot S Shot 491 345 1.42 1 0% Distance / Angle 0 0
Forcible Interception S Intercept 489 305 1.6 0 0% - 0 0
Strong Shot S Shot 489 340 1.44 1 0% Distance / Angle 0 0
Sliding Shot S Volley 488 300 1.63 0 0% Distance / Angle 0 0
Wild Shot S Shot 488 345 1.41 0 0% Distance / Angle 0 0
Precise Pass S Pass 487 175 2.78 0 0% Distance 0 0
Strong Tackle S Tackle 493 340 1.45 0 3% - 0 1
Strong Pass S Pass 487 180 2.71 0 0% Distance 0 1
Shut-Out Intercept A Intercept 370 295 1.25 0 0% - 0 2
Shut-Out Tackle A Tackle 370 325 1.14 0 3% - 0 2
Wild Cross A Pass 367 180 2.04 0 0% Distance 0 2
South American Dribble A Dribble 365 205 1.78 0 0% - 0 2
New Brazil Football A One-Two 361 310 1.16 0 0% Distance 0 3
Precise Pass A Pass 348 145 2.4 0 0% Distance 0 3
Sliding Block A Block 354 295 1.2 0 0% - 0 4
Power Dribble A Dribble 353 190 1.86 0 5% - 0 4
Strong Tackle A Tackle 352 280 1.26 0 3% - 0 4
Forcible Interception A Intercept 350 255 1.37 0 0% - 0 4
Strong Pass A Pass 348 150 2.32 0 0% Distance 0 4
Sliding Block C Block 227 200 1.14 0 0% - 0 6
Strong Tackle C Tackle 226 190 1.19 0 3% - 0 6

Special Skills