Card ID 12300543 2 14 1
Name Roaring Tiger Bearer of the Rising Sun
Gacha Type Regular

Stamina 0 - 0 0 =520
Total 174273
Attack 8186
Dribble 22571 +0 0 0 =4462
Shot 24263 +0 0 0 =1647
Pass 24070 +0 0 0 =7319
Defence 6698
Tackle 21701 +0 0 0 =8315
Block 6498 +0 0 0 =5846
Intercept 17526 +0 0 0 =359
Physical 4739
Speed 18734 +0 0 0 =6682
Power 22762 +0 0 0 =5261
Technique 16148 +0 0 0 =2629
High Ball: Normal Low Ball: Normal

Special Skills

Name R Type Parameter Ratio Foul Decay ...
Heaven-Splitting Raiju Roar S Shot 555 0 505 1.1 0 0% Distance / Angle 4 0
Tiger Dribble S Dribble 509 0 240 2.12 0 5% - 0 0
Fierce Tiger Tackle S Tackle 511 0 375 1.36 0 5% - 4 0

Other Skills

Name R Type Parameter Ratio Foul Decay ...
Jumping Tiger Header S Header 555 0 510 1.09 0 0% Distance / Angle 4 0
Lightning Tiger Volley Shot S Volley 555 0 510 1.09 2 0% Distance / Angle 4 0
New Straight-Line Dribble S Dribble 545 0 300 1.82 0 2% - 4 0
Fierce Tiger Charging One-Two S One-Two 528 0 435 1.21 0 0% Distance 4 0
Raiju Pass S Pass 524 0 265 1.98 0 0% Distance 4 0
Tiger Interception S Intercept 517 0 355 1.46 0 0% - 4 0
Heavy Tiger Dribble S Dribble 521 0 260 2 0 0% - 1 0
Invincible Raiju Shot (6th Anniversary) S Shot 553 0 560 0.99 3 0% Distance / Angle 0 0
Insanely Wild Tiger Shot S Shot 547 0 485 1.13 3 0% No Distance / Angle 0 0
Tiger Diving Header S Volley 545 0 440 1.24 0 0% Distance / Angle 0 0
Tiger Shot (40th anniversary ver.) S Shot 539 0 510 1.06 2 0% No Distance / Angle 0 0
Stormy Resurrection S Shot 539 0 535 1.01 5 0% No Distance / Angle 0 0
Jumping Raiju Shot S Header 536 0 415 1.29 3 0% Distance / Angle 0 0
Wild Dash Volley S Header 536 0 435 1.23 1 0% Distance / Angle 0 0
Winning Neo Tiger Shot S Shot 536 0 455 1.18 3 0% Distance / Angle 0 0
Descending Raiju Shot S Volley 536 0 480 1.12 3 0% Distance / Angle 0 0
Invincible Raiju Shot S Shot 536 0 500 1.07 3 0% Distance / Angle 0 0
Superspeed Kickback Cannon [Tiger] S Shot 536 0 500 1.07 2 0% No Distance / Angle 0 0
Wild Tiger Overhead Kick S Header 532 0 305 1.74 1 0% Distance / Angle 0 0
Running Direct Super Raiju Volley S Volley 532 0 400 1.33 3 0% Distance / Angle 0 0
Drive Tiger Twin Shot S Shot 530 0 435 1.22 2 0% Distance / Angle 0 0
Dragon Tiger Shot S Shot 530 0 435 1.22 2 0% Distance / Angle 0 0
Raiju Shot S Shot 530 0 505 1.05 3 0% Distance / Angle 0 0
Brave Tiger Shot S Shot 527 0 430 1.23 2 0% Distance / Angle 0 0
Overhead Tiger S Header 524 0 385 1.36 1 0% Distance / Angle 0 0
Neo Tiger Shot S Shot 524 0 420 1.25 2 0% Distance / Angle 0 0
Wild Jumping Tiger Volley S Volley 521 0 285 1.83 0 0% Distance / Angle 0 0
Jumping Tiger Volley S Volley 521 0 380 1.37 1 0% Distance / Angle 0 0
All Japan Dream Combo S One-Two 521 0 415 1.26 0 0% Distance 0 0
Tiger Shot S Shot 521 0 415 1.26 1 0% Distance / Angle 0 0
Combination Overhead Kick S Header 520 0 375 1.39 0 0% Distance / Angle 0 0
Bianco Nero Charge S One-Two 520 0 410 1.27 0 0% Distance 0 0
Tiger Pass S Pass 517 0 220 2.35 0 0% Distance 0 0
Overhead Block S Block 509 0 390 1.31 0 0% - 0 0
Overhead Kick S Header 505 0 340 1.49 0 0% Distance / Angle 0 0
Power Charge S Tackle 505 0 380 1.33 0 6% - 0 0
Straight-Line Dribble S Dribble 504 0 255 1.98 0 5% - 0 0
Feinting Dribble S Dribble 496 0 215 2.31 0 0% - 0 0
Meiwa's Duo S One-Two 496 0 345 1.44 0 0% Distance 0 0
Sliding Block S Block 496 0 355 1.4 0 0% - 0 0
Power Dribble S Dribble 494 0 225 2.2 0 5% - 0 0
Strong Tackle S Tackle 493 0 340 1.45 0 3% - 0 0
Bullet Shot S Shot 493 0 350 1.41 1 0% Distance / Angle 0 0
Diving Header S Volley 491 0 305 1.61 0 0% Distance / Angle 0 0
Power Shot S Shot 491 0 345 1.42 1 0% Distance / Angle 0 0
Forcible Interception S Intercept 489 0 305 1.6 0 0% - 0 0
Strong Shot S Shot 489 0 340 1.44 1 0% Distance / Angle 0 0
Sliding Shot S Volley 488 0 300 1.63 0 0% Distance / Angle 0 0
Wild Shot S Shot 488 0 345 1.41 0 0% Distance / Angle 0 0
Strong Pass S Pass 487 0 180 2.71 0 0% Distance 0 0
Tenacious Post-Play S Header 487 0 295 1.65 0 0% Distance / Angle 0 0
Drive Tiger Twin Shot A Shot 378 0 365 1.04 2 0% Distance / Angle 0 0
Raiju Pass A Pass 374 0 220 1.7 0 0% Distance 0 0
Overhead Tiger A Header 374 0 320 1.17 1 0% Distance / Angle 0 0
Heavy Tiger Dribble A Dribble 372 0 215 1.73 0 0% - 0 0
Wild Jumping Tiger Volley A Volley 372 0 240 1.55 0 0% Distance / Angle 0 0
Jumping Tiger Volley A Volley 372 0 315 1.18 1 0% Distance / Angle 0 0
Tiger Shot A Shot 372 0 345 1.08 1 0% Distance / Angle 0 0
All Japan Dream Combo A One-Two 372 0 345 1.08 0 0% Distance 0 0
Tiger Pass A Pass 370 0 185 2 0 0% Distance 0 0
Tiger Interception A Intercept 370 0 295 1.25 0 0% - 0 0
Fierce Tiger Tackle A Tackle 365 0 315 1.16 0 5% - 0 0
Tiger Dribble A Dribble 364 0 200 1.82 0 5% - 0 0
Straight-Line Dribble A Dribble 360 0 210 1.71 0 5% - 0 0
Tenacious Post-Play A Header 348 0 250 1.39 0 0% Distance / Angle 0 0
Jumping Tiger Volley B Volley 297 0 275 1.08 1 0% Distance / Angle 0 0
Tiger Interception B Intercept 295 0 255 1.16 0 0% - 0 0
Straight-Line Dribble B Dribble 288 0 185 1.56 0 5% - 0 0
Bullet Shot B Shot 281 0 255 1.1 1 0% Distance / Angle 0 0
Raiju Shot C Shot 243 0 280 0.87 3 0% Distance / Angle 0 0
Overhead Tiger C Header 240 0 215 1.12 1 0% Distance / Angle 0 0
Tiger Shot C Shot 239 0 230 1.04 1 0% Distance / Angle 0 0
Toho Trinity C One-Two 237 0 225 1.05 0 0% Distance 0 0
Fierce Tiger Tackle C Tackle 234 0 210 1.11 0 5% - 0 0
Tiger Dribble C Dribble 233 0 135 1.73 0 5% - 0 0