Card ID 4900241 20 1 0
Name High-Speed Man-to-Man Marking
Gacha Type Regular

Rarity SSR Best Position DF
Player Type Toughness-type Since 2023-02-03
Team Azuma-Ichi MS From Japan
Series Middle School No. 004522
Max Lvl 80 Exp 5,834,490
Height: cm 168 Weight: kg 55
Soda is known as the "Ace Killer" because of the way he marks ace strikers out of the game. He uses a technique known as the "Razor Shot", which gives the ball a sharp sideways spin. During the Osaka Qualifiers he gets a goal in against Naniwa Middle School's giant keeper, Nakanishi, earning his team a ticket to the National Middle School Tournament.
Famous Techniques
Razor Shot
Razor Tackle
Nick Names
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