Card ID 25300171 29 4 0
Name Fighting Spirit Burning Red
Gacha Type Regular

Rarity SSR Best Position DF,DMF
Player Type Skill-type Since 2022-12-02
Team All Japan (WY) From Japan
Series World Youth No. 004345
Max Lvl 80 Exp 5,834,490
Height: cm 174 Weight: kg 61
Akai joins All Japan Youth after being invited by Aoi. He plays as a defensive midfielder during the final phase of the World Youth Championship. He stubbornly continues marking Levin for the whole 90 minutes, blocking his attacks completely. He shows his grit and determination by getting up again no matter how many "Levin Shots" he is hit by.
Famous Techniques
Rainbow Defence
Gut Defence
Shoulder Block
Nick Names
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