Card ID 13100663 0 0 0
Name World Challenger Hope of Japan
Gacha Type Regular

Rarity UR Best Position OMF
Player Type Toughness-type Since 2024-05-31
Team All Japan (JY) From Japan
Series Junior Youth No. 005501
Max Lvl 99 Exp 10,000,000
Height: cm 167 Weight: kg 55
Tsubasa doesn't take part in the Junior Youth training camp because he's recovering from his injuries. He arrives in Europe later than the others, and Hyuga and Matsuyama object to him joining All Japan. However, he's able to prove himself and officially join the team, and once he does he shines against rival players from around the world.
Famous Techniques
Drive Shot
Golden Duo
Drive Overhead Kick
Nick Names
Recommended Characters
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