Card ID 10900441 5 5 1
Name Match-Controlling Midfield Warrior
Gacha Type Dream Collection

Rarity SSR Best Position DMF
Player Type Toughness-type Since 2024-03-15
Team All Japan (Asia Qualifiers) From Japan
Series World Youth No. 005381
Max Lvl 80 Exp 5,834,490
Height: cm 174 Weight: kg 60
When Hyuga refuses to leave All Japan after their loss to RJ7, Matsuyama angrily tells him that they'll make it through the Asia Qualifiers by themselves, and that he should go on a journey to improve his skills. After enduring Coach Gamo's arduous training sessions, he enters the Asia Qualifiers stronger than ever before.
Famous Techniques
Eagle Tiger Shot
Eagle Shot
Nick Names
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