Mexico (WY)

Mexico (WY) Opponent's Total Power 412011
ID: 70041111 5-1-2-2 Offensive Type
  I   Stamina Dribble Shot Pass Tackle Block Intercept Speed Power Technique Punch Catch Special Skills
2500 0 0 0 0 0 0 8905 8900 7501 4773 9649 B.50 Super Reflex Catch
A.60 One-Handed Catch
B.50 Miracle Punch
B.50 Condor Punch
1800 3898 3502 3435 5067 5266 4801 4251 4147 4147 0 0 B.30 Strong Tackle
B.30 Forcible Interception
B.30 Power Block
1800 3883 3480 3385 5207 5240 4687 4372 4147 4147 0 0 B.30 Strong Tackle
B.30 Forcible Interception
B.30 Power Block
1800 3964 3397 3526 5111 5295 4723 4295 4147 4147 0 0 B.30 Strong Tackle
B.30 Forcible Interception
B.30 Power Block
1800 3903 3403 3462 5075 5057 4797 4350 4147 4147 0 0 B.30 Strong Tackle
B.30 Forcible Interception
B.30 Power Block
1800 3773 3356 3363 5276 5261 4792 4414 4147 4147 0 0 B.30 Strong Tackle
B.30 Forcible Interception
B.30 Power Block
1800 4072 4355 3909 4602 3534 3908 3740 4071 3830 0 0 B.30 Big Bang Shot
B.30 Forcible Interception
B.30 High-Power Tackle
1800 4654 4282 5010 3556 3165 3586 4301 3800 3860 0 0 B.30 Tidal Wave Tackle
B.30 Five Soldiers of the Aztec Sun
B.30 Feinting Dribble
B.30 Strong Pass
1800 4550 4360 4760 3652 3184 3542 3982 3890 3830 0 0 B.30 Tidal Wave Tackle
B.30 Five Soldiers of the Aztec Sun
B.30 Forcible Interception
B.30 Power Dribble
B.30 Strong Pass
1800 4312 4923 4087 3961 3040 3675 4017 3770 3890 0 0 B.30 Lucha Aerial Attack
B.30 Five Soldiers of the Aztec Sun
B.30 Bullet Shot
B.30 Speed Dribble
1800 4378 5025 4011 4099 3178 3592 4143 3770 3890 0 0 B.30 Swinging DDT Volley
B.30 Five Soldiers of the Aztec Sun
B.30 Diving Header
B.30 Strong Shot