Mexico (WY)

Mexico (WY) Opponent's Total Power 945513
ID: 67900181 5-1-2-2 Offensive Type
  I   Stamina Dribble Shot Pass Tackle Block Intercept Speed Power Technique Punch Catch Special Skills
1600 0 0 0 0 0 0 10931 10706 9023 11483 7709 A.50 Condor Punch
A.50 Miracle Punch
A.50 One-Handed Catch
1200 9315 8066 8258 12276 12124 11518 10562 10062 10062 0 0 A.50 Strong Tackle
A.50 Forcible Interception
A.50 Power Block
A.50 Strong Pass
1200 9344 8166 8501 12145 12201 11539 10154 10062 10062 0 0 A.50 Strong Tackle
A.50 Forcible Interception
A.50 Power Block
A.50 Strong Pass
1200 9315 8066 8258 12276 12124 11518 10562 10062 10062 0 0 A.50 Strong Tackle
A.50 Forcible Interception
A.50 Power Block
A.50 Strong Pass
1200 9079 8416 8199 12690 12188 11675 10297 10062 10062 0 0 A.50 Strong Tackle
A.50 Forcible Interception
A.50 Power Block
A.50 Strong Pass
1200 9605 8461 8065 12695 12254 11737 10163 10062 10062 0 0 A.50 Strong Tackle
A.50 Forcible Interception
A.50 Power Block
A.50 Strong Pass
1200 9582 10293 9324 11061 8972 9315 8842 9879 9293 0 0 A.50 Big Bang Shot
A.50 Forcible Interception
A.50 High-Power Tackle
1200 11299 10984 11894 8499 7605 8819 10194 9220 9367 0 0 A.50 Tidal Wave Tackle
A.50 Five Soldiers of the Aztec Sun
A.50 Feinting Dribble
A.50 Strong Pass
1200 10707 10419 11365 8715 7913 8584 9357 9440 9293 0 0 A.50 Tidal Wave Tackle
A.50 Five Soldiers of the Aztec Sun
A.50 Forcible Interception
A.50 Strong Pass
1200 10977 11942 10097 9510 7687 8538 9448 9147 9440 0 0 A.50 Lucha Aerial Attack
A.50 Five Soldiers of the Aztec Sun
A.50 Bullet Shot
A.50 Speed Dribble
1200 10790 11725 9544 9609 7790 8584 9579 9147 9440 0 0 A.50 Swinging DDT Volley
A.50 Five Soldiers of the Aztec Sun
A.50 Diving Header
A.50 Strong Shot