Mexico (WY)

Mexico (WY) Opponent's Total Power 951685
ID: 61200341 5-1-2-2 Offensive Type
  I   Stamina Dribble Shot Pass Tackle Block Intercept Speed Power Technique Punch Catch Special Skills
3000 0 0 0 0 0 0 9659 11941 12235 9110 13226 S.20 Miracle Catch
S.20 Condor Punch
3000 7496 6417 6639 9792 9902 9107 8025 8043 8237 0 0 S.1 Forcible Interception
S.1 Strong Tackle
S.60 Precise Shot
S.1 Strong Pass
S.1 Sliding Block
3000 7504 6665 6447 9832 9918 9104 8084 8238 8237 0 0 S.1 Strong Tackle
S.1 Forcible Interception
S.1 Sliding Block
S.1 Strong Pass
3000 7208 6495 6496 9922 9794 8852 8281 8103 8173 0 0 S.1 Strong Tackle
S.1 Forcible Interception
S.1 Sliding Block
S.1 Strong Pass
3000 7211 6514 6565 9762 9666 9001 8312 8200 8295 0 0 S.1 Strong Tackle
S.1 Forcible Interception
S.1 Sliding Block
S.1 Strong Pass
3000 7260 6506 6634 9628 9624 8923 8176 8251 8147 0 0 S.1 Forcible Interception
S.1 Strong Tackle
S.60 Precise Shot
S.1 Strong Pass
S.1 Sliding Block
3000 11416 12187 11322 13215 10433 11182 10742 11885 11298 0 0 S.60 Big Bang Shot
S.1 Power Dribble
S.1 Tidal Wave Tackle
S.1 Strong Pass
S.1 Forcible Interception
3000 13085 12683 14222 10168 9033 10753 12272 11183 11328 0 0 S.1 Tidal Wave Tackle
S.1 Speed Dribble
S.1 Swift Interception
S.1 Five Soldiers of the Aztec Sun
S.1 Strong Pass
3000 12811 14982 13864 10604 9251 10160 11228 11661 11499 0 0 S.1 Tidal Wave Tackle
S.60 Wild Shot
S.1 Forcible Interception
S.1 Five Soldiers of the Aztec Sun
S.1 Strong Pass
3000 12797 17083 11849 11550 9016 10409 11585 11206 11394 0 0 S.60 Lucha Aerial Attack
S.60 Bullet Shot
S.1 Speed Tackle
S.1 Five Soldiers of the Aztec Sun
S.1 Speed Dribble
3000 12668 16830 11725 11467 8947 10386 11640 11140 11669 0 0 S.60 Swinging DDT Volley
S.60 Strong Shot
S.1 Speed Dribble
S.1 Five Soldiers of the Aztec Sun
S.60 Diving Header