╠AL╣KHALDI Opponent's Total Power 393589
ID: 29101421 3-1-4-2(S) Offensive Type
  I   Stamina Dribble Shot Pass Tackle Block Intercept Speed Power Technique Punch Catch Special Skills
1210 0 0 0 0 0 0 3543 4409 4585 4630 5940 S.99 Concentration Catch
S.99 Perfect Keeper's Absolute Defence
S.99 Perfect Catch
S.99 Perfect Keeper's Pride
A.80 Golden Right Hand
1201 3854 1959 3850 5028 4794 5005 3480 4153 3698 0 0 S.99 Snake Tail Block
S.99 Snake Mark
S.99 Sneak Attack Intercept
A.80 High-Tech Dribble
S.99 Swift Interception
1210 4337 2065 3788 4955 4502 4960 3631 4449 3526 0 0 S.10 Dump Truck Dribble
S.99 Strong Intercept
S.99 Gonzalez Block
A.80 Intense Tackle
S.99 Intense Tackle
1220 2598 2267 3144 4203 3364 3839 3052 3342 3081 0 0 S.99 Fierce Warrior Tackle
S.99 Determined Face Block
S.99 High-Power Block
S.99 Speedy Cover Intercept
A.80 Fierce Warrior Tackle
1301 4657 4505 4789 4811 3222 5034 4095 3999 4091 0 0 S.99 Step Swing Feed
S.99 Jumping-Turn Interception
S.99 Aerial Double and A Half Twist Interception
S.99 Killer Tackle
S.99 Kickback Tackle
1314 4424 4896 4408 4830 2436 4466 4051 4513 4210 0 0 S.99 Fake Move Shot
S.99 Instantaneous Combination
S.99 Spiral Turn
A.80 Sonic Pass
S.99 Break Tackle
1290 4193 4007 4243 4252 1980 4255 3778 3650 3631 0 0 S.99 Fine Pass
S.99 High-Speed Slalom
S.99 Swift Interception
S.55 Sudden Boost Interception
S.99 Brazilian Wave Attack
1261 4654 4766 4902 5114 2046 4598 4606 4390 4325 0 0 S.99 Gallant Step
S.99 Super Reactive Intercept
S.99 Agile Sliding Tackle
S.99 Twin Windmill
S.99 Land of Blooming Flowers Dash
1290 5358 3698 5542 4920 1998 4918 4509 4098 4503 0 0 S.99 Elegant Pass
S.99 Grand Jumping Pass
S.99 Magnificent Jumping Dribble
S.99 Straight Tackle
S.99 Hard Check Interception
1272 4052 5414 4837 3746 1955 3760 5288 4997 4358 0 0 S.99 Panther Spurt Shot
S.99 Sprint Combination
S.99 Super Sonic Step
S.99 High-Speed Bicycle Shot
S.4 High-Speed Interception
1324 5004 5356 5066 4776 2377 4642 4122 5122 4315 0 0 S.99 Long Range Drive Shot
S.99 The True Roberto Overhead Kick
S.99 3 Stage Feint Breakthrough
S.99 Student-Teacher Duo
S.99 Flying Drive Pass