
「FĐ」Suizo Opponent's Total Power 397754
ID: 29101221 3-1-4-2(S) Offensive Type
  I   Stamina Dribble Shot Pass Tackle Block Intercept Speed Power Technique Punch Catch Special Skills
1212 0 0 0 0 0 0 3378 4891 3742 5004 5816 S.99 Impregnable German Spirit
A.80 Steadfast Catch
S.99 Giant's Fist
S.99 Legend of the Phantom Keeper
S.99 Steadfast Catch
1243 3856 2084 4143 4342 4500 4651 4011 3293 3964 0 0 S.99 Axle Block
S.99 Sudden Boost Interception
S.99 Steel Defence
S.99 Swift Interception
S.99 Precise Pass
1230 4364 2426 4332 5372 5715 5182 3682 3869 3864 0 0 S.99 Burst Sliding Tackle
S.99 High-Power Block
S.99 Dynamic Intercept
A.80 Fly Feed
S.99 High-Power Dribble
1269 4078 2755 3976 5017 4766 4784 3531 3954 3549 0 0 S.99 Scramble Defence
S.99 Artistic Interception
S.99 The Workman's Trick Pass
S.99 Owl Intercept
S.99 Hedgehog Dribble
1312 3728 2284 3700 4878 4958 4943 3516 4033 3766 0 0 S.99 Pursuit Intercept
S.99 Aggressive Right-Angle Defence
S.99 Desperate Shot Stopper
S.99 I can't lose in a one-on-one!
S.99 Body Tackle Interception
1310 4490 4400 4834 6553 1966 6769 4229 3740 4396 0 0 S.10 Brazilian Golden Duo
S.99 Skip Dribble
S.99 Swift Interception
S.99 Santana Turn Pass
S.99 High-Speed Through Ball
1324 5004 5356 5066 4776 2377 4642 4122 5122 4315 0 0 S.99 Long Range Drive Shot
S.99 Brazil. No. 10 Combination
S.99 3 Stage Feint Breakthrough
S.99 Roberto-style Rotating Intercept
S.99 Trip Tackle
1261 4654 4766 4902 5114 2046 4598 4606 4390 4325 0 0 S.99 Gallant Step
S.99 Super Reactive Intercept
S.99 Twin Windmill
S.99 Sonic Pass
S.99 Land of Blooming Flowers Dash
1103 4393 4056 4258 4240 2030 4092 3562 3509 3768 0 0 S.99 Step Feed
S.99 Chain Roulette
S.99 Vivid Intercept
S.99 Low-Flying Pinpoint Pass
S.99 Intelligent Intercept
1255 4316 4890 4128 4259 1984 3910 3529 4416 3925 0 0 S.99 Wild Dash Volley
S.99 Bianco Nero Charge
S.99 Heavy Tiger Dribble
S.99 Fierce Tiger Tackle
S.99 Tiger Interception
1314 4424 4896 4408 4830 2436 4466 4051 4513 4210 0 0 S.99 Fake Move Shot
S.99 Spiral Turn
S.99 Sonic Pass
S.99 Break Tackle
S.99 Swift Interception