
Rainnyyu Opponent's Total Power 989968
ID: 29100641 3-1-4-2(S) Offensive Type
  I   Stamina Dribble Shot Pass Tackle Block Intercept Speed Power Technique Punch Catch Special Skills
1212 0 0 0 0 0 0 8446 12229 9357 12511 14541 S.99 Impregnable German Spirit
S.99 Legend of the Phantom Keeper
S.99 God-Hand Catch
S.99 Windmill Catch
S.99 Steel Giant
1201 9637 4898 9626 12570 11986 12514 8700 10383 9246 0 0 S.99 Snake Tail Block
S.99 Snake Mark
S.99 Sneak Attack Intercept
S.99 Swift Interception
A.80 Snake Mark
1312 9320 5712 9250 12196 12397 12358 8792 10083 9415 0 0 S.99 Pursuit Intercept
S.99 Aggressive Right-Angle Defence
S.99 Shoulder Block
S.99 I can't lose in a one-on-one!
S.99 Desperate Shot Stopper
1242 9415 4938 9519 11997 12332 12337 9028 11811 9703 0 0 S.99 Blocking Tackle
S.99 Fearless Block
S.99 Vivid Intercept
A.80 Perfect Cross
B.60 Speed Dribble
1311 10537 4715 10891 11947 9727 11910 10848 9951 10416 0 0 S.99 Clutch Tackle
S.99 Invasion Intercept
S.99 Diving Head Block
S.99 Wild Cross
S.99 High-Speed Slalom
1103 10983 10142 10647 10600 5076 10231 8905 8774 9422 0 0 S.99 Step Feed
S.99 Chain Roulette
S.99 Vivid Intercept
A.80 Nimble Sliding
S.99 Intelligent Intercept
1242 10860 13244 11918 10864 4767 11659 10647 10790 9927 0 0 S.99 Charm Step Shot
S.99 Moving Feed
S.99 Sharp Ceaseless Stepping
S.99 Vivid Intercept
S.99 Agile Sliding Tackle
1310 11227 11001 12085 16384 4917 16924 10574 9352 10990 0 0 S.99 Brazilian Golden Duo
S.99 Skip Dribble
S.99 Santana Turn Pass
S.99 Swift Sliding Tackle
A.80 Swift Interception
1201 10738 11342 11962 11167 4930 11938 9356 10060 9921 0 0 S.99 Flapping Dribble
S.99 Golden Hawk Pass
S.99 New Golden Duo
S.99 Superspeed Submarine Defence
S.99 Sky Hawk Intercept
1294 11397 13305 11613 11332 5057 10174 9342 12930 10348 0 0 S.99 Double Jump Volley Shot
S.99 Flying Drive Overhead Kick
S.99 Miracle Dribble
S.99 Lightning Interception
S.99 The Wonder Defence
1324 12510 13392 12667 11940 5943 11605 10305 12807 10788 0 0 S.99 Long Range Drive Shot
S.99 Brazil. No. 10 Combination
S.99 3 Stage Feint Breakthrough
S.99 Agile Sliding Tackle
S.99 Roberto-style Rotating Intercept