
「FĐ」Lucho9 Opponent's Total Power 379926
ID: 29090821 3-1-3-3(S) Offensive Type
  I   Stamina Dribble Shot Pass Tackle Block Intercept Speed Power Technique Punch Catch Special Skills
1143 0 0 0 0 0 0 4730 5246 4862 5850 5854 S.99 Boost Punch
S.99 Miracle Punch
S.99 High Jump Catch
A.80 Condor Punch
S.99 Super Reflex Catch
1243 3856 2084 4143 4342 4500 4651 4011 3293 3964 0 0 S.99 Axle Block
S.99 Sudden Boost Interception
S.99 Steel Defence
S.99 High-Speed Interception
S.1 Swift Interception
1200 3716 2072 4177 4924 4738 5038 2592 4008 2806 0 0 S.99 Power Sliding Block
S.99 Megaton Interception
S.99 High-Power Tackle
A.1 Strong Pass
S.99 Orange Team Tackle
1336 3692 2351 3646 4598 4583 4810 3996 4529 4228 0 0 S.99 Bullet Shot Block
S.99 Top-Speed Tackle
S.99 Sudden Boost Interception
A.1 Flat-Out Dribble
1269 4078 2755 3976 5017 4766 4784 3531 3954 3549 0 0 S.99 Scramble Defence
S.99 Owl Intercept
S.99 Artistic Interception
S.99 Hedgehog Tackle
S.99 The Workman's Trick Pass
1164 4326 3128 4240 4014 1918 4216 2881 2880 3490 0 0 S.99 Precise Curve Pass
S.99 Sterk Pass
S.99 Double Step Dribble
S.99 Agile Sliding Tackle
S.99 Swift Interception
1261 4654 4766 4902 5114 2046 4598 4606 4390 4325 0 0 S.99 Gallant Step
S.99 Super Reactive Intercept
S.99 Dynamic Sliding Tackle
S.99 Twin Windmill
S.99 Land of Blooming Flowers Dash
1103 4393 4056 4258 4240 2030 4092 3562 3509 3768 0 0 S.99 Step Feed
S.99 Chain Roulette
S.99 Low-Flying Pinpoint Pass
S.99 Intelligent Intercept
S.99 Vivid Intercept
1293 4443 5100 4462 3888 1737 3554 3238 4105 3285 0 0 S.99 Quick Lift Shot
S.99 Bright Dribble
S.99 Agile Sliding Tackle
S.99 High-Speed Dribble
S.99 Sudden Boost Interception
1206 4376 5069 4382 4058 1736 4070 3680 4058 3749 0 0 S.99 Turning Volley
S.99 Sharp Ceaseless Stepping
S.99 Perfect Cross
S.99 Total Football
S.99 Orange Team Tackle
1314 4424 4896 4408 4830 2436 4466 4051 4513 4210 0 0 S.99 Fake Move Shot
S.99 Instantaneous Combination
S.99 Spiral Turn
S.99 Total Football
S.99 Swift Interception