
Ekoes Opponent's Total Power 475521
ID: 23301432 3-1-3-3 Offensive Type
  I   Stamina Dribble Shot Pass Tackle Block Intercept Speed Power Technique Punch Catch Special Skills
1124 0 0 0 0 0 0 3656 5113 5476 6070 8080 S.30 Clever Catch
S.30 Catalonia's Iron Wall
S.30 One-Handed Catch
A.50 One-Handed Catch
A.50 Tenacious Fine Save
1132 3623 2567 5023 5696 5844 6419 4154 4286 5020 0 0 S.30 Dynamic Intercept
S.30 High-Power Block
A.50 Dynamic Tackle
A.50 Strong Pass
S.30 Dynamic Tackle
1114 3620 2977 4132 6737 6676 6578 3912 5428 4126 0 0 S.30 Strong Intercept
S.30 Giant Block
S.30 High Pressure Tackle
A.50 Wild Cross
A.50 High-Power Tackle
1184 4312 2705 4192 6168 5698 5884 3934 3398 4786 0 0 S.30 Owl Intercept
S.30 Artistic Interception
S.30 Flash Tackle
S.30 Hedgehog Tackle
S.30 Hedgehog Defence
1220 5362 7166 5861 5290 2707 5515 4400 3950 4767 0 0 S.30 Germanic One-Two Header
S.30 Raiju Pass
S.30 Burst Dribble
S.30 Raiju Shot
S.30 Stop Messing Around in My Turf!
1318 6218 5474 6272 5096 1968 5516 4421 5268 4660 0 0 S.30 Supernatural Two-Stage Aerial Overhead Kick
S.30 Legend of Catalonia
S.30 Snowboard Dribble
S.30 Flying Drive Pass
S.30 New Golden Duo
1221 6572 6544 6097 5004 2587 6101 4472 4995 4958 0 0 S.30 Jumping One-Two Volley
S.30 High Speed Tornado Sky Alpha
S.30 Turn Overhead Pass
S.30 Golden Duo
S.30 Excellent Artistic Dribble
1163 6440 6543 6451 6550 3452 5562 4544 5345 5008 0 0 S.30 Jumping Superspeed Kickback Cannon
S.30 Killer Dribble
S.30 Rivaul Turn
S.30 Golden Hawk Pass
S.30 New Golden Duo
1159 6319 6477 6270 3622 3068 4591 3725 5013 3830 0 0 S.30 Twin Windmill
S.30 Land of Blooming Flowers Dash
S.30 Cruyff Turn
S.30 Sonic Pass
S.30 Swift Interception
1219 3974 6693 3833 3598 2503 4157 4196 4986 3912 0 0 S.30 Land of Blooming Flowers Dash
S.30 Twin Windmill
S.30 Spiral Turn
S.30 Break Tackle
S.30 Swift Interception
1212 6680 7097 6377 6250 2633 5806 5249 5804 5432 0 0 S.30 Superspeed Kickback Fire Shot
S.30 Fire Step
S.30 Kaiser Dribble
S.30 Germanic One-Two Header
S.30 Fire Pass