
FX|Daigo Opponent's Total Power 763093
ID: 23300842 3-2-4-1 Balanced Type
  I   Stamina Dribble Shot Pass Tackle Block Intercept Speed Power Technique Punch Catch Special Skills
1124 0 0 0 0 0 0 6094 8521 9127 10116 13466 S.99 Clever Catch
S.99 Catalonia's Iron Wall
A.80 One-Handed Catch
A.80 Tenacious Fine Save
S.99 Tenacious Fine Save
1098 6400 4872 6739 11394 10143 11250 6910 7560 7856 0 0 S.99 Hard Contact Intercept
S.99 Double Tackle
S.99 Diving Head Block
A.80 Perfect Cross
S.30 Feinting Dribble
1256 6476 4935 6870 10362 10430 9990 7956 6480 6357 0 0 S.1 Signal Duo Defence
S.99 Aggressive Right-Angle Defence
S.99 Desperate Shot Stopper
S.99 Body Tackle Interception
S.99 I can't lose in a one-on-one!
1077 8065 4762 8762 10324 5861 9769 6474 5246 8502 0 0 S.99 3M
S.99 Young Noble's Steps
S.99 Trick Tackle
S.99 Flying Drive Pass
S.99 Technical Defence
1161 6663 5284 6495 9326 7521 9597 6228 6627 8288 0 0 S.99 The Kaltz Interception
S.99 Flash Tackle
S.99 Scramble Defence
S.99 Kaltz Block
S.99 Owl Intercept
1230 8986 11128 9606 7621 2622 9194 9183 7605 10113 0 0 S.99 Drive Shot (40th anniversary ver.)
S.99 Aerial Acrobatic Intercept
S.99 Flying Drive Pass
S.99 Aurora Curtain
S.99 Snowboard Dribble
1221 10744 10906 9952 9130 4312 9958 7210 8325 8020 0 0 S.99 Jumping One-Two Volley
S.99 Turn Overhead Pass
S.99 3M
S.99 Excellent Artistic Dribble
S.99 Artistic Tackle
1200 10927 11710 10896 8140 5061 8662 7014 8839 7785 0 0 S.99 Long Range Drive Shot
S.99 Flying Drive Pass
S.99 South American Dribble
S.99 3 Stage Feint Breakthrough
S.99 Swift Interception
1207 6016 9061 6910 8550 3756 8066 6680 7223 7032 0 0 S.99 Super-Low Eagle Twin Shot
S.99 Eagle Intercept
S.99 Spirited Valiant Defence
S.99 Diligent Defence
S.99 Assault Eagle Pass
1124 8097 5738 8931 8777 3762 9431 7944 5400 6714 0 0 S.99 Wild Monkey Sliding
S.99 Flying Squirrel Interception
S.99 Swift Interception
A.80 Wild Monkey Tackle
S.99 Flying Squirrel Jump
1284 9466 11088 9384 9625 5058 9446 7467 8060 7664 0 0 S.99 Two-Stage Flying Drive Shot
S.99 Flying Drive Overhead Kick
S.99 Lightning Interception
S.99 The Wonder Defence
S.99 Natureza Counter