
ⒿⓀZioPier Opponent's Total Power 782161
ID: 23300541 3-1-4-2 Offensive Type
  I   Stamina Dribble Shot Pass Tackle Block Intercept Speed Power Technique Punch Catch Special Skills
1181 0 0 0 0 0 0 5355 8545 7618 9303 12490 S.99 God-Hand Catch
S.99 Steadfast Catch
C.40 One-Handed Catch
S.99 Legend of the Phantom Keeper
S.99 Steel Giant
1132 6039 4278 8372 9494 9740 10698 6924 8143 8367 0 0 S.99 Dynamic Intercept
S.99 High-Power Block
A.80 Dynamic Tackle
A.80 Strong Pass
S.99 Dynamic Tackle
1098 5400 4872 5739 11394 9143 11250 6910 6560 7856 0 0 S.99 Hard Contact Intercept
S.99 Double Tackle
S.99 Diving Head Block
A.80 Perfect Cross
1114 6033 4962 6887 11202 11127 11028 6574 9046 7702 0 0 S.99 Strong Intercept
S.99 Giant Block
A.80 High Pressure Tackle
A.80 Wild Cross
S.99 High Pressure Tackle
1230 8196 11128 9606 6831 2622 9194 9427 7605 10113 0 0 S.99 Drive Shot (40th anniversary ver.)
S.99 Snowboard Dribble
S.99 Aerial Acrobatic Intercept
S.99 Submarine Defence
S.99 Green-Cut Pass
1159 10596 10795 10515 7036 5114 8652 7035 8355 7209 0 0 S.99 Twin Windmill
S.99 Land of Blooming Flowers Dash
S.99 Cruyff Turn
S.99 Sonic Pass
S.99 Swift Interception
1157 8387 5487 9396 9450 5924 9628 6943 5759 8826 0 0 S.99 High-Speed Pass Work
S.99 Ruler Pass
S.99 Insight Interception
S.99 Diversionary Defence
S.99 Triple Step
1221 9954 10906 10162 8340 4312 10168 7454 8325 8264 0 0 S.99 Jumping One-Two Volley
S.99 Golden Duo
S.99 Turn Overhead Pass
S.99 Overhead Interception
S.99 Excellent Artistic Dribble
1163 10734 10905 10752 10917 5754 9270 7573 8908 8346 0 0 S.99 Jumping Superspeed Kickback Cannon
S.99 Golden Hawk Pass
S.99 Killer Dribble
S.99 Sky Hawk Intercept
S.99 Superspeed Submarine Defence
1219 7624 11155 7389 6997 4172 6993 6993 8310 7346 0 0 S.99 Land of Blooming Flowers Dash
S.99 Twin Windmill
S.99 Cruyff Turn
S.99 Sonic Pass
S.99 Swift Interception
1284 9466 11088 8384 8625 5058 9446 7467 8060 7664 0 0 S.99 Two-Stage Flying Drive Shot
S.99 Flying Drive Overhead Kick
S.99 Bound Dribble
S.99 Miracle Flying Drive Shot
S.99 Brazilian Dream Duo