
ⒿⓀZioPier Opponent's Total Power 463360
ID: 23300532 3-1-3-3 Offensive Type
  I   Stamina Dribble Shot Pass Tackle Block Intercept Speed Power Technique Punch Catch Special Skills
1124 0 0 0 0 0 0 3656 5113 5476 6070 8080 S.30 Clever Catch
S.30 Catalonia's Iron Wall
A.50 One-Handed Catch
A.50 Tenacious Fine Save
1032 3485 2603 3482 4984 4630 5044 4099 3535 4657 0 0 S.30 Sneak Attack Intercept
S.30 Perfect Cross
A.50 Snake Mark
A.50 Skill Dribble
S.30 Snake Mark
1098 3240 2923 3443 6836 5486 6750 4146 3936 4714 0 0 S.30 Hard Contact Intercept
S.30 Double Tackle
S.30 Diving Head Block
A.50 Perfect Cross
1083 3008 3257 3367 5826 5231 5120 4415 3847 3899 0 0 S.30 Capturing Tackle
S.30 Heavy Block
A.50 Swift Interception
A.50 Strong Pass
S.30 Swift Interception
1230 4918 6677 5764 4099 1573 5516 5656 4563 6068 0 0 S.30 Drive Shot (40th anniversary ver.)
S.30 Snowboard Dribble
S.30 Aerial Acrobatic Intercept
S.30 Submarine Defence
S.30 Green-Cut Pass
1200 6682 7026 6664 4410 3037 4723 4355 5303 4817 0 0 S.30 Long Range Drive Shot
S.30 Flying Drive Pass
A.50 South American Dribble
S.30 Student-Teacher Duo
S.30 Swift Interception
1221 5972 6544 6097 5004 2587 6101 4472 4995 4958 0 0 S.30 Jumping One-Two Volley
S.30 Golden Duo
S.30 Turn Overhead Pass
S.30 Overhead Interception
S.30 Excellent Artistic Dribble
1163 6440 6543 6451 6550 3452 5562 4544 5345 5008 0 0 S.30 Jumping Superspeed Kickback Cannon
S.30 Golden Hawk Pass
S.30 Killer Dribble
S.30 Sky Hawk Intercept
S.30 Superspeed Submarine Defence
1219 4574 6693 4433 4198 2503 4196 4196 4986 4408 0 0 S.30 Land of Blooming Flowers Dash
S.30 Twin Windmill
S.30 Cruyff Turn
S.30 Sonic Pass
S.30 Swift Interception
1284 5680 6653 5030 5175 3035 5668 4480 4836 4598 0 0 S.30 Two-Stage Flying Drive Shot
S.30 Flying Drive Overhead Kick
S.30 Bound Dribble
S.30 Miracle Flying Drive Shot
S.30 Brazilian Dream Duo
1159 6358 6477 6309 4222 3068 5191 4221 5013 4325 0 0 S.30 Twin Windmill
S.30 Land of Blooming Flowers Dash
S.30 Cruyff Turn
S.30 Sonic Pass
S.30 Swift Interception