◥HOP◤ⒿⓄⓀⒺⓇ Opponent's Total Power 477172
ID: 23300132 3-2-4-1 Balanced Type
  I   Stamina Dribble Shot Pass Tackle Block Intercept Speed Power Technique Punch Catch Special Skills
1181 0 0 0 0 0 0 3645 5127 4571 5582 7494 S.30 God-Hand Catch
S.30 Legend of the Phantom Keeper
S.30 Steadfast Catch
S.30 One-Handed Catch
A.50 One-Handed Catch
1184 4312 2705 4792 6168 6298 5884 3934 3998 4786 0 0 S.30 Owl Intercept
S.30 Kaltz Block
S.30 Hedgehog Dribble
S.30 Scramble Defence
S.30 Artistic Interception
1098 3240 2923 3443 6836 6086 6750 4146 4536 4714 0 0 S.30 Hard Contact Intercept
S.30 Double Tackle
S.30 Diving Head Block
A.50 Perfect Cross
S.30 Forcible Interception
1132 4223 2567 5023 5696 5844 6419 4154 4886 5020 0 0 S.30 Dynamic Intercept
S.30 High-Power Block
A.50 Dynamic Tackle
A.50 Strong Pass
S.30 Dynamic Tackle
1211 4252 7366 5108 5849 3649 6309 3940 4013 4884 0 0 S.30 Wild Eagle Sliding Interception
S.30 Full Power Eagle Shot
S.30 Diligent Defence
S.30 Eagle Step
S.30 Eagle Intercept
1220 5099 6566 5861 5027 2707 5515 3905 3350 4767 0 0 S.30 Germanic One-Two Header
S.30 Stop Messing Around in My Turf!
S.30 Mysterious Bird Interception
S.30 Burst Dribble
S.30 Raiju Pass
1103 5737 3821 5683 5029 2083 5613 4960 3335 4110 0 0 S.30 Skip Dribble
S.30 High-Speed Through Ball
A.50 Swift Interception
A.50 Agile Sliding Tackle
S.30 Swift Sliding Tackle
1275 6023 6340 6156 5372 3087 5586 4257 4680 4446 0 0 S.30 Shooting Drive Shot
S.30 Flying Drive Pass
S.30 Snowboard Dribble
S.30 Legend of Catalonia
S.30 New Golden Duo
1163 6440 6543 6451 6550 3452 5562 4544 5345 5008 0 0 S.30 Jumping Superspeed Kickback Cannon
S.30 Golden Hawk Pass
S.30 Sky Hawk Intercept
S.30 Killer Dribble
S.30 Superspeed Submarine Defence
1221 6533 6544 6058 5004 2587 5501 3977 4995 4463 0 0 S.30 Jumping One-Two Volley
S.30 Golden Duo
S.30 Turn Overhead Pass
S.30 Overhead Interception
S.30 Excellent Artistic Dribble
1212 6680 7097 6377 6250 2633 5806 5249 5804 5432 0 0 S.30 Superspeed Kickback Fire Shot
S.30 Fire Pass
S.30 Fire Step
S.30 Germanic One-Two Header
S.30 Supreme Fire Shot