
Catalonia Opponent's Total Power 484242
ID: 23290141 4-1-4-1 Balanced Type
  I   Stamina Dribble Shot Pass Tackle Block Intercept Speed Power Technique Punch Catch Special Skills
999 0 0 0 0 0 0 5412 6113 5787 6290 6459 S.1 Catalonia's Iron Wall
S.1 Tenacious Fine Save
S.1 One-Handed Catch
S.1 Super Punch
999 4545 4539 4559 5409 4978 5086 4970 5040 4786 0 0 S.1 Snake Mark
S.1 Sneak Attack Intercept
S.1 Sliding Block
S.1 Perfect Cross
999 4531 4563 4681 5394 5034 5131 4992 5017 4768 0 0 S.1 Double Tackle
S.1 Forcible Interception
S.1 Perfect Cross
S.1 Feinting Dribble
999 4790 4871 4539 5285 5215 5013 4669 5413 4801 0 0 S.1 Gonzalez Block
S.1 Intense Tackle
S.1 Forcible Interception
S.1 Strong Pass
S.1 Power Dribble
999 4660 4673 4656 5299 5258 5244 5015 5293 4681 0 0 S.1 Strong Tackle
S.1 Forcible Interception
S.1 Power Block
S.1 Power Dribble
S.1 Strong Pass
999 5268 4866 5600 5000 4768 5285 5021 4879 5456 0 0 S.1 Triple Step
S.1 Ruler Pass
S.1 Diversionary Defence
S.1 Insight Interception
999 4731 4739 4761 4756 4735 4739 4753 4733 4759 0 0 S.1 Precise Pass
S.1 Precise Shot
S.1 Strong Tackle
S.1 Speed Dribble
999 5390 5434 5213 5509 4957 5296 4887 5339 5386 0 0 S.1 The Golden Left Leg of Victory
S.1 New Golden Duo
S.1 Rivaul Turn
S.1 Superspeed Submarine Defence
S.1 Sky Hawk Intercept
999 5645 5522 5695 5403 5388 5559 5349 5190 5742 0 0 S.1 Legend of Catalonia
S.1 New Golden Duo
S.1 Rivaul Turn
S.1 Swift Interception
S.1 Submarine Defence
999 5310 5198 5161 4849 4784 5192 5411 4675 5116 0 0 S.1 Duel Dribble
S.1 Return Intercept
S.1 Perfect Cross
S.1 Speed Tackle
S.1 Precise Shot
999 5229 5427 5050 4859 4790 4733 4898 5211 5137 0 0 S.1 Smashing Header
S.1 Bullet Shot
S.1 Snap Jumping Volley
S.1 Feinting Dribble
S.1 Precise Pass