
Leon Opponent's Total Power 772130
ID: 23281042 3-1-3-3 Offensive Type
  I   Stamina Dribble Shot Pass Tackle Block Intercept Speed Power Technique Punch Catch Special Skills
1175 0 0 0 0 0 0 5906 7755 8991 5673 11162 S.99 Dual Discipline Saving
S.1 Super Focus Punch
A.80 One-Handed Catch
1149 5189 3467 5405 11379 11457 11231 7790 7090 5750 0 0 S.99 Blow Sliding
S.99 Diving Head Block
S.99 Swift Interception
A.80 Strong Pass
S.1 Strong Pass
1184 7186 4508 6986 10280 10497 9807 5556 6664 7977 0 0 S.99 Owl Intercept
S.99 Scramble Defence
S.99 Kaltz Block
S.50 The Workman's Trick Pass
S.15 Hedgehog Dribble
1132 6039 4278 7372 9403 9740 10698 6152 8143 8367 0 0 S.99 Dynamic Intercept
S.99 High-Power Block
A.80 Dynamic Tackle
A.80 Strong Pass
S.30 Dynamic Tackle
1211 6087 12277 7514 9657 6082 10515 5795 6688 8140 0 0 S.99 Wild Eagle Sliding Interception
S.99 Full Power Eagle Shot
A.80 Spirited Valiant Defence
S.99 Eagle Pass
S.99 Eagle Tackle
1149 10036 11670 10238 7077 4680 6765 7692 9298 8773 0 0 S.99 Instantaneous Combination
S.99 Break Shot
S.99 High-Speed Scissors
A.80 Break Tackle
S.99 Swift Interception
1220 8936 10943 9769 8817 4512 9192 7334 5583 7945 0 0 S.99 Germanic One-Two Header
S.99 Mysterious Bird Interception
S.99 Stop Messing Around in My Turf!
A.80 Raiju Shot
S.99 Burst Dribble
1206 10125 10592 10538 8388 6318 8639 8145 9352 8725 0 0 S.99 Legend of Catalonia
S.99 Flying Drive Pass
S.99 Aurora Curtain
S.98 Rivaul Turn
S.99 Miracle Drive Shot
1056 7757 8562 7527 5912 4936 6986 6058 8259 7408 0 0 S.99 Sky Drive Overhead Kick
S.99 South American Dribble
S.99 True Skywing Shot
S.99 Flying Drive Pass
S.99 Student-Teacher Duo
1159 10505 10795 10515 6036 5114 7652 6263 8355 7209 0 0 S.99 Twin Windmill
S.99 Land of Blooming Flowers Dash
S.99 Cruyff Turn
A.80 Sonic Pass
S.99 Swift Interception
1212 11134 11828 10629 10416 4388 9676 8748 9673 9054 0 0 S.99 Superspeed Kickback Fire Shot
S.99 Supreme Fire Shot
S.99 Fire Step
S.99 Kaiser Tackle
S.99 Flaming Interception