
けいくん Opponent's Total Power 486107
ID: 22951132 3-2-3-2 Balanced Type
  I   Stamina Dribble Shot Pass Tackle Block Intercept Speed Power Technique Punch Catch Special Skills
1162 0 0 0 0 0 0 4463 6440 7040 4031 7760 S.99 Z=SGGK Catch
S.99 Jumping SGGK Catch
A.80 One-Handed Catch
A.80 SGGK Catch
C.40 Super Catch
1185 3795 2154 3887 5823 6331 6084 4589 4786 5538 0 0 S.99 Kaltz Block
S.99 Artistic Interception
S.99 Flash Tackle
B.1 Hedgehog Tackle
A.80 Artistic Interception
1096 4446 4052 4740 7431 7016 7279 5062 5935 6175 0 0 S.99 Catenaccio Charge Interception
S.99 Dandy Interception
S.99 Supernova
S.99 Right-Angle Defence
S.99 New Star Block
1182 3868 3592 4771 6355 5455 6427 6340 4601 2626 0 0 S.99 Grappling Tackle
S.99 Heroic Interception
A.80 High-Power Block
A.80 Strong Pass
S.99 High-Power Block
1249 5040 3263 5698 5874 2484 6477 4962 3538 5886 0 0 S.99 Bob and Weave Interception
S.99 Fireball Press
S.30 Dropkick Pass
S.50 Right-Angle "Whirlwind" Feint
A.80 Juggling Pass
1119 4406 2682 5069 7001 3914 6063 4382 3604 5387 0 0 S.1 Sao Paulo's Student-Teacher Duo
S.99 Speedy Cover Intercept
A.1 High-Speed South American Dribble
A.80 Fierce Warrior Tackle
1057 5632 4431 6780 4962 3022 5055 4619 3757 5961 0 0 S.40 Grand Jumping Pass
S.30 Magnificent Jumping Dribble
S.51 Germanic Combination
S.30 Straight Tackle
S.30 Hard Check Interception
1056 5430 5993 5205 4138 3455 4827 4241 5781 4786 0 0 S.99 Sky Drive Overhead Kick
S.99 The True Roberto Overhead Kick
S.99 True Skywing Shot
S.99 South American Dribble
S.99 Flying Drive Pass
1216 6702 6353 7642 5026 5056 5868 5529 4269 6643 0 0 S.99 Flick Pass
S.99 Trick Touch Dribble
S.99 Ball Loop Tackle
A.80 Forcible Interception
1309 5325 8287 5767 5361 3689 4371 4754 4534 5464 0 0 S.30 Supreme Fire Shot
S.30 Fire Overhead Kick
S.30 Compact Control Fire Shot
S.30 Fire Pass
S.30 Kaiser Tackle
1048 4396 6734 5078 4001 3574 3925 4700 6037 4325 0 0 S.99 German Combo Volley
S.99 Spearhead
S.30 Technical Diving Header
S.30 Strong Pass
A.63 Strong Pass