All Japan (WY)

All Japan (WY) Opponent's Total Power 479701
ID: 21540141 4-1-3-2 Balanced Type
  I   Stamina Dribble Shot Pass Tackle Block Intercept Speed Power Technique Punch Catch Special Skills
999 0 0 0 0 0 0 4848 5673 5476 5483 5781 S.1 Jumping SGGK Catch
S.1 SGGK Catch
S.1 One-Handed Catch
S.1 Uppercut Defence
S.1 Straight Defence
999 4141 4169 4184 4275 4115 4113 4173 3830 3999 0 0 S.1 Razor Shot
S.1 Razor Tackle
S.1 Razor Pass
S.1 Razor Block
S.1 Razor Interception
999 4919 4844 4964 5632 5485 5087 4619 5762 4715 0 0 S.1 I'll send my rivals flying!
S.1 Those little tricks ain't gonna work!
S.1 Sliding Dash Block
S.1 Power Dribble
S.1 Strong Pass
999 5477 5442 5645 5273 5128 5463 5017 4867 5640 0 0 S.1 Overhead Block
S.1 Double Defence
S.1 Magnificent Interception
S.1 Drive Pass
S.1 Drive Shot
999 4047 3856 4009 4094 4624 3976 3923 4011 3916 0 0 S.1 New Face Block
S.1 Face Tackle
S.1 Determined Intercept
S.1 Mad Dribble
S.1 Golden Trio?
999 5359 5033 5069 5455 5240 5259 5094 5039 5326 0 0 S.1 Eagle Shot
S.1 Eagle Tackle
S.1 Eagle Intercept
S.1 Eagle Pass
S.1 Smooth Ball-Keeping
999 5661 5105 5828 5217 4815 5605 5191 4983 5680 0 0 S.1 Boomerang Shot
S.1 Green-Cut Pass
S.1 Excellent Artistic Dribble
S.1 Golden Duo
S.1 Magnificent Interception
999 5604 5621 5697 5421 5625 5711 5365 5290 5881 0 0 S.1 Skydive Shot
S.1 Skywing Shot
S.1 Aurora Curtain
S.1 Flying Drive Pass
S.1 Wing Dribble
999 5390 5152 5391 5154 5084 5390 5513 4655 5356 0 0 S.1 Non-Stop Rovesciata
S.1 Juggling Dribble
S.1 Bob and Weave Defence
S.1 Bob and Weave Interception
S.1 All-Japan's Golden Trio
999 5123 5280 4938 4978 4762 4956 5684 4878 4845 0 0 S.1 Falcon Shot
S.1 Falcon Pass
S.1 Falcon Intercept
S.1 Left-Leg Jumping Falcon Volley
S.1 High-Speed Dribble
999 5181 5734 5110 5322 4957 4994 5110 5610 5285 0 0 S.1 Raiju Shot
S.1 Descending Raiju Shot
S.1 Jumping Raiju Shot
S.1 Raiju Pass
S.1 Tiger Dribble