
Sweden Opponent's Total Power 135613
ID: 21380131 3-2-3-2 Balanced Type
  I   Stamina Dribble Shot Pass Tackle Block Intercept Speed Power Technique Punch Catch Special Skills
999 0 0 0 0 0 0 1608 1618 1605 1600 1600 A.1 All-Out Save
A.1 Super Punch
999 1399 1401 1416 1409 1439 1408 1434 1431 1421 0 0 A.1 Strong Tackle
A.1 Forcible Interception
999 1399 1401 1416 1409 1439 1408 1434 1431 1421 0 0 A.1 Muscle Block
A.1 Rising Tackle
A.1 Power Dribble
A.1 Forcible Interception
999 1399 1401 1416 1409 1439 1408 1434 1431 1421 0 0 A.1 Strong Tackle
A.1 Forcible Interception
999 1399 1401 1416 1409 1439 1408 1434 1431 1421 0 0 A.1 Forcible Interception
A.1 Strong Tackle
A.1 Precise Shot
A.1 Strong Pass
999 1403 1431 1426 1399 1411 1413 1429 1390 1394 0 0 A.1 Forcible Interception
A.1 Strong Tackle
A.1 Precise Shot
A.1 Strong Pass
999 1421 1442 1434 1424 1436 1419 1411 1411 1394 0 0 A.1 High-Tech Dribble
A.1 Technical Loop Shot
999 1396 1441 1399 1399 1434 1433 1426 1441 1419 0 0 A.1 Levin Shot
A.1 Aurora Curtain
A.1 Right-Angle Feint
A.1 Four Knights of the Midnight Sun
999 1399 1401 1416 1409 1439 1408 1434 1431 1421 0 0 A.1 SSS (Speedy Sliding Shot)
A.1 High-Speed Dribble
A.1 High-Speed Tackle
999 1399 1401 1416 1409 1439 1408 1434 1431 1421 0 0 A.1 Precise Shot
A.1 Jumping Header
A.1 Diving Header
A.1 Precise Pass
999 1399 1401 1416 1409 1439 1408 1434 1431 1421 0 0 A.1 Precise Shot
A.1 Jumping Header
A.1 Diving Header
A.1 Precise Pass