Mexico (WY)

Mexico (WY) Opponent's Total Power 24882
ID: 21370111 5-1-2-2 Offensive Type
  I   Stamina Dribble Shot Pass Tackle Block Intercept Speed Power Technique Punch Catch Special Skills
999 0 0 0 0 0 0 337 348 345 310 310 C.1 Miracle Catch
C.1 Condor Punch
999 207 209 224 217 247 216 242 239 229 0 0 C.1 Strong Tackle
C.1 Forcible Interception
C.1 Sliding Block
C.1 Strong Pass
999 207 209 224 217 247 216 242 239 229 0 0 C.1 Strong Tackle
C.1 Forcible Interception
C.1 Sliding Block
C.1 Strong Pass
999 207 209 224 217 247 216 242 239 229 0 0 C.1 Strong Tackle
C.1 Forcible Interception
C.1 Sliding Block
C.1 Strong Pass
999 207 209 224 217 247 216 242 239 229 0 0 C.1 Strong Tackle
C.1 Forcible Interception
C.1 Sliding Block
C.1 Strong Pass
999 211 239 234 207 219 221 237 198 202 0 0 C.1 Forcible Interception
C.1 Strong Tackle
C.1 Precise Shot
C.1 Strong Pass
C.1 Sliding Block
999 290 335 302 310 309 283 264 297 262 0 0 C.1 Big Bang Shot
C.1 Power Dribble
C.1 Tidal Wave Tackle
C.1 Strong Pass
C.1 Forcible Interception
999 280 314 278 270 302 313 315 308 289 0 0 C.1 Tidal Wave Tackle
C.1 Speed Dribble
C.1 Swift Interception
C.1 Five Soldiers of the Aztec Sun
C.1 Strong Pass
999 272 270 289 284 310 279 303 304 290 0 0 C.1 Tidal Wave Tackle
C.1 Wild Shot
C.1 Forcible Interception
C.1 Five Soldiers of the Aztec Sun
C.1 Strong Pass
999 274 283 293 282 305 281 307 295 294 0 0 C.1 Lucha Aerial Attack
C.1 Bullet Shot
C.1 Speed Tackle
C.1 Five Soldiers of the Aztec Sun
C.1 Speed Dribble
999 274 279 291 282 305 279 309 295 294 0 0 C.1 Swinging DDT Volley
C.1 Strong Shot
C.1 Speed Dribble
C.1 Five Soldiers of the Aztec Sun
C.1 Diving Header