Sweden National Team

Sweden National Team Opponent's Total Power 660177
ID: 21040242 3-2-3-2 Balanced Type
  I   Stamina Dribble Shot Pass Tackle Block Intercept Speed Power Technique Punch Catch Special Skills
999 0 0 0 0 0 0 4882 5180 5207 4842 4845 S.1 All-Out Save
S.1 Super Punch
999 5130 4828 5120 4932 5250 5045 5252 5172 5150 0 0 S.1 Strong Tackle
S.1 Forcible Interception
999 9155 9545 8997 13108 14089 11918 8726 10540 8987 0 0 S.1 Muscle Block
S.1 Rising Tackle
S.1 Power Dribble
S.1 Forcible Interception
999 4831 5002 5037 5204 4896 4856 5200 5107 4885 0 0 S.1 Strong Tackle
S.1 Forcible Interception
999 5247 4911 5102 4842 5163 4938 5287 4951 5088 0 0 S.1 Forcible Interception
S.1 Strong Tackle
S.1 Precise Shot
S.1 Strong Pass
999 5219 4957 5238 4967 5229 4816 5094 5223 5080 0 0 S.1 Forcible Interception
S.1 Strong Tackle
S.1 Precise Shot
S.1 Strong Pass
999 9958 9452 9612 9062 9287 9686 9255 8737 10015 0 0 S.1 High-Tech Dribble
S.1 Technical Loop Shot
999 11011 11220 10997 10071 10050 10485 10731 10883 11085 0 0 S.1 Levin Shot
S.1 Aurora Curtain
S.1 Right-Angle Feint
S.1 Four Knights of the Midnight Sun
999 9222 9659 9516 9529 9369 9370 10701 9014 9678 0 0 S.1 SSS (Speedy Sliding Shot)
S.1 High-Speed Dribble
S.1 High-Speed Tackle
999 4946 5006 5198 5081 5179 4861 5164 4906 4918 0 0 S.1 Precise Shot
S.1 Jumping Header
S.1 Diving Header
S.1 Precise Pass
999 4968 5124 4806 5163 4852 4914 5240 5032 4894 0 0 S.1 Precise Shot
S.1 Jumping Header
S.1 Diving Header
S.1 Precise Pass