
Lombardia Opponent's Total Power 432655
ID: 20550341 4-2-2-2A Offensive Type
  I   Stamina Dribble Shot Pass Tackle Block Intercept Speed Power Technique Punch Catch Special Skills
999 0 0 0 0 0 0 5077 4925 5308 5439 5563 S.1 Super Punch
S.1 One-Handed Catch
S.1 Double-Handed Punch
999 4400 4391 4408 4393 4405 4392 4404 4391 4402 0 0 S.99 Strong Tackle
S.99 Forcible Interception
999 4402 4401 4393 4405 4391 4403 4406 4399 4402 0 0 S.99 Strong Tackle
S.99 Forcible Interception
999 4395 4403 4402 4396 4404 4396 4399 4400 4403 0 0 S.99 Strong Tackle
S.99 Forcible Interception
999 4405 4398 4407 4403 4394 4395 4395 4396 4394 0 0 S.99 Strong Tackle
S.99 Forcible Interception
999 4399 4395 4398 4396 4395 4403 4404 4397 4399 0 0 S.99 Strong Pass
S.99 Strong Tackle
999 4403 4403 4401 4393 4400 4395 4400 4406 4391 0 0 S.99 Strong Pass
S.99 Strong Tackle
999 4408 4395 4394 4401 4405 4401 4399 4404 4395 0 0 S.1 Bob and Weave Dribble
S.1 Eruption of Mount Fuji
999 5455 5178 5295 5080 5048 5305 5367 4706 5410 0 0 S.99 Precise Pass
S.99 Precise Shot
999 4391 4408 4396 4405 4393 4399 4399 4405 4391 0 0 S.99 Precise Shot
S.99 Diving Header
999 4825 4845 4735 4675 4667 4706 4816 4705 4785 0 0 S.1 Precise Shot
S.1 Diving Header