Mexico (WY)

Mexico (WY) Opponent's Total Power 697288
ID: 1220109 5-1-2-2 Offensive Type
  I   Stamina Dribble Shot Pass Tackle Block Intercept Speed Power Technique Punch Catch Special Skills
2500 0 0 0 0 0 0 7926 11413 9703 11461 7874 S.60 Condor Punch
S.60 Miracle Catch
2500 6758 5852 5991 8906 8796 8357 5304 6897 6768 0 0 S.60 Strong Tackle
S.60 Forcible Interception
S.60 Sliding Block
S.60 Strong Pass
2500 6779 5924 6167 8811 8852 8371 5206 6630 6678 0 0 S.60 Strong Tackle
S.60 Forcible Interception
S.60 Sliding Block
S.60 Strong Pass
2500 6758 5852 5991 8906 8796 8357 5304 6897 6768 0 0 S.60 Strong Tackle
S.60 Forcible Interception
S.60 Sliding Block
S.60 Strong Pass
2500 6587 6106 6544 9207 8842 8470 5157 6724 6596 0 0 S.60 Strong Tackle
S.60 Forcible Interception
S.60 Sliding Block
S.60 Strong Pass
2500 6774 5952 6445 8917 9251 8177 5239 6615 6737 0 0 S.60 Forcible Interception
S.60 Strong Tackle
S.60 Precise Shot
S.60 Strong Pass
S.60 Sliding Block
2500 7800 9519 7640 8906 6354 7405 4441 6729 6415 0 0 S.60 Big Bang Shot
S.60 High-Power Tackle
S.60 Strong Pass
S.60 Forcible Interception
2500 9147 9411 10398 6346 5796 7915 5358 6156 6394 0 0 S.60 Tidal Wave Tackle
S.60 Feinting Dribble
S.60 Swift Interception
S.60 Five Soldiers of the Aztec Sun
S.60 Strong Pass
2500 9557 9136 10468 6317 5698 7419 4786 6217 6108 0 0 S.60 Tidal Wave Tackle
S.60 Forcible Interception
S.60 Five Soldiers of the Aztec Sun
S.60 Strong Pass
2500 9484 12299 7763 7025 5663 6325 4953 6014 6370 0 0 S.60 Lucha Aerial Attack
S.60 Bullet Shot
S.60 Five Soldiers of the Aztec Sun
S.60 Speed Dribble
2500 9756 12071 7680 7257 5442 6524 4973 6032 6428 0 0 S.60 Swinging DDT Volley
S.60 Strong Shot
S.60 Five Soldiers of the Aztec Sun
S.60 Diving Header