Lombardia Youth

Lombardia Youth Opponent's Total Power 945469
ID: 1204055 4-2-2-2A Offensive Type
  I   Stamina Dribble Shot Pass Tackle Block Intercept Speed Power Technique Punch Catch Special Skills
3000 0 0 0 0 0 0 11531 16010 14342 13077 20215 S.80 Golden Right Hand
S.80 Double-Handed Punch
3000 9024 7814 8000 11892 11745 11158 7082 9209 9037 0 0 S.80 Strong Tackle
S.80 Forcible Interception
S.80 Power Block
S.80 Strong Pass
S.80 Speed Dribble
3000 9448 8256 8595 12280 12336 11666 7255 9240 9307 0 0 S.80 Strong Tackle
S.80 Forcible Interception
S.80 Power Block
S.80 Strong Pass
S.80 Speed Dribble
3000 9187 7955 8144 12106 11956 11359 7210 9374 9200 0 0 S.80 Strong Tackle
S.80 Forcible Interception
S.80 Power Block
S.80 Strong Pass
S.80 Speed Dribble
3000 8744 8105 8687 12222 11738 11245 6846 8926 8756 0 0 S.80 Strong Tackle
S.80 Forcible Interception
S.80 Power Block
S.80 Strong Pass
S.80 Speed Dribble
3000 9992 9877 10695 10851 9211 9868 6954 8782 8944 0 0 S.80 Precise Pass
S.80 Precise Shot
S.80 Strong Tackle
S.80 Speed Dribble
S.80 Forcible Interception
3000 10151 11276 9944 10747 8921 9831 6827 8934 9185 0 0 S.80 Precise Pass
S.80 Precise Shot
S.80 Strong Tackle
S.80 Speed Dribble
S.80 Forcible Interception
3000 11016 11977 11693 8897 8206 8901 6970 8801 8964 0 0 S.80 Precise Pass
S.80 Precise Shot
S.80 Strong Tackle
S.80 Speed Dribble
S.80 Forcible Interception
3000 11812 13023 12514 8520 7764 8955 7120 7708 9161 0 0 S.80 Juggling Dribble
S.80 Nutmeg Rovesciata
S.80 Bob and Weave Interception
S.80 Juggling Pass
S.80 Bob and Weave Defence
3000 13190 16630 9723 9864 8188 8881 6954 8782 8944 0 0 S.80 Precise Shot
S.80 Jumping Header
S.80 Diving Header
S.80 Speed Dribble
S.80 Strong Tackle
3000 13627 16861 9566 9843 7601 9024 6947 8594 8979 0 0 S.80 Fighting Spirit Shot
S.80 High-Speed Through Ball
S.80 Feinting Dribble
S.80 Strong Tackle