Sweden National Team

Sweden National Team Opponent's Total Power 951342
ID: 60700361 3-2-3-2 Balanced Type
  I   Stamina Dribble Shot Pass Tackle Block Intercept Speed Power Technique Punch Catch Special Skills
2000 0 0 0 0 0 0 15033 14704 14918 14277 15082 S.1 All-Out Save
S.1 Super Punch
2000 6904 6763 6813 7036 7113 7069 7245 6712 7010 0 0 S.1 Strong Tackle
S.1 Forcible Interception
2000 11803 13049 12087 13440 13851 11785 11329 13907 11659 0 0 S.1 Muscle Block
S.1 Rising Tackle
S.1 Power Dribble
S.1 Forcible Interception
2000 6948 7324 7474 7553 6700 6884 7814 7718 7098 0 0 S.1 Strong Tackle
S.1 Forcible Interception
2000 7282 7093 7245 6944 7326 6731 7234 6879 6676 0 0 S.1 Forcible Interception
S.1 Strong Tackle
S.1 Precise Shot
S.1 Strong Pass
2000 8165 7801 8001 7704 8064 7998 7960 7740 7992 0 0 S.1 Forcible Interception
S.1 Strong Tackle
S.1 Precise Shot
S.1 Strong Pass
2000 13153 11962 12283 11860 11881 12124 12257 11592 13164 0 0 S.1 High-Tech Dribble
S.1 Technical Loop Shot
2000 15659 16033 15944 14726 14469 14613 14993 15542 15791 0 0 S.1 Levin Shot
S.1 Aurora Curtain
S.1 Right-Angle Feint
S.1 Four Knights of the Midnight Sun
S.1 Swift Interception
2000 12276 12480 12127 11837 12472 11995 13607 11514 12329 0 0 S.1 SSS (Speedy Sliding Shot)
S.1 High-Speed Dribble
S.1 High-Speed Tackle
2000 8014 8112 7682 7992 7661 7758 8009 7688 7658 0 0 S.1 Precise Shot
S.1 Jumping Header
S.1 Diving Header
S.1 Precise Pass
2000 7981 7809 8082 8032 8076 8186 8147 8017 7818 0 0 S.1 Precise Shot
S.1 Jumping Header
S.1 Diving Header
S.1 Precise Pass